Cooking food is not compatible with any species

Cooking food is not compatible with any species

Why does the human species cook their foods?

Notice how no other species in nature cooks there food but for someone reason humans do?

Also there is no other species in there natural habitat that has created the amount of toxicity, and decline in health like humans have created by eating cooked food, and toxic foods not compatible to there nature.

Look at what humans have created by drifting away form nature, putting fire to there foods, and adding chemicals, and processing methods so they can have fun with the flavors, but also suffer great consequences, because of transgressing against the laws of nature.

Here are examples of where we are at as the Homo sapiens species. There is an epidemic of health decline due to the foods we eat.

The #1 killer in America is (Heart disease)

Deaths: 614, 348 (by the year)

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and woman in the U.S and also the leading cause of death worldwide. More than half of deaths that occur as a result of heart disease are in men! (Can’t get rid of there steaks)

As plaques build up, the arteries narrow, and make it more difficult for blood to flow and creates a risk for heart attack and stroke.

Meat is dead tissue and this dead tissue get heated up to such a high temperature it builds up very toxic carcinogens and the fat of these animals along with these carcinogens target the heart when consumed and build up there’s plaques that eventually stop it from beating! Worth consuming??

What else is in this dead tissue humans continue to consume, and put fire to for consumption?

  1. Drugs/hormones
  2. High amounts of cholesterol
  3. Pesticides/chemicals form fertilizers/pcbs
  4. Parasites
  5. Bacteria

Animals are not foods there living beings! Why do we think eating another living being will suit are health, and provide nourishment to the human body? Eating another species is so out of line with nature we wonder why eating them causes the leading cause of death on this planet such as Heart disease.

Cooked food is inflammatory to the body. When you put fire to food you create an acid ash response, and this toxicity builds up in the lymphatic system, and these acids are corrosive to are cells, glands and organs. Cooking is a means of processing food, without which many foods would be unfit for human consumption. Whenever we process a food we change the natural chemical make up of that food that’s not intended with how nature designed it.

Cooking foods containing Starch prior to consumption initiates the breakdown of the polysaccharide, thus aiding the action of amylase and the consequent digestibility of the carbohydrate component of the food.

When you cook a food, you destroy many of the vitamins and minerals that make it worth eating in the first place.

One of the byproducts of cooking grains and starches is acrylamide, which has been linked to an increase of cancer (damages cells caused by acids) and is known to be toxic to the nervous system.

The highest doses of acrylamides are found in cooked carbohydrates especially French fries and breads.

Cooking, heating, frying and processing your foods causes radical changes in there chemistry, and electromagnetic energy. Theses changes turn the food into a poison or toxin that your body must fight against instead of using the food source for energy, and rebuilding of cells. It’s hydration and energy the body seeks from food anyways. When cooking food you dehydrate the food, and lower its energy, which dehydrated and lowers the energy in are bodies.

Understanding why we should not cook are food we must understand what are species is designed to eat. Every species in nature has a diet designed for there bodies digestive Tract, and it’s proper function and humans are not an exception to this. All animals thrive on 100% raw food diets, and when humans eat 100% raw the will thrive optimally to.

You are a frugivore species! so if this is true then we will understand completely in are common sense that fruit is designed to be simply picked of a tree peeled and eaten ripe, whole and raw.


  • Includes: humans, and primates. Apples, chimpanzees, and monkeys
  • Diet: mainly fruits, nuts, seeds, sweet vegetables and herbs
  • Digestive system:
  • Tongue - smooth, used mainly as a shovel
  • Salivary glands- alkaline (digestive energy)
  • Stomach- oblong with 2 components
  • Small intestines: sacculated for extensive absorption
  • Liver - simple in size and average, not large and complex like carnivores
  • Eliminative system - colon: sacculated for extensive absorption
  • GI track: twelve times the length of the spine
  • Extremities: (limbs)
  • Hands: fingers for picking, peeling and tearing
  • feet: toes walks upright on two extremities
  • Teeth: - 32 teeth for incisors (cutting) two cuspids (pointed) four small molars (no long canine or tusk-type teeth)
  • Jaws: multi-motional, dimensional up-and-down, backward and forward, side-to-side

When you think of fruit when it comes to consumption you don’t think to cook the fruit. Fruit is naturally appealing to the eyes in its raw, natural, organic state, Whole and ripe. We are not a species that’s designed to cook are food, and there is no other species that does ether.

I completely understand that humans have drifted away form the food there not biologically designed to eat and are suffering the consequences do to it. It will take time to get back to the diet we are intended to survive with good health on. We have ravished, and decayed the human organism with the foods we eat, and we are paying the consequences because of it. We have become so highly addicted to cooked, and processed food we have become a society of pain and suffering because of it. We must detoxify the body and clean out the toxic obstructions, and get back to the food that heals, and regenerates every problem we have. We have created this problem because of mans intellectualism. We must get back to nature, and allow the simple process of healing to create a society that’s not built of pain and suffering. If we continue to cook food, and eat food we are not designed for we will continue to suffer and decline as a species because of it. We have not adapted to foods that are created for other species such as flesh, beans, grains and starchy vegetables, if this was true we would have a world of health and vitality. Society continues to decline when it comes to chronic illness and dis-ease! And it’s cooking, processing, and adding chemical obstruction to it that Create the suffering.

The human species is the only species that is confused about what to eat. As children we are instinctual in what to eat. I can fill a large table with every type of food that humans eat, and put a small child in front of that table. Guess what foods they will always go to? Fruits and flowers- the high energy, colorful foods. That is because we are frugivores not omnivores. If a human were truly a carnivore, he or she would enjoy catching a live animal, ripping it apart, and eating as it is… and I don’t know if too many people who enjoy this. It is not difficult to understand that we need to start eating as out biological makeup demands. In top of this, we need to realize that no animal cooks there good before eating it. Zoo-keepers learned years ago never feed cooked food to any animal, as this will cause them to sicken and die. I don’t know of any veterinarian who encourages people to feed their house pets from the table. Why? Simple. Our pets will get the same disease we have. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 11)

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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