Dairy products will destroy your health!

Dairy products will destroy your health!

“The ancient Greeks, before the time of Lycurgus ate nothing but fruit” Plutarch

“And each generation reached the age of 200 years” Onomacritus of Athens

When we look at things in a way that align itself with nature, the simplicity of the foods we eat will start to make sense.

The majority of animals in nature including the human species are designed to enter this world getting are nourishment form are mothers milk. Every animal in nature is winged of there mothers milk at a certain age of development as well as the human species, and we understand this, or do we?

We know not to give are toddler mothers milk at a certain age. For some reason though we the humans have been taught, and domesticated to think that we need milk after we are winged from are mothers milk, that we need milk from another species to have healthy bones, and to get “an adequate amount of proteins”.

All others spiciest in nature do not drink milk after there winged of there mothers milk, let alone drinking milk from an entirely different species. So why do humans drink milk after winged of there mothers milk? Why are we an exception vs all the other animals in nature? We the humans have drifted so far away from nature, and simplicity it’s scary we still inhabit this planet, and have not yet become extinct!! When we look at things in simplicity, and we exam how the nutritional concept of what we need to consume to develop optimal health in today’s world, does not align with nature, and common sense, we will then learn to understand what it is we need to have healthy bodies and a healthy life.

By simply going back to nature, and going back to the diet we are biologically designed to eat will bring us health and stability. it’s not sucking down pasteurized dead pus filled milk from another species. Humans as adults cannot digest milk at all as they get older. Cows milk is actually very low in faty acids, which are vital in the production of systemic cholesterol, steroids, brain and nerve tissue etc.

raw cows milk is more for skeletal and nerve growth, where humans milk feeds the brain and nerve growth. This is one of the main difference between frugivores and herbivore species.

Let’s look at the fact and consequences of what happens to human health form consuming another species milk after winged if there mothers milk as a child.

The University of Helsinki (Adlercreutz et al, 1990) showed that increased milk and saturated fat consumption was linked with an increase in female oestrogens in the body. Another concern is growth hormone; specifically, Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). It may help a calf become full size in about ten months but do you really need growth hormone helping your cells grow at this rate? Breast cancer will often attack the patient’s bones.

It has now been shown that the attack stimulates growth hormone production in the body, as the bones attempt to toughen up and withstand the attack. But the cancer loves growth hormone – it uses it to grow essential blood supplies to a tumour.


Another animals Milk damages your cells, creates heavy mucus congestion, forms tumors in the body, and humans continue to consume this stuff? The question is why don’t we act like all the other species in nature, and just eat the food that were designed to eat the way that mother nature intended it for us? We need to understand that when we violate the laws of nature, we violate are heath, and will drastically lower the quality of are lives.

Roughly between ages three and four most children lose the enzymes that digest milk, especially lactase, which breaks down lactose the main sugar in milk. This is because, biologically, we are supposed to be weaned after three or four years. Since we lack the proper digestive enzymes to brake down milk, we get an increased of mucus production. Milk now becomes highly irritating to the mucosa of the GI tract, which causes even more mucus. This mucus mixed with starch can cause a heavy mucoid plaque to build up in the intestinal walls. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 110)

We will always find an excuse to continue to consume these toxic, dead and putrefactive foods, and continue to be in denial, as we decay as a species, and continue to harm and damage are kids health with these terrible “foods” we cannot stop consuming! Cows Milk is a toxic drug, and must be avoided, or you will end up paying your debt to Mother Nature. The Karma that you will have to face from the abuse, torture, baby animal abuse, and rape you support By consuming, and buying these products, and contributing to the death and torture of these innocent animals, so you can get your so called “protein” will be a terrible painful episode of punishment in this cycle of life you will have to endure.

We as a species drink dead and cooked milks as adults form other species, and have the ill informed ignorance to say fruit sugar is bad for you, and should be avoided??

We don’t have claws or hoofs like carnivores and herbivores. We aren’t equipped with sharp teeth and abrasive tongues for ripping apart flesh. In order for meat to taste good we have to cook it. What other species on Earth cooks their food?

Herbivores (grazers and browsers – bison, rabbits, horses, sheep, deer, goats, giraffes, etc.) are equipped to handle an exclusive raw leaf/grass diet. Granivores (primarily birds) thrive mostly on the raw grains of various grasses.

Carnivores (cats, lions, tigers, wolves, etc.) eat raw meat, but even they cannot thrive on an all meat diet.

Insectivores (ant-eaters, amphibians, other insects) thrive on raw insects.

Omnivores (hogs, brown bears, raccoons, etc.) are “everything eaters” who thrive on nearly all raw foods.

Frugivores (apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, orangutans etc.) thrive mostly on raw fruits, succulent fruit-like vegetables, roots, shoots, nuts and seeds.


If you were surviving in the wild and you had an abundance of fresh quality grown tree ripen fruit growing everywhere in an abundance but also had cows roaming the land, what would your instincts tell you to do eat the fruit or milk that cow for its milk? Are natural instincts as humans would be attracted to that fruit, because it’s that fruit that is designed for are bodies. Nobody in their right mind is going to think to drink the cows milk versus the fruit growing on the trees in nature.

When we keep things in a common sense perspective, and we align ourselves with nature, these flawed bogus nutritional concepts will cease to exist from a rational mind.

Stop drinking this toxic substance, and you will notice the piles of mucus coming out of every orifice of the human organism. Milk is a toxic chemical And never should be ingested, and certainly not touted as a super food, or a food of value!


The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 6 years ago
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