Afraid of detoxification but not afraid of destroying your health?

Afraid of detoxification but not afraid of destroying your health?

Why so much fear of healing, but there is no fear about the damages created from a lifestyle of eating toxic and putrefactive foods? By doing nothing your doing yourself absolutely no favors but contributing more to your problems are pain. There’s nothing to fear about detoxification, it’s the most intelligent decision you will ever make in your life. There’s only two sides of chemistry that being acid or base, and if you continue down the road consuming acid, then enjoy your suffering and pain. People have absolutely no fears when it comes to throwing a packaged process tv dinner in the microwave and then consuming it, but they’re afraid to eat fruits and vegetables because they want to avoid symptoms of detoxification that may be temporarily uncomfortable? I scratch my head because your gambling with ending up with serious conditions that could occur when you live in the world of toxicity regarding microwaves, stoves, process and chemical laden foods, and consuming the death and suffering of innocent animals.

If your buying packaged foods, it comes with a label and if you’re not reading what’s in it, then your living in an illusion especially if your afraid of detoxification, because all these chemicals that are piling up in the lymphatic system and the kidneys not filtering them out, then these dormant acids will slowly break down tissue, and when the body organs and glands shut down, you wake up in hell and regret this lifestyle that your pursuing, and it’s not worth it at all, because your afraid that you might detox to aggressively and end up hurting yourself. Your only hurting yourself now, and if your consuming animals, and your taking drugs, and alcohol, you’re not promised another minute on this planet because your heart could stop at any second.

Open the floodgates of sewage now, and understand that when you awaken the cells, and you hydrate and alkalise now, your body will find an inner peace with nature, and nature will be gentle with you if you intelligently transition into this lifestyle with common sense. I do not advocate aggressive detoxification for somebody on a standard american diet to just jump into all fruits and fasting, but anybody could go 100% raw in my opinion, and even those that are very backed up from toxic eating will detoxify at some level on 100% Raw with fruits vegetables and nuts and seeds, I think that anybody could start by at least pursuing a diet of 80% raw with fruits and salads and steam starchless veggies for dinner, and detox at a moderate pace for at least 30 days before they jump into all fruit too aggressively detoxify the human organism, and move the lymphatic system and get the acids out through the kidneys which will eliminate whatever health issue you have, because it’s not a disease it’s lymphatic related.

If a person is still trying to come off medications and still on a standard american diet, then eating 100% raw all day, and a whole foods plant-based dinner, you can successfully ween yourself off the prescription drugs, and then the body will be able to better handle 100% raw or at least 80% with steamed veggies at night for dinner. Don’t buy into the mind hype, and listen to your body, it’s your greatest teacher regarding detoxification, because it’s not dangerous to eliminate toxic waste from the body, however it’s very dangerous to not get it out.

The longer you wait to not clean out your body, your only asking for weaker organs, glands and cells, and the more this backs up into the head, your approaching serious cognizant issues! Humans are designed to eat foods that continually clean and detoxify the body, and also in my opinion humans are not designed to eat the way that they eat from sunup to sundown, piling food in their stomach and putting a burden on the digestive system, and not fasting like every other animal does in nature. Believe me when you wake up in hell, you lose the fear of detoxification, and will be willing to do anything to get it out of the hell, and all of a sudden detoxification will no longer a fear and you will be willing to do anything to get well, this proves that it’s all in the head, because if you’re not in hell now, there should be no fear whatsoever. Being in pain due to living a lifestyle of abusing the body with toxic food and toxic chemicals, creates more pain and suffering, and detoxification could not even come close to regarding the symptoms that you face when your removing acidosis from the body. I don’t just write these articles about detoxification I’ve been through it myself, and I highly abused drugs and alcohol for many years, I yo-yo back and forth with diets, and when I started to adopt a fruit-based raw food diet that’s when I started getting well, I went through some roller coaster rides of detoxification regarding healing crisis, but none of them were anywhere close to the discomfort I felt when I was doing nothing, and trying to mask and cover up symptoms.

Don’t fear nature, fear what man has created in labs, because your being lied to thinking that you could just make a “disease” vanish away, and not make any changes to your diet and lifestyle, you have to get rid of the problem, and it is the food that is causing this problem!!! Get your priorities straight in your mind, and understand that regardless of the symptoms that you will face during detoxification, your continually hydrating and alkalizing your body, which is going to make you feel much better than dehydrating your body, and creating more inflammation by consuming acid and mucus forming foods, and taking supplements and prescription drugs to try to cover up symptoms.

I don’t understand why people panic and fear so much, and it’s probably because I woke up in hell and was in a lot of pain, and I was willing to do anything to get out of the pain, and when I started to alkalize my body with fruits, berries and melons, that’s when the pain started to go away, I got my kidneys to filter, and I was no longer being suppressed by these corrosive acids that were taxing my system with every bite I ate of foods on the wrong side of chemistry not designed for the human organism. Getting herbs that will help support your kidneys and bowels, is the best thing you could do for the elimination process, because you don’t want to stir up a lot of lymphatic waste and not eliminated properly, even though the foods are supposed to open up these channels of elimination, the genetic weaknesses in today’s world because of the abuse of high protein and processed foods, you need help with the herbs to help clean the kidneys and bowels so that you can eliminate the waste that your stirring up with these highly electric astringent fruits and berries, and melons.

After about three months of extensive detoxification regarding the raw living foods and fasting, you will push through the heavy fatigue, and some of the minor healing crisis regarding pain or whatever the symptom your facing, sometimes the body will go backwards to recorrect a problem that wasn’t fully corrected in your past, and your symptoms will come back out of nowhere, but once you get through this healing crisis, then you have corrected the problem, and you will no longer face these uncomfortable symptoms, and that’s why when you do nothing, and you mask symptoms with drugs, they always return when you discontinue the use and these masking agents only cause more side effects, and create more acidosis in the body creating more problems for you to face down the road, and then you have to get on more pills to cover up more symptoms, and it’s just a continual cycle of suffering, which is 10 times more uncomfortable to deal with, then to simply just eliminate toxicity from the body by alkalizing your system with fruits and herbs and fasting.

Your body is desperately wanting to detoxify the toxicity that are bombarding your system, so do it a favor and do yourself a favor and heal on a spiritual, emotional and physical way when you allow these living foods to open up your senses and reconnect you back to nature, to where you could think and function, and be the best you that your designed to be on this mysterious plane we live on.

Don’t have a fear of an answer to your problem, don’t fear nature, don’t fear what your body is begging for you to create, and that’s an environment that is conducive to alkalinity not an acidic sewage environment were parasites and microbes thrive in. Every time you take a bite of that processed starch or that putrefactive animal product it starts to leave residues that build up in the intestines, and eventually build up these hardened plaques, and then parasites and fungus the feed on them and create an environment of uric acid, and your just creating a cesspool in your body, when you could completely drain this environment, kill off these parasites and worms, and become alive again, the way that the human body was intended to live and experience, not being dead and enslaved to a system that is only taxing the human body, and creating more death and suffering that is at a rate of the unimaginable.

A living foods fruit based diet, fasting and detoxification is truly the only hope to correct a problem that is not created from disease, but rather systemic acidosis of a backed up stagnant and constipated lymph system. Don’t be afraid, just transition for at least 30 days, and get back to a diet that your body wants, and that’s your biological diet based around whole fresh ripe fruits, and vegetables for backup because of out of balance agriculture regarding our food supply, but do your best to make fruits the bulk of your consumption because you need the astringent power to move lymph, and the more vegetables would mean the more fasting if you want to get rid of the problem, and I would focus on green juice rather than eating your vegetables whole if you want to detoxify in a better way. Regenerative detoxification should never be a fear, however doing nothing makes no sense of not being afraid of what could happen to your body when you continually back it up with acids to where they stay at home, and are not being eliminated.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 852
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