Cause of lymphoma, swollen lymph nodes, and edema - ITS ACID CHEMISTRY

Cause of lymphoma, swollen lymph nodes, and edema - ITS ACID CHEMISTRY

One thing I find very interesting is that the name lymphoma that was coined by the AMA, who happens to be the most confused on regarding the lymph system, and it’s role in the human body, brushes this off as some kind of mysterious “disease” and the person dealing with it is left without an answer of what it causes is, and how to get rid of it. If the medical community is going to call something lymphoma they should really understand what the lymphatic system is because if they can understand that, it would serve their high paying patient well, and there can be solutions to how to get rid of it.

Anything related to dysfunction regarding the lymph system is simply going to be too much stagnant sewage waste in the body. The role of the lymphatic system is to get rid of metabolic waste in the body because it’s the septic tank of the human body. Its role is to store waste, and to eliminate waste through the kidney channel (via urination) the lymphatic system is the largest fluid-based system in the body, and much bigger than the blood system. It’s a piping system designed to eliminate trillions of cells poop, and also to store and get rid of acids that saturate the body, whether that’s through chemistry that comes into it, put on the skin, the air that is being breathed, and the lactic acid being created through movement.

There are 2 sides of chemistry ACID/BASE, acids are cationic and Corrosive, they destroy things. Food, water, and the air you breath has chemistry attached to it. If it’s alkaline it creates cellular oxygen, and cleans and repairs, if it’s acidic then it destroys, kills and causes “dis-ease”.

If your consuming acidic chemistry all day long, then your for one destroying your kidneys which are the channel to eliminate lymphatic waste, and your saturating and backing up your lymph system which in return damage cells, nerves and tissue in the human body.

Lymphoma means your lymph system is backed up, constipated and the acids are not going anywhere, and swelling is taking place because you’re being chewed on by acids all throughout your body, you lost filtrations because these acids have destroyed your kidneys, glands, and skin.

The solution is you have to get rid of the sewage in your body. Your septic tank is full and overflowing, and it’s destroying every room in your house!

In order to change the environment in your body you must take out the trash, you can’t do that on acidic chemistry saturating your body every day. You have to get rid of acidic foods, skincare products, drinks and any acidic chemistry that comes in contact with your body.

If your dealing with lymphomas then your lymph nodes are swoll and your kidneys are in bad shape, and it’s going to take some hard work to repair and remodel your house. You need to repair your kidneys so you can drain your septic tank, and then you can get rid of your lymphoma.

You’re going to have to open the doors and it’s going to take highly energetic electrical foods to get things moving. Fruits, berries, and melons are going to be the foods that will clean, hydrate, alkalize, and help to move your lymphatic system. Herbs for your kidneys and adrenals are going to be vital to help repair damages you created to them, dry fasting is also going to be an effective tool allowing the body to use energy to rest, and heal the kidneys so they can get unclogged to drain you.

You have to remove all foods that are acidic and prevent the body from healing itself. cooked foods will not help you with lymphoma, because they are dead, and lack the energy to stimulate and move lymph! You have to remove foods that are acidic like beans, grains, nuts and animal foods from your diet. You have to focus primarily on fruits and vegetables in their raw and natural state. Keeping the food raw and alive will bring more energy to your body to stimulate lymph, and also allow the body to heal itself because live foods will wake up your body from being constipated and asleep for so long.

Understand that you created a problem and now you have to fix it, and it’s going to come down to your diet. You can’t afford to eat acidic food and fruits and vegetables are your only options to alkalize your body. Yes, fruits contain citric acids but they are not acidic in the sense that they leave an acid ash in the body. Fruits are alkaline when consumed. The more acid-based fruits are (the astringents), which will be the most effective for moving and cleaning the lymphatic system, and these are the fruits you want to focus on. The sweet fruits like dates, bananas, figs, and persimmons are more of the meat of the fruit varieties but they lack astringent power to clean the body well. You want to focus on fruits like grapes, lemons, all the citrus fruits, mangoes, and watermelons because they are fruits that will clean and move things around.

You can’t really focus on vegetables to get the job done because they lack the astringent properties that the fruits contain, and they are more balancing foods for lifestyle, and the good thing is they are hydrating and alkalizing so won’t back up your lymphatic system. Whenever you’re dealing with serious lymphatic related health problems to a degree of having cancers, lymphomas, tumors, cyst, swollen lymph nodes, etc, you want to focus on the fruits and herbs, because again they are astringent and pull on the lymph system.

Herbs are also astringent and clean and enhance. They support structure function and have the consciousness to target weak areas in the body so they can repair them. Herbal formulas that clean and enhance the kidneys, glands, lymph system, and GI tract is what you want to focus on when you detoxifying at a high level trying to get rid of lymphoma, or any other health-related problem that was caused by systemic acidosis, not “autoimmune disease” that silly label is an illusion, and doesn’t exist. The body doesn’t attack itself! ? It’s acid chemistry that attacks the body!

I would get the Fab Four herbal kit from the herbal health club or affiliates that sell Gods herbs (cellular botanicals) because these herbal formulas are powerful, and I highly encourage them while you are in the process of cleaning out the terrain in your body so you can support your organs and glands while the body heals and repairs.

Detoxification is like daily surgery on a small level so strap up, and embrace the process of the flood gates opening up. Because acids and sewage waste want to come out of your body, and it’s the sewage in the body that is causing your health problems to occur, and you want it to come out if you’re interested in healing and curing the problem.

Masking and suppressing symptoms cost a lot of money and will only keep you in hellville and low quality of life dealing with side effects. If you want to get to the root cause of the problem you must clean your lymph system, you must change your diet to a fruit-based raw food diet and stop your destructive eating habits that only damage your health, and contribute to chronic anxiety and depression. Raw foods and fruits primarily cure the problems we create with acid-binding foods not designed for us, and they are the most powerful medications you can take when it comes to depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Remember though detox is like daily surgery at a small level so you may feel worse and like crap for a season, you will experience the bliss and happiness when you pull through the storm, and you get rid of the acids that created it!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 498
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