Diverticulitis Is not an autoimmune condition, and doesn’t require “treatment”

Diverticulitis Is not an autoimmune condition, and doesn’t require “treatment”

Why would inflamed pockets form in the large intestines? Why would the intestines become inflamed? use your common sense and get your mind of medical terminology, and their illusional “autoimmune” bs thinking, and get back to simple thinking of cause and effect! 2 sides of chemistry ACID/ALKALINE and it’s the acid side of chemistry that would be causing inflammation in the body. It’s what you consume that will ether hydrate and alkalize your body, or its would you consume that will destroy and burn your tissue.

It’s a crime what is being taught to humans regarding food and nutrition these days, and it needs to stop! It’s the animal proteins that are very acidic and damage tissue in the human body. These proteins are being advertised and falsely educated to the masses all around the world because of the bs lie that we need “proteins” for strong bones and muscles and it’s all a load of crap! The body doesn’t even use protein at all. The body discards the protein wasting a lot of energy trying to get rid of it, and in the process it leaves an acid ash in the body. The body needs amino acids not proteins, and usually if the food is full of protein it’s also full of acids as well.

The beautiful thing about raw fruits and vegetables is that they are full of amino acids and low in protein, so when you consume them your body can process and utilize the amino acids to build and repair, and also become hydrated, and alkalized which is vital to keep tissue strong, and healthy like the large intestines.

What’s causing these pocket of inflamed tissue to form in the colon causing all kinds of pain and discomfort in your colon are acids! It’s the food! Stop consuming putrefactive dead animals, and you can save your colon from running into these problems.

Forget about the labels diverticulitis it’s just a stupid label the AMA came up with so they can prescribe useless masking agent pills that only cover up the existing problem, and don’t cure a damn thing and also can potentially create more negative side effects hmmm I wonder why? Because it’s acid chemistry, these pills. Their trying to help you with one problem brought on my acid chemistry, and will just create a whole new one because the pills are full of acid chemistry! All in the name of the bullshit fear labeled conditions called “autoimmune”, the body doesn’t mysteriously attack itself! It’s acid that attack the body and damage it! The body is smart and is a self healing system, but it can’t heal when you constantly consume foods that damage it!

Look around at what humans are eating, look down at your dinner plate and ask yourself is it my food that’s causing my colon to become inflamed? I think it’s quite obvious it is! If it’s processed, has eyes and once was a living creature, it’s acidic. If it’s a plant grown on this earth raw and edible in its natural state it’s obvious that food is not acidic, and is alkaline.

Well fruits are acidic so how are they healthy for you? Fruits contain citric acids, but this kind of acid is converted to alkalinity when consumed, and it doesn’t leave an acid ash in the body. These fruit acids are astringent and clean the body and hydrate the body. We know this to also be true when you test the fruit with a ph strip. If it’s not properly ripe then yes it can be more acidic then usual, but unripe fruit should not be consumed anyways.

The fact that remains here is fruits and vegetables are medicine and their turning people’s lives around when people start eating them. The damages people create to their body’s can be fixed like diverticulitis, when you change the food you put into your mouth to alkaline base foods, and stop the consumption of toxic acidic foods like your beans, grains, eggs, dairy and animal meats, and of course the worst food of all the processed foods.

Stop drinking battery acidic like coco cola or Pepsi or whatever soda your drinking, because the ph is crazy acidic, and just test it for yourself, and then you can understand what it does in your body, because it’s obvious that acids are corrosive, cationic, and cause destruction to the human body.

Don’t go the treatment route, because treatment means masking and suppressing symptoms, because you can’t treat something that’s as simple as cause and effect. Just remove the cause and you can fix the problem. It’s the food and drink and toxic shit humans put on their skin that causes theses damages to occur, and if you change the chemistry you consume “treatment” will not be a thing, because you will address the cause, and not have to rely on pills and useless masking agent modalities that do nothing but cause more acid related problems down the road.

Thank God that we can use the foods for or medicine if we actually just start eating food designed for our species instead of consuming canine food, or foods created in labs put in boxes for a shelve life for decades with an expiration date. Just start eating fresh whole plant foods, and you want ever run into that problem and there is nothing convenient about eating “food” out of a box when it will put you in the doctors office down the road.

Just start eating fresh whole plant foods and make fruits and vegetable raw the bulk of what you consume, and stop eating acid and mucus forming foods, and you will never be found in a doctors office getting your colon examined, and finding inflamed pockets forming on your colon because you have backed up your lymphatic system, and made it difficult for your body to eliminate the waste, because you never stoped saturating it with acid forming foods, and brought any hydration and alkalinity to your tissues, because you refuse to eat fruits and vegetables, and maybe ate a piece or two a couple times a month.

You dan easily fix the damages with fruit and herbs, you just need to allow the body to open the flood gates and detoxify, and once you remove the putrefactive mucus debris from the colon (stagnant sewage) and you get your kidneys filtering then you can remove the acids, and the body will heal itself, because the body heals itself when you set up the right environment for it to heal itself with alkaline chemistry coming into it, and then acid chemistry will come out of it, and the pain and suffering will go away. Just understand the lie of autoimmunity doesn’t exist, it’s a money scam, it’s the food!!! And these MDs will never tell you it’s the food even though they take an oath that says let the food be the medicine and the medicine the food, and also to never administer poison, but they continue to do the opposite for the oath they take that should be about the power of nutrition regarding a raw food diet, but instead they actually administer poison which are chemo drugs. Chemo is ACID! Radiation is acid damaging cells!! They are literally killing people with the very chemistry that causes the problem in the first place, and nobody can wake up and see this!! Well hopefully this message I just wrote will because we need to regain our senses, and wake the hell up!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
Views: 398
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