All animals eat their food raw except for humans?

All animals eat their food raw except for humans?

All animals in nature eat their foods raw except for humans, and humans are suffering with their health more than any other species, and so are the animals that have been domesticated by humans that are eating the same foods that we are. But all animals in nature, are not getting sick like humans are, and the level of diseases and chronic deformities do not exist. We must come to understand that all species put on this planet are designed to eat their food raw, cooking food does not add on anything that would determine a healthier outcome when ingested, versus eating a food raw.

There really should be no confusion about what food we need to eat. If you think about things with common sense and rationally, and you will draw the conclusion that if you need tools, and fire in order to break down the chemistry of the food in order to digest it and assimilate it, then it’s probably not designed to be put in your body. The reason why all animals in nature don’t worry about this is because they eat food that their biologically designed to eat, and nature has created that food source to be consumed raw so that you don’t miss out on any of the chemistry and nutrition that is designed in that food specifically designed for their bodies. When you cook the food you kill the nutrition, you change the chemical structure of that food which then in return manipulates and changes the chemical structures in your body.

Humans are so worried about nutrition and vitamins, and don’t realize that when you cook the food you rob that food of the nutrition and vitamins. There should be no reason whatsoever to worry about a nutritional so-called deficiencies from eating a raw food, and thinking that you could replace that deficiency with cooked food. What is cooked food going to provide you with what raw food can’t provide you? If no other animal in nature eats their food cooked but humans, and we think we have some kind of special anatomy that needs to cook food for hours in order to break them down to digest them, then we have seriously been domesticated and condition with stupidity, we need to seriously get ourselves back to what’s natural so that we could learn what’s what again.

I don’t care if somebody cooks their food, and I’m not a raw food natzi either! However I do think it’s important to get our facts straight though if we’re going to talk about health and nutrition. It’s much better to cook plant foods versus your animal foods no doubt!, but we must come to understand that we’re not designed to eat are foods cooked, and if we could just simply get back to eating our foods raw we could avoid a lot of serious health conditions that were facing today.

The only reason why humans started cooking their foods in the first place is because they have migrated out of their natural habitat and the same thing would go for any other animal in nature that migrated out of there natural habitat, they would have to find a food source, and do whatever possible to get the fuel from the foods that they need to thrive.

Humans are tropical species, there is nothing aggressive about our anatomy that would insinuate that were designed for cold climates, and would need to manipulate our food in order to stay warm, or simply just because we need to fuel our self with a carbohydrate source because there’s no fruit that’s growing in an abundance, but in all reality we are tropical species designed for warm climates and that’s why when humans get back to their natural habitat and start eating the foods that are designed to eat, they detoxify their body, reverse their health condition, and regain their health again.

When you eat fruit, enters the body, digest quickly, and you should be able to remove it the same day or the following, however we cannot say that for most foods that we cook especially animal foods they ferment, and putrefy in the colon, and leave behind residues, and your toilet paper will prove this! Constipation does not exist in nature when your eating raw living foods All animals eat their food raw except for humans!? 2

designed for your particular species. Constipation is simply caused from eating food you’re not designed for such as your heavy starches and meats and dairy. The only reason why you would be getting constipated on fruits and vegetables is simply because of the backed up fecal matter you have in your colon blocking the flow of energy, or your under a lot of stress and so your impairing the body to eliminate properly, because stress can cause constipation.

Constipation started existing when humans started eating animal food. I don’t care what anybody says about animal flesh or the byproducts being healthy for you, if anybody experienced any benefits from these foods it’s simply because of the steroids and neurotransmitters these foods produce that stimulate the body and act like a drug or a steriod, but not a nourishing food that gives your body the electromagnetic energy it needs in order to replenish and rebuild the nervous system and only the fruits, berries and melons could do that.

All these diets that are based around cooking will only take you so far when it comes to true health and vitality. If you go long enough on a fruit-based diet, and you detoxify your body and get rid of the obstructions, you will only continue to benefit more and more as you continue on the lifestyle. If your stuck on animal foods thinking that it’s the protein your body needs, eventually your kidneys and colon will show signs of weakness and you will suffer the consequence it’s only a matter of time!

Humans are not hunter-gatherers and cavemen like we have been taught they are based on the philosophies of what is being taught. The only reason why they would ever eat an animal or cooked starch, is simply because they’re not in their natural habitat and climate, but in all reality the early hunter-gatherers did not base their diet around meat and potatoes or meat and vegetables, it was plant foods, and if they had an abundance of fruit that’s what they would be living on, because it only makes sense in nature that when you have an abundance of easy accessible fruits, that vibrate, look appealing to the human eye, and also taste good to the human species, would be what early humans that aren’t domesticated in conditions like we are today would be thriving on. And we do have a record of fossil records proving that early humans ate almost ate entire fruit diets, and we would find these records and every climate if these climates were thriving with an abundance of fruits.

Human beings are frugivores, we are designed to eat food that are raw like every other species in nature, and we must come to understand the simplicity of this so that we don’t continue to think we have an essential need to eat are foods cooked in order to meet a specific requirement the body needs.

When you remove cooked food the body breaks itself down from all the inflammation and damage that was caused by the cooked food, so that it could properly heal itself, and this can be time-consuming because of the chronic and degenerative problems that we have not only inherited but continually inherit more of these weakness because of the level of poor eating habits that we continue to create, and continue to find new ways to make the food even more toxic.

Detoxification will always be at a higher level because of how toxic the foods are continually becoming. But when you properly detoxify the body and remove the acid stagnation, and you hydrate on a cellular level, then you could rebalance your body back to its natural design and homeostasis, and truly benefit from the raw living foods, and not wrestle in your mind thinking that you need something else to compensate because your so used to getting a quick fix, and treating a symptom rather than allowing nature to fully repair the problem.

The body is a detoxifying organism, but it should not have to detoxify at the level it does In humans today but because we have gotten so far away from nature, and we have built these toxic habits of eating acid and mucus forming cooked foods, we must go through the process of cause and effect, and that’s for the body to break down from head to toe before It could rebuild, and this is the main reason why people continue to fail on a raw food diet and go back to eating cooked food, because when they go back to eating cooked they stop the body from healing itself, and they stimulate the body to feeling better temporarily but the whole reason why you turned away from the cooked food in the first place was because that was the diet that caused the issue, so it makes no sense to return back to a problem that isn’t allowing your body to effectively heal the natural way, when you can just simply endure through the process, through detoxification for a couple years of your life, to reap the benefits that can last a lifetime.

I don’t care what anybody says, or what’s written in any books, the fact that remains is that human beings are frugivores, were designed to eat raw foods like every other animal in nature, cooked foods will never be more superior than raw, and dead food has no life in them, and that’s why it lowers your energy, versus the energy that you receive when your eating live food because nothing dead will ever be more superior than what is living.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 444
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