Does a fruit based raw food diet make you weak?

Does a fruit based raw food diet make you weak?

If you come from a place of consuming acid and mucus forming foods and a lifestyle of stimulating your endocrine system on supplementation to help enhance and manipulate muscular strength, then you have built muscle and strength on stimulants and hormones rather than the natural muscular structure that can be built on nutritive foods in their living state. Acidic proteins found in animal flesh and their by-products can enhance muscle growth, but you must understand your building muscle on acidic proteins, and this is also contributing to detrimental health effects down the road. Feeling strong on stimulants is an illusion and not a reality of true muscular strength.

Most of you that have adopted a fruit based diet in the first place is because your health has shut down, and you have chose the path of detoxification and regeneration with the live foods. If your body is extremely acidic, and your eating a diet of living foods based around fruits, berries and melons, then don’t expect to get strong when your car is in the shop trying to repair. Most of the time we mistake feeling weak, and put all the focus on the foods causing it, but it’s not the foods doing anything, it’s rather your body is starting to heal and repair the damages that were caused from the acidic proteins you consume the majority of your life. Regeneration in detoxification is a reality whether you are on a fruit-based diet or not because the same reactions will take place on a water fast when you’re not consuming any chemistry from food whatsoever.

Fruits are highly astringent foods, and they’re also living foods with electromagnetic energy that help the body to do its job and repair damages, and with a body that’s just made up of a bunch of cells, trillions I might add, it’s going to take time to remove the acidosis in the body. You must understand the body cannot fix damaged and build at the same time, that’s not how it works. The body could only focus on regeneration before it can rebuild.

For those that don’t have systemic acidosis and somewhat healthy bodies that adopted a fruit based diet not for detoxification purposes, but more for lifestyle and fitness can attest that a fruit based diet has increased their strength and endurance ten fold compared to being on high fat and high protein diet that only causes detrimental effects to the heart and are not conducive to the neurological system. Fruits are bone and nerve foods.

It’s not that fruits are making you feel weak but rather fruits are aiding in repairing your damaged body. Only if human beings just had the patience and faith to trust the regeneration in detoxification process, because you will come out the other side feeling extremely strong and extremely energized. You may not put on artificial muscle and water weight from fruits but you will have small dense powerful muscles from them when you have gotten to a point of the body wanting to rebuild from spending many hours trying to fix damages.

If you only educate yourself and understand regenerative detoxification, and understand that the most aggressive form of detoxification that can take place regarding diet is a fruit based diet, because there’s no other food with the electromagnetic energy and astringent value to pull the lymph system and remove acid waste. We must be rational about this, and understand that detoxification is not a term that exemplifies radiant abundance, it’s the process of cause and effect, and removing obstructions from the body, and when you remove obstructions from the body its not going to pump you up and build you strength!

Don’t try to build strength when your trying to repair damaged, it’s important to rest and to not over stress your body when it’s trying to remove miles of toxicity and acid stagnation coming from the largest fluid in the human body, the lymphatic system. Strength will come back on you naturally, but it’s up to you to have the faith to endure through the detoxification process. It took me a little over a year to start noticing muscle growth and strength from a fruit based diet, because it’s going to take years for the human body to properly rebuild from the decades of damages that were caused by acidic proteins and cooked dormant foods. We have plenty of examples of strength and endurance athletes on a fruit base raw food diet, that do not feel weak and have endless energy from sunup to sundown.

But for those of you that adopted this lifestyle because your health was systemically damaged, then you must be patient and allow your car to repair in the shop for a season and understand that a living foods diet high in nutrition is not going to make you weaker but rebuild your body to accumulate strength that is endless and long-lasting.

It’s quite obvious that we are witnessing bodybuilders that are coming down with serious health conditions regarding their prostate, their GI tract, and their kidneys shutting down from putting on this artificial muscle that was stimulated by stimulants, hormones, supplementation, and proteins that come from cows that produce over amounts of adrenaline and hormones when they are being unfortunately murdered. Don’t blame the food that your actually adopted and biologically designed to eat, just understand that the very food Your designed to eat also aids in the most aggressive detoxification. There is nothing about detoxification that promotes strength, it’s cause and effect, and when the body wants to remove obstructions, it’s not going to want to rebuild and give you an abundance of strength in the process. When you get your kidneys filtering and you remove acid waste in the body, and fruits start to enhance and electrify your body to rebuild your bones and nervous system, you will be able to build muscle on exercise and have the energy to do it.

It’s best to get your amino acids in the raw living foods such as your leafy green vegetables if your trying to put on more muscle mass, this is something that is hard to attain on fruits, because they’re lower in amino acids, and are more effective for endurance strength rather than muscle mass. Consider the horses feeding on alfalfa and how strong and muscular they are, and I also believe that you could build muscle mass on alfalfa, and it’s not going to leave an acid ash in the body, and artificially stimulate muscle growth but will biuld muscle growth that will be long lasted, and you will experience in old age. Water weight muscle built on acidic proteins is not the goal, it’s only a temporary feeling of strength, but you will end up feeling weak, and your health will shut down, and eventually lead you to the saving path of a fruit-based diet that will keep you living instead of finding yourself dying in a hospital bed.

Also instead of trying to build muscle on cooked dormant grains, beans, and nuts and seeds, again I believe that you could attain this on green juice and fruits alone. I on the other hand just eat fruits, and I utilize the herbs such as alfalfa to build muscle, and I believe this can be done on a fruit based diet when you have effectively detoxified your body for long enough and the body will allow you to start building muscle. I’m not building any crazy amount of muscle by any means because my body is still trying to repair damages, but I am noticing more strength in my upper body, but my body is still repairing the lower half because those are the weaker areas of my body such as arthritis in the knees, or in better terms systemic acidosis in connective tissue in my knees and legs.

The more you focus on high protein foods, whether that be found in animals or grains and beans and nuts and seeds, this could be over taxing to your system, and cause GI distress and kidney problems, the plant foods not as much as the animal foods, but I truly believe the most gentle food you can intake while your trying to build strength are the fruits and vegetables, but just understand that it’s a season of detoxification that’s making you feel weak and it’s not the food causing the weakness.

For those that have effectively detox the body on a fruit-based diet can attest of the amazing digestion and mental clarity, energy, and life-changing transformations they have experienced, however when the body is still trying to repair damages on a diet that promotes detoxification, you may feel weaker than you desire, but never think that a diet that your design for in nature is hurting you, or causing some kind of deficiency, if you have these thoughts, I highly recommend you research regenerative detoxification, and understand that a fruit based diet is the most aggressive form of diet you can adopt when your trying to repair. The whole point of going on a fruit-based diet if you have systemic health issues is not to build strength, but rather to repair and heal. Be patient, and let your car repair in the shop, because when it comes out repaired you’re not going to feel weak on a fruit based diet but rather extremely strong, you may not experience muscle mass like you desire on a fruit-based diet, but you will have very dense strong long-lasting muscles that you will be able to utilize later in life, and also not have to reap any consequences of building your body on stimulants and acids rather than on nutrient dense foods.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 767
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