Conditioned eating patterns

Conditioned eating patterns

We have obviously become a society that has drifted away from nature and has created a structure, and format taught to the people in these societies, how they should eat, a fancy food pyramid of what they should eat, and what time they should eat everyday. It really is the meat and dairy and government Industries that have taught this to the people, not based on their best interest of health, but rather to push and sell and profit off of a product. If you could create a three meals a day and snacks in between in order to be healthy, you could definitely profit and make tons of money with this modality. But is it ideal to have three meals a day and snacks in between? Is this gluttony? We have these questions but we simply just have to listen to our body and understand that every species that is created on this plane is designed to consume and find its energy source from food, is not based on quantity but rather based on quality, also understanding what proper foods create that proper energy for that species.

In my opinion it’s not about quantity, and frequency that matters. It’s about what you eat that matters. We have become a society that eats predominantly acid and mucus forming food, and way too much of it. Mothers are too concerned about just getting food in the bellies of their children, not understanding its effect and the toxicity load it creates in there lymphatic systems. We need to get back to quality, not quantity and frequency. We have become a society that’s worried about deficiencies, and constantly eating in order to gain health. You do not gain health by eating. The human body gets healthy when we create a healthy environment in the body, as well as continually detoxifying metabolic waste out from the lymphatic system which is the sewer system of the human body. When we eat only acid and mucus forming foods in abundance we only clog up the lymphatic system and we damage the eliminative channels, and we back up in sewage waste which is just basically fluids of acidosis.

I personally believe that less is more, and the right foods that you eat that are designed for your species, is what matters the most. I definitely do not believe in a specific amount for every person, let alone the calorie concept whether that’s counting calories to gain, or eliminating calories to loose, or you must eat a certain amount to get a specific ratio of nutrients. I don’t put my focus on this because it doesn’t create health in any way. We need to get in touch with our bodies and listen to them, and understand what true hunger really is and it’s not a feeling of the belly but rather a watering of the tongue. I personally have learned that three meals a day, creates a lot of digestive need for the body. I definitely needed this in the beginning of my transition to a raw living foods diet, because I was used to 3 meals a day and snacking in between on a standard american diet.

Transitioning, is important when you come off of a habit that you have been taught, and have been following your whole life. The goal is to get absorption of nutrients into the cells, eat when your hungry, stop when your satisfied, and not go by the status quo of breakfast, lunch and dinner at specific times of the day. It’s quite obvious that we have a society of obesity, because we eat way too much and way too often. We ask our children if they’re hungry, and they say no, and they have an abundance of energy but yet we continually try to shove food down their throats by getting them to eat, worried that they will become sick or malnourished, but at the same time feeding them acid in mucus forming foods that have no nutrition in them anyways.

We need to trust nature, and understand that the body doesn’t need an abundance of food, to thrive. When you get healthy and you remove the metabolic waste stagnation in the body, and you start eating living foods such as fruits, that are king of the nutritional foods, especially the berries, you do not need to pile this food in order to meet your nutritional Needs. When you get clean, you actually gain more energy on less than you do on more. You actually become more satisfied with your meals when you allow yourself to have extended periods of letting the body digest the food you ate prior. Eating 3 meals a day and snacks in between, give the body no ability to properly digest so that it could focus on cleaning and preparing, which is vital and important to eliminate, in order to create true and optimal health. You must understand when you have fully digested a meal and, your body will tell you this, and you don’t need to go to a health expert to figure this out. We need to become a culture like every other culture pretty much in the world that learns to fast, and abstain from food, and learn to when returning to food from fasting to appreciate the food, as nourishment rather than indulging in gluttony trying to get a fix to cover up emotional baggage. When you eat acid and mucus forming cooked foods, you don’t get nourishment to your body when you’re constantly eating. Nourishment is actually attained when you fix the body and allow it to absorb and utilize the nutrition that is being fed to it.

Overeating eating contributes to more acidoses that leads to chronic and degenerative health conditions. You can eat a lot of fruit and not have a problem, that’s not what I’m saying here, what I am saying is that the more you eat the more digestive need the body puts its energy towards, which will impair the body’s ability to repair old damages, so that it could rebuild in the constant cleansing process that is vital and important to create on the daily. There are cultures that don’t even eat 7 days a week, and yet they are thriving in perfect health, but yet we think we need to pile in food, like we’re going to create a healthy body, when in all reality this modality is not serving us well, because we are the sickest country in the world when it comes to living in west.

We need to understand that fasting is a part of life. In nature you don’t always have access to an abundance of food. I think that we are designed to give ourselves a break from eating so much all the time. We are so consumed with eating, we can’t get our minds fixed on the simplicity of healing. The simplicity of healing takes place when we remove the obstructions the block the flow of energy which are going to be your acid forming foods such as beans, grains, starch, eggs, dairy and animal meats of all kinds. If you fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and the ability to eliminate these waste, your body will tell you when to eat and when not to eat and how much to eat. You will start to figure out that you need less to gain more energy than when you did before having to eat a lot to achieve this.

I believe we need to become a society that learns to enjoy healing and regeneration and how to create the most optimal health, like giving the body a rest from eating and indulging and learning to fast and pray, and get in touch with spiritual nourishment rather than trying to always focus on what we’re going to eat, when we need to eat, and how much we should eat. You may need to eat a lot in the beginning, and as long as it’s the right foods that count, you’re not doing yourself a disservice, but as the time goes on and your body becomes more clean and you start getting better absorption and your body requires less, listen to your body rather than a system that is taught you that you need three square meals a day, with a variety of specific foods, and snacks in between in order to be healthy and not run into their so-called malnourished concepts.

I personally think that two meals a day is best, along with intermittent fasting. I intermittent fast for 18 to 20 hours a day, so that when I do go for my first meal I could actually enjoy it and feel fully satisfied from it. I then give myself at least 3to 6 hours of digestion time even though fruit when you clean out your body and you fix your pancreas, digest very rapidly, but it’s best to give your body a rest so that it could focus on detoxification.

I have found that I feel more clear-headed, and more energy when I do this, versus three meals a day in a short eating window. What I have found that works best for me, is to have two meals a day, stop eating at 4pm, and then dry fast into the following meal or tea the next day.

I haven’t got myself able to handle one meal a day, and I will listen to my body until it tells me that I’m ready for that, if I ever am ready for that, or my body wants to do that. When my body kept rejecting three meals a day, I had to listen to my body rather than my conditioned way of being taught. When I listened to my body and I gave it what it wanted, I started feeling more energy and feel better. If we could only understand that when you clean out your body and you consume foods you are designed to eat which are fruits, berries and melons, you do not need to seek for specific amount to get a specific ratio of nutrition, because even on little amounts your getting loads of this nutrition that you would require and need.

Do yourself a favor and get over chronometer, because it’s not designed for frugivores anyways. Just listen to your body, eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re satisfied, be an intuitive eater, and let your body teach you, because it will teach you the more that you become aware and brought back to consciousness which takes place on a raw living foods diet, because you remove the mucus and acid the blocks the flow of energy that impairs the ability to tap into this. The beautiful thing about a fruit based diet is that it will heal your brain remove the brain fog, and teach you what nature has in-store for you, rather than a society that has created a concept and modality that is making humans sick day in and day out every single day.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 456
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