Cooked food dehydrates the body

Cooked food dehydrates the body

The human body is designed to have water in their food, we are fruigivores, and with that said fruit contains mainly water already with some fiber. Acids dehydrate, and create a cationic environment to were the body becomes dehydrated on an interstitial level.

When you cook a food, you remove the water, which will remove the water, and electrolytes from the body, causing dehydration. Notice how when you eat cooked food you need to drink a lot of water? Why is this? because cooked food dehydrated the body. When your eating fruits and vegetables in their raw and natural state, drinking water is not desired or needed, because the natural distilled water in the fruit and veg hydrates, and alkalizes the body, and helps the body to remove the acids that create systemic dehydration.

Notice how dehydrated you feel after months, and years on raw foods, when you eat cooked food? Your body is expressing a signal that your dehydrated, and the electrolytes are being sucked out of your body. The body is sending you a warning sign that your body is entering the realms of acidosis, creating an inflammatory response. Dehydration on a cellular level caused from acidic foods is the first stage of cellular acidosis.

Notice how when you first start detoxing on a raw food diet full of water rich fruits and vegetables, your body still feels dehydrated, and you still crave drinking water? This is a sign of systemic acidosis.

After a while you will become hydrated on a cellular level, and you will not need to drink any added drinking water, except for the living structured water already in the fruits and vegetables. Once the acids come out of the body, and you clean out the terrain from the lymphatic system, you will know what real hydration is all about, and when you eat a cooked meal, you will know real fast what dehydration feels like.

For a lot of you it’s a transition to get to a fully raw food diet, or at least 90% raw because you have been raised on cooked foods primarily, and we all have, so don’t push yourself with a mind set of beating yourself up when you fail to adopt a raw food diet. Just keep added on more raw foods, and overtime the body will desire the hydration, and energy produced from the fruits and veg, and it will come natural to get rid of the cooked foods, because you will feel better on the raw foods.

During your transition try to do raw foods 6 days a week, and have a cooked meal on the 7th day, so at least in your mind you don’t feel out of balance because you’re not used to the simplicity of 100% raw, and still need to find your balance on this journey. Don’t think of perfection, and don’t adopt the raw food label ether. Just think about eating healthy, and doing the best you can, and putting more of the focus on what you do most of the time, instead of having a race of attaining health and perfecting a diet.

It’s ok to have a cheat meal once in a while, and all you can do is learn from the experience. In my opinion it’s best to be 100% raw 95% of the time, and have a cheat meal once in a while, then to flip flop with diets, and yo-yo eat and loose consistency eating healthy. If you beat yourself up, then your going to give up and never succeed. Try your best and understand that with practice and consistency, overtime you will not desire cooked food over raw, because you will not enjoy the inflammation and dehydration, and sluggishness after a cooked meal, and you will desire that energy, and hydration you get after a fruit meal, and the success of holding a raw food diet will naturally occur, because your body will very quickly send you warning signs that it doesn’t want the cooked food everyday, and that it feels nourished, and feels it’s best on raw.

We all want to experience hydration and energy, and cooked food will rob your body of energy and hydration. The truth is cooked food is unnatural, and if you have to put water back in your body after eating it, or eat tons of salad with your cooked food to balance this out, then it’s obvious it’s not a natural food, and anything that sucks the electrolytes out of the body will not produce optimal health, but the foods that hydrate will only clean and nourish the human body, and that’s going to be the foods humans thrive on, and that’s a diet of fruits, berries, melons and vegetables, and fruit being the base for best results, and also to encourage regenerative detoxification for draining the lymph system, that we the humans have backed up because of a diet of cooked acid and mucus forming foods, that dehydrate, and also block the flow of energy creating a state of dis-ease!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 598
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