Dehydration is caused by cooked foods and not eliminating sewage out of the body

Dehydration is caused by cooked foods and not eliminating sewage out of the body

If you eat dead food that’s cool, I do once in a while but I want to make it clear that cooked food is not healing to the body in any way. Dead food lacks the magnetics to move lymph and if you don’t move and remove metabolic waste out of the body you can’t regenerate and rebuild tissue. Cooked starchless veggies is not that obstructive to the human body, however, cooked veggies are not going to hydrate the body or provide energy to your cells and active brain function. If the food your eating doesn’t hydrate the body then the food your eating dehydrates the body.

Starchy cooked foods will dehydrate the body big time because starches absorb water. Starches will absorb and soak up the water and electrolytes in the body. Starches are also glue like chemistry (sticky) and mucus forming. When you cook food you remove the living water out of the food which means your going to cause dehydration in the body. Dehydration from eating cooked foods is also a response to acid accumulation due to the food being acidic. Acids dry things which mean dehydration. When you create dehydration you’re blocking the flow of energy, and when you block the flow of energy you create an environment in the body of dis-ease.

Cooked dead animals on your plate humans call “food” ? causes putrification, acidosis to the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, adrenals, bowels and reproductive glands and organs. The most offensive “food” to the colon and kidneys are cooked animal foods. Carcinogens damage cells and lead to atrophy and decay to tissue. The more dead foods and dead animal “foods” you eat the more dehydration you will create, and the more acidic water you will have to drink which can contribute to more dehydration and impair the kidney’s role with removing the metabolic waste out of the body.

Raw living foods hydrate the body and bring electrolytes into the body, they create fluidity and activate the nervous system. The alkaline chemistry in the raw foods create oxygen to cells and create electromagnetic energy which is what you want to heal and repair damaged cells and encourage the body to heal and repair. The body cannot heal and repair in an acid medium and a body that’s severely dehydrated.

Fruits in particular hydrate the most effectively when ripe and fresh. Fruits will help the kidneys heal and repair so that you can drain your lymphatic system. (The human body sewer system) if you don’t pull the acids out of cells in tissue (interstitial spaces) then you can never really create hydration. You can hydrate the body all day every day with raw foods and still suffer from dehydration. This is not because raw foods lack hydration because they don’t promote dehydration because they are alive and alkaline.

Your dealing with an elimination problem. You’re not filtering the acids in spaces throughout your body that are causing dehydration systemically, and you have not cleaned out the hardened plaquing in the colon that Also creates dehydration due to the acidic chemistry this old undigested fecal matter and Mucoid plaque produces. I recommend a solid food vacation every other week for 7 days and then 7 days on a diet of just fruit, 18+ hours of time restricted dry fasting and herbs for the kidneys, endocrine bowels, and GI tract. I recommend herbs from the herbal health club. Repeat this cycle as a lifestyle, and time is not a factor. Don’t focus on time! Your body will tell you when it’s fixed.

If you work out the acids that have accumulated in your lymphatic system from a decade of abusing your body with cooked foods and highly acid and mucus forming foods, then you can correct systemic dehydration and you will be flat out amazed the little raw foods you will need, or juice to feel hydrated, and will be able to dry fast for multiple days without a real “need” for fluids and food to be content with energy and mental clarity.

If you remove the filth out of the body and you maintain a lifestyle regarding a fruit-based raw food diet you will never deal with dehydration. Cooked foods cause stagnation of lymph, they encourage dehydration, they lack alkalinity if any, they cause excessive thirst and damage the body systemically. If you are transitioning, limit your cooked foods to starchless steamed veggies, and focus on the fruit! Use the raw salads as a tool to slow down detox when the body is expectorating at a high level on an all-fruit diet, and make sure your kidneys are filtering, and if they are not, and you’re still eating dead food, then you want to go 100% raw, and this is a goal to maintain as a lifestyle anyways.

You want to hydrate with the living foods and drinking water doesn’t hydrate and can cause more dehydration due to the acidic water. Drinking water overstresses the kidneys and Impairs the kidneys from filtering the lymphatic system. Fruit water hydrates the most effectively end veggies secondary. If your transitioning and have not been working on cleaning the lymphatic system for a while and you’re still eating some cooked foods, you want to focus on distilled water in my opinion because the fruit water naturally is distilled, and you don’t want to bring in inorganic chemistry in the body and environmental pollutants in the body from the spring waters or rainwater that hasn’t been distilled.

Focus on the fruit because the human anatomy is designed for fruit. If you can’t get fruit because your out of balance in a climate not designed for you, then focus on the veggie juice and the fruit you can get access to like apples, and move to a warm climate and help encourage the skin to produce melanin so you can get the light into the skin and your body can make vitamin d. You need to work on the pituitary gland as well so you can utilize vitamin d and produce melanin properly by making MSH. Fruit is light and helps the body active these factors because the fruit is sunfood.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 8 years ago
Views: 667
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