Cow pus and hen periods!

Cow pus and hen periods!

We live in a day of franken foods! It’s completely, common to suck down certain foods, without even hesitating or flinching. These “foods” create a lot of metabolic residues in the body and Their Is no escape of the consequence of the damage that is created from consuming these food’s. It’s only a period of time that your body will soon shut down, because there’s no more storage for this sewage, that’s backing up the intestines and lymphatic system from these foreign foods that we continue to eat day in and day out in this killing field of society we live in.

The meat and dairy industry prides themselves, when it comes to the millions of animals that are dying and being tortured, just so their wallets will get fatter trying to domesticate humans to eat these foreign foods that are extremely addictive, but in my opinion are extremely nasty too! think about it your guzzling down pus, and your cooked dead chicken periods, and these things have become something you crave! I mean I don’t want to come off like a jerk, or judge your food choices, but if you really start to think about it, this is what it is, nothing but a cooked chicken period, and hormone injected, antibiotic injected, unfortunate tortured animals bloody pus fluid (milk) and these paid advertised commercials are saying it does the body good! That line alone is threatening! and extremely misleading! To think that and other animals pus fluid, is suitable for the human species, after weaned off their mother’s milk, let alone a milk from another species body, does your body good, just reveals the obvious and consciousness and unawareness of the world, and how far we have drifted off from our natural Instincts, because we have invested, and allowed the meat and dairy industry, to domesticate humans, and getting them addicted to these foreign foods that act like drugs rather than nourishing foods that actually have a role in replenishing the human body.

I mean what are you going to find that’s truly nutritious from another species milk? Why would it be something beneficial for you to consume another chickens menstrual waste? Oh because we need the protein right! We need to torture animals, destroy the planet, just because we think we need a dead animals protein? It’s sick, to think that we become murders of other living beings, because we think that we have a body that needs these dead tissues!

If this killing field of an industry, would only invest in the truth, rather than trying to just create fried, additive “food”, chemical “food”, neurotoxin “food”, pesticide and hormone “food” to stimulate the body like a drug would, and actually invest in real science, that proves that 90% of the species in the world, are mostly plant eaters, and the humans are the most refined frugivore species in nature. This means that there is absolutely no need whatsoever for another animal, let alone even an essential need for a beans, a starch, a grain, or even a vegetable! Our bodies are mainly designed for water-rich fruits.

Our bodies are mainly designed for the simple food that grows on trees in it’s raw and an altered state, but yet we have lowered ourselves to killing innocent animals so we can suck their puss, and eat their dead menstrual fluids, thinking that this is normal, and that we might run into a deficiency, unless we get these “nutrients” that are found in these dead tissues that are really only created from the plants these animals eat, and it would make more sense to get the bioavailable nutrition in the plant food, rather than having to eat a dead animal that’s been cooked to death fried, grilled, baked or whatever thinking that your going to even use these nutrients, and benefit from them! If this was true then why are people suffering, with chronic and degenerative diseases, from consuming these types of foods! And even if their organic, it doesn’t matter, we need to get our minds away from thinking that as long as something is organic it’s healthy, this is further from the truth, what’s healthy is to get back to nature.

get back to our species specific diet, and stop playing around with foods, creating a cesspool of waste destroying the planet, which destroys humanity, and even the humans that refuse to support these industries and eat these dead food’s, are having two suffer the consequence, because it’s the air we breathe that affects our health, and if we keep supporting these killing Fields, we’re only going to kill ourselves in the process.

Humans have become obsesed with death and torture, but yet we cuddle up with our cas and dogs by our warm fireplace, we give them rich and gourmet foods, and we treat them like little royals, but yet we support factory farms, and even the organic farming agriculture, that are torturing these innocent animals that are no different than your cat and dog, and we seriously don’t think we’ve become brainwashed and conditions? Its really no different then contributing to slavery, if you think about it, and an objective stance we’re slaving animals, we’re paying for their dead tissues to be consumed, we hug and kiss our cats and dogs, and we think this is normal?!

So what good does milk do to your body? Well let’s take a look at the facts of what is happening to the human body from consuming this dead, pasteurized, hormone injected pus that were obsessed with consuming on a daily basis to get our calcium and protein!

In observational studies both across countries and within single populations, higher dairy intake has been linked to increased risk of prostate cancer (cited in [2]). Observational cohort studies have shown higher dairy intake is linked to higher ovarian cancer risk (cited in [2]). Cow’s milk protein may play a role in triggering type 1 diabetes through a process called molecular mimicry [3]. Across countries, populations that consume more dairy have higher rates of multiple sclerosis [4]. In interventional animal experiments and human studies, dairy protein has been shown to increase IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) levels. Increased levels of IGF-1 has now been implicated in several cancers [5]. In interventional animal experiments[6] and human experiments [7], dairy protein has been shown to promote increased cholesterol levels (in the human studies and animal studies) and atherosclerosis (in the animal studies). The primary milk protein (casein) promotes cancer initiated by a carcinogen in experimental animal studies [8]. D-galactose has been found to be pro-inflammatory and actually is given to create animal models of aging [1]. Higher milk intake is linked to acne[9]. Milk intake has been implicated in constipation [10] and ear infections (cited in [12]). Milk is perhaps the most common self-reported food allergen in the world [11]. Much of the world’s population cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance.

Chicken hen periods! Are they good for you?

But what about the eggs? Why would less than once-a-day egg consumption double the risk of cancer progression? “A plausible mechanism that may explain the association between eggs and prostate cancer progression is high dietary choline, ” the researchers suggested. Egg consumption is a determinant of how much choline you have in your blood, and higher blood choline has been associated with a greater risk of getting prostate cancer in the first place. So the choline in eggs may both increase one’s risk of getting it and having it spread.

Studies have associated choline consumption not just with getting cancer and spreading cancer, but also with significantly increased risk of dying from it. Those who ate the most had a 70% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer. Another recent study found that men who consumed two and a half or more eggs per week — that’s just like one egg every three days — had an 81 percent increased risk of lethal prostate cancer.

So what are the consequences of investing our hard-earned money on animal foods, when it comes to the state of our planet and our health, please take the time and look at the actual research and data that has been found.

2, 500 Gallons All Wet? by John Robbins

I have been asked recently whether the figures given in Diet For A New America for how much water it takes to produce a pound of meat today are still accurate.

The figure of 2, 500 gallons to produce a pound of meat that I used in Diet For A New America comes from a statement by the renowned scientist Dr. Georg Borgstrom at the 1981 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in a presentation titled “Impacts On Demand For And Quality Of Land And Water.”

One hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce. Guess how many showers that is. Two months worth. More than two-thirds of all the fresh water in the world is used exclusively for animal agriculture. Even if you simply go vegetarian and not vegan, you reduce your water footprint use by almost 60 percent.

Animal agriculture emits 18 percent of greenhouse gases into the air each year; more than all transportation in the world combined, which accounts for 13 percent. It is also annually accountable for more than 32 billion tons of carbon dioxide and 65 percent of nitrous oxide emissions, a gas that stays in the atmosphere for one hundred and fifty years. It’s impossible to deny that factory farming is the leading cause of climate change.

More than 80 percent of Amazon rainforest destruction is due to the animal agriculture industry. Every minute that passes, 36 football fields of the Amazon is deforested to make room for cattle. The consequences of this extend further than just tearing down trees: Innumerable unrelated plant species are lost, most of them vital to the world’s oxygen supply, and environmental activists are killed in the meantime.

Their is an overwhelming amount of data that we have that proves that there is no essential need for consuming animal products, and a matter of fact by supporting the meat and dairy industry we’re destroying our planet, destroying our health, weakening the genetics of our children, and creating chronic and degenerative health conditions that are contributing to systemic acidosis, and the rapid decline in vitality in today’s world.

We need to stop drinking cow pus, eating chickens periods, and start understanding that we can never create a world of health and true vitality, unless we get back to our species diet, and that’s a raw living foods predominantly based around fruit diet, that’s not only going to save our planet from decay, regarding our health, but we can also save all the other species that are being punished on the behalf of humans irresponsibility, greed, and irresponsible practices by producing “food” for the consumer, that’s only creating a level of toxicity that most people will turn their eye and their ear, because it’s overwhelming to hear the truth and to gather the facts to make the changes.

If we don’t make the changes now, it may be too late, and you will create a civilization of people that only lift 50 years old, is it really worth consuming these foods, that create that kind of reality? Have we become enslaved to addiction? If you only knew by changing your diet to a living foods diet for long enough, would make you sick to your stomach to even think about consuming these dead, putrefactive, diseased foods that we consume on a daily basis, we’re destroying our health, we’re destroying the animals, we are destroying the environment, decreasing the lifespan of humanity, all because we want to continue to drink our chemical, hormone, antibiotic laden pus fluid, and have our sunny side up chicken hen periods and don’t even blink an eye to think what it’s doing to this planet And let alone the state of their health and quality of life. You just must understand that there is an end point, and a consequence of destroying the planet and investing your hard-earned money contributing to it, let alone the consequence of waking up with a chronic and degenerative health condition, all because you bought into the lies that you need the protein, or you need these so-called nutrients found in these innocent dead animals, when their much more bioavailable and compatible with your species design when you consume them in the natural and raw forms, basing your diet around the food your design for which is going to be a fruit, Berries, and melon based diet.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 451
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