Babies not born with a clean body and a clean slate

Babies not born with a clean body and a clean slate

Sorry for the bad news but just because your born into this world a “clean” innocent baby that has not yet saturated his or her body yet with acidic foods doesn’t mean that the baby’s lymph system (sewer system) is clean, and that the baby’s kidneys are filtering.

The baby inherits the gens of the parents without question, however the baby will inherit the mothers lymphatic system. If her lymphatic system is backed up then so will the baby’s become backed up, even before the baby pops out of the mothers womb. If the mother is not filtering her waste through her kidneys, then nether will the baby be filtering the waste that accumulated in their body’s.

It’s unfortunate that mothers are very backed up with interstitial lymphatic acidosis while getting pregnant with a child. Also it’s unfortunate what mothers eat while they are pregnant. Think about this simply. If a mother is eating junk, and this junk food is feeding the baby, how is the baby just going to enter this world “clean” if it’s being fed garbage? It’s not going to happen, the baby is going to have problems, and we see this happening in a staggering rate into days world. If a baby is born with cancer, then it’s quite obvious what I’m saying is not an over reaction in the slightest way. Why would a baby or anyone for the matter get cancer? What is cancer? It’s damaged cells caused from systemic acidosis. Acids damaging cells due to acidic chemistry entering the body, and the body failing to eliminate it properly though the kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs. To give you a short answer It’s acids staying at home in cells in the body, and failing to be detoxed out of the body because the system is clogged up, and it’s not eliminating waste, because acidic chemistry continues to saturate it day after day, and hour after hour, so cells become damaged and continue to mutate and proliferate.

Understand if you have bodily dysfunctions from birth, it’s not just a “normal thing” because you were born with it. Everything points back to cause and effect. Their is only 2 sides of chemistry (ACID/ALKALINE) also there is only 2 major bodily fluids (BLOOD/LYMPH) It’s not the blood that is acidic or else you would be dead, so were is this inflammation coming from? It’s coming from the lymphatic system, or the humans septic tank of the body. So understand that your born with a backed up lymphatic system to a certain degree depending on the diet and state of your mothers health.

It’s rare as an Iridologist I see “clean” babies when I analyze their iris. Most of the time it’s sub/acute or chronic lymph systems. Also you must understand that if the mother is toxic from years of bodily abuse from acid and mucus and pus laden foods, chemicals, drugs and alcohol then her breast milk is going to be acidic, and this acidic milk is going to put a beating on the babies kidneys, and back up their lymph systems the minute they leave the womb.

This is why it’s important to clean up your diet and your lymph system before you have children mothers. Just understand that you can reverse these inherited weakness to some level by regenerating your body through detoxification on a living foods diet based around fruit, and you can restore your endocrine glands, organs, nervous system and clean out your lymphatic system with herbs and fasting.

We all need to detox, because for one we have been born backed up in the womb, and out of the womb, and continue to back up the lymph system, and ware out the liver and kidneys from decades of poor eating. Some people have freak of nature genetics and constitutions became there family linage most likely ate healthy, and took care of their health and passed this down, and for some reason their genetics are so strong that they can eat McDonald’s and smoke cigarettes, and drink beer their whole adult life, and live to 100 without any serious symptomatic health problems, however it’s quite obvious that’s not the norm, and most people don’t have that grace from Mother Nature, and suffer with health problems once that time clock runs out, and the lymph system backs up, and the kidneys loose filtration.

The younger you are the worse your genetic blue print will be though in today’s world, because most food people eat today is loaded with chemicals and it’s food created in labs (Frankenstein food) and they make babies on this food, and unfortunately these kids at the age of 7 are drinking energy drinks, and eating some kind of double combo fast food meal that’s designed for a circus clown, and when they make babies as these foods continue to become more and more processed, chemical laden, and combined wrong, this will only create more lymphatic saturation and genetic weakness, and this is why babies are born obese and with cancers of many kinds.

I hate to bare the bad news but we all need to wake up and turn this sinking ship around before everyone drowns! We can end this suffering by refusing to eat and support these junk food companies, and return back to the garden the best we can by supporting the companies that produce organic fruits and vegetables.

We all need to detox because we are born backed up, and the body has a time clock before it fails, and you wake up in pain and suffering.

Don’t just go vegan, you need to understand the importance of a fruit based diet. Humans are biologically adapted and created for fruit because it’s food produced in nature intended for the human species. Fruit will not only aggressively clean out the body, but it will also give you that saving grace you need to fix the problem your parents created for you, and what you continued to create with food you’re not biologically adapted to, such as pretty much all food apart from fruits and herbs. But because we don’t live in the garden of Eden and we don’t produce ripe and seasonal fruit all year around, you do the best you can, and if you do decide to eat food you’re not biologically adapted to I would choose whole plant foods, because they do not damage the body and create acidosis, and damage the kidneys and human organism like meat, eggs, and diary do.

If you make fruit 80% of that you consume, and the rest coming from whole plant sources, you incorporate a herbal daily medicine plan in your diet, you don’t over eat, and you intermittent fast, you can clean and regenerate your body as long as you do whatever it takes to unclog those kidneys and bowels, and eliminate your waste, and a diet like this will only encourage that realty so that you can clean out your lymph system, and then create a baby that will be cleaner, and won’t have to be born into this world suffering, and deal with all kinds of health problems that point to simple cause and effect created by acid chemistry, and we can overcome all this unnecessary suffering, but it’s been bread out of unawareness, propaganda, and conditioning coming from the money making junk food industry’s such as the meat, dairy and processed food companies that are highly invested in by are lovely governments, looking out for are best interest… not really!!!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 527
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