Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Treating is a concept that encourages dealing with symptoms because you can’t treat a cause to an effect you can only eliminate the cause to the effect because it’s not “disease” its acids and metabolic waste in the body and you can get rid off it through the process of detoxification. Treating doesn’t address the cause because usually, treatment requires modalities that don’t aid in the process of eliminating the cause but rather just cover up a symptom temporarily.

Cures don’t exist because this word was created from the concept of “diseases” and you must remember that “diseases” do not have a cause because they are mysteries or they are illusionary concepts that say a whole lot of nothing regarding cause and effect.

Focus on elimination. How can you eliminate stored toxins, acids, mucus and varies kinds of metabolic waste that end up in the body from poor eating? Let’s understand the simplicity of this. It’s what you don’t eat, drink and put on your skin that will determine how the body effectively cleanse itself and removes waste. If you focus on foods that clean the body and you stop eating foods that clog it up, then acids can’t remain at home in tissue and cause dis-ease to the functions of the body (blood, lymph, and nerve).

If you want to heal yourself understand first there are no “CURES” for “DISEASES” there is only eliminating waste that back up the lymphatic system so the body can heal and repair the damage caused by the acids and mucus that has not been removed due to a diet that fails to help the body detoxify, and a diet that clogs up the eliminative organs (kidneys, skin, and bowels) due to these foods being acid and mucus forming which blocks pathways for energy which leads to dis-ease, dysfunction or disharmony.

Your mind must understand that you don’t have a mysteries disease, you are dealing with systemic acidosis! Acids in and acids that fail to come out equals damages cells and dysfunction to tissue and then you deal with symptoms that create “inflammation” digestion issues, absorption issues, utilization issues ➡️ (endocrine glands) and the failure to eliminate digestive waste through the bowels, and metabolic waste through the kidneys, and the ability to properly sweat toxins and acids out through the skin.

How can you open up these pathways to eliminate your waste that has been backing up your lymphatic system and have been clogging up these pathways impairing the kidneys to filter, the skin to sweat, and the bowels to get rid of your digestive ware matter? the answer is to stop eating, drinking and putting chemistry on the skin that is acidic, and to stop eating mucus forming foods that clog up the body and cause stagnation and cause improper bowel transit elimination. The longer the acids and mucus remain in the body, the more your body will fail to heal and regenerate itself.

Beans, grains, eggs, dairy, meat, starchy foods, and “hygiene” products full of acids and chemicals and processed foods and drink must be eliminated in order for the body to eliminate and detoxify so that you can heal your self not “cure” diseases that don’t exist! Autoimmune disease is a cop out bullshit label because the body doesn’t attack itself! ACIDS ATTACK THE BODY!

Fruits, berries, melons, and herbs promote detoxification and the elimination process and of course fasting being the greatest tool for elimination and regeneration. The body heals most at rest when you’re not eating. Fruit just happens to be electric food and the astringent properties and creates pulling activity and digest quickly allowing the body to use more energy on healing and repairing because energy is not being used on heavy digestion. Fruit leaves behind the least metabolic waste in the body especially fresh truly ORGANIC fruit because sprayed fruit is acidic and does leave behind metabolic waste in the body. Fruit also happens to be food nature designed for the human species which means the natural process of bodily detoxification is going to flow the way the body was naturally designed to eliminate waste matter.

If your confused about what herbs to take don’t be because as long as you focus on the kidneys, adrenals, and bowels with herbs that encourage these glands and organs to function better while you focus on a fruit diet then you can aid the body in detoxification and when the acids come out through the kidneys and skin and fecal matter, undigested proteins, biofilms, mucoid plaque, microbial waste such parasites, worms, yeast, fungus and the like through the bowels then the body can rebuild itself and heal systemically and you win the day through the process of elimination and you will no longer be stuck on “treatment” or “curing fabricated illusionary “diseases” because these terms are simply built on confusion so that you think your issue is bad luck related and this brainwashes you to take pills for the rest of your life which is a convent fear based tactics from legal drug dealers that are simply after the car, house, pint up air head girl and all the other perishable worldly pursuits they can “gain” in their lower self karma and humans suffer because they have the useless degree that is built on stupid illusionary diseases that don’t exist.

Cause and effect due to chemistry and the chemistry that humans are bathing in are ACIDS and this is why the human body and spirit is being damaged. Eliminate, hydrate and alkalize and focus on energy, not foods that are foreign to the human design because they have some RDA recommended “nutrition” in them. Nature is not built on money, greed, and confusion but the food and pharmaceutical industry is!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 458
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