Excessive fatigue and exhaustion during detoxification

Excessive fatigue and exhaustion during detoxification

When you start to clean out the body from obstructions, and metabolic wastes that have been stored and stagnant in the lymphatic system, for your whole life, and having weak kidneys, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands on top, you will experience excessive fatigue. When the body starts to clean the obstructions out, removing the toxicity build up, that has been weakening the organs and glands overtime creating these symptoms of fatigue, you will also feel more fatigued, when the body removes the acids/ mucus that suppress these organs and glands in the process. Their is simply just cause and effect. Acids cause the effects that are unpleasant, and it’s the foods that we eat that create these acids that breakdown cellular function, and dehydrate the body interstitially, and this is the cause of chronic fatigue and excessive exhaustion and weakness. It may be frustrating for a lot of people not understanding why they’re feeling more fatigued, on foods that are very nutritious, very hydrating, and promote lots of energy such as fruits, berries, and melons. it’s difficult to experience consistent energy from these alkaline forming foods in the beginning, because when you start to consume these foods, with a body that is backed up systemically with lymphatic acidosis, the body will start to go into healing mode, and when the body goes into healing mode, it very quickly, and rapidly will start to remove toxicity, acids, mucus, bacteria, chemical deposits, drug deposits, sulfur, fungus, puss, uric acid, parasites, and every other foreign microbe that exist and an acidic body. You need to prepare yourself for the reality of what takes place during detoxification. You will experience energy, after you clean out the obstructions first, because when you start eating these foods, the body will want to start to heal itself naturally, and when you remove mucus, and acid forming foods the detoxification process will take place, creating a lot of fatigue in the process. because when you empty all these obstructions that suck the energy out of the body, your going to experience the symptoms during the process as well.

We are a society that has relied on stimulants for energy. This eventually weakens the glands, that promote energy for the body which are the adrenal gland and thyroid gland. When we stop consuming drinks that are stimulating to the body, and foods that are also stimulating to the body, you will experience a whiplash affect and feel quite fatigued. This will soon pass with the ingestion of living foods. It is important to understand that the standard American diet creates a weakness in your physical body. These foods and drinks create a lot of inflammation and toxicity in tissues. When we weaken the adrenal and thyroid glands, from the wrong chemistry stemming from acid forming foods, such as the standard American diet, the result could be chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety. These glands must be regenerated if you truly wish to overcome chronic fatigue. This will not happen overnight but if you push through, with determination, you will be successful. A raw food diet and herbal formulas are the secret. It’s going to take patience and perseverance though, because you will not experience energy right away. You need to allow the body to purge all the metabolic waste first, and then work on healing the glands, with fruits and herbs, and pull through the process of loss of energy and exhaustion, that takes place during the healing process, and the body will go on to function more optimally, getting better absorption and utilization from these living foods that are the highest form of nutrition, and alkalinity you can put in your body, and sooner enough you will snap out of the loss of energy and exhaustion., and experience a mental, and physical energy you never thought you could attain or imagine.

For those that have been on chemical medications, for many years, that also have created a lot of sulfur stagnation in their body, and have genetic weaknesses and have a genetic weakness in their endocrine glands, may experience a lot of chronic fatigue, and exhaustion while they go through detoxification. This just means the body has stored up a lot of stagnant chemical waste, that don’t get detoxed out of the body effectively, especially coming off of a diet, that creates acidosis and do not promote the cleansing cycle like raw foods do. Don’t be alarmed or confused, if you experience excessive fatigue, coming off of prescription drugs, and also detoxifying your body systemically, on fruits berries and melons. We must create a balance, and understand that there is no quick-fix anymore, when you get to the root cause of the problem, you cannot mask a symptom, or take a magic pill to escape the reality of the symptoms that occur when you start to clean out the body from stagnant obstructions that are very acidic and corrosive, that fatigue the body in the process of elimination. You need to just accept the process, and trust the process, that when the body gets clean enough, these symptoms will soon go away. The problem is we don’t know the reality of the toxicity buildup we have in our bodies and how weak are endocrine glands are, and how backed up that the lymphatic system is in our bodies. when we understand that the process of elimination doesn’t happen overnight, and that we must make the healing process a lifestyle, and rearrange our life, to where we can fully embrace the healing process, and the reality that takes place with detoxification, we can fully accept it, and endure through it, and get to the other side. it’s just a matter of consistency, and perseverance that will get you there.

If you’re able to detoxify your lymphatic system, at a quick paste, you may feel the exhaustion and fatigue, but you will be able to push through it faster the more aggressive you go about it. You want to always listen to your body, and have common sense with what you can handle, and know when to hold them and fold them when it comes to detoxification. I don’t recommend aggressive fasting, and jumping right into fruit and herbs coming off a standard American diet, but also people are responsible for their own actions, and there are people that have been able to go aggressive, and push through the detox process such as eliminating toxicity at a rate that is very fast, going from one extreme to another. If you continue to yo-yo, with a mucus free diet back to a mucus forming diet, then you could experience more excessive fatigue and exhaustion, the next time you decide to clean and detoxify your body, you don’t want to over stimulate your body and shock it, and make it very sensitive, by going from one extreme to another.

Their really is no magic solution from escaping from excessive fatigue that takes place when the body purges toxicity, from the body, it’s just the debt that we must pay, when we make wrong choices by consuming foods that are not biologically designed for the human body. We must take responsibility and accept the process, instead of complaining about the symptoms, but doing nothing to change the outcome, through consistency, and allowing the body to heal and repair, by pursuing the process of detoxification as a lifestyle, instead of a so-called quick fix program, to get me back pursuing a lifestyle of creating the same problem that you did in the beginning, by consuming foods that are detrimental to the human organism.

Excessive fatigue, and exhaustion is not caused from alkaline forming food, that would go against the reality of chemistry, because raw living foods, contain the most nutrition, vitamins and minerals, and they don’t bring me exhaustion to the body, like cooked foods will, but rather bring healing, and health. We should not be paranoid thinking that it’s the food causing the problem but understand that it’s decades of metabolic waste that must come out of the body, when acids come out, this will deplete energy stores in the process.

It’s because acids dehydrate the body, that’s why it’s extremely important during detoxification to stay hydrated, when your purging acids from the lymphatic system.

Detoxification is an ongoing process that could take years. That sounds worse than it is. How should become one of your hobbies. Spend a good year or so aggressively working on yourself, then set your new lifestyle in motion with balance and harmony. This will be the new, healthier, vibrant, cleaner and more aware you. As you grow spiritually, always check to balance your lifestyle and eating habits with your spiritual awareness. The more you expand your awareness, the healthier and more energetically you will want to eat. You want your physical body to keep up with you. Have fun on your journey of Health, vitality and spirituality, there is nothing like it. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D.

It’s worth it to go through the excessive fatigue and exhaustion period when you pull through the process and get to the other side. You just can’t panic, and continually go from one protocol to the next, experimenting with all these out of balance methods, and just find a balance of eating raw living foods, and taking herbs to accelerate energy and cellular enhancement. Understand it’s only temporary, and you can pull through it when you put your mind to it. Work hard to achieve regeneration, knowing that there is a solution to the problem, and you no longer have to suffer with the symptoms your facing, masking and managing it with nonrestorative modalities, that you have already wasted hard-earned money, trying to heal yourself with that don’t work. The best investment you can make in your life, is to just allow nature to clear out the obstructions the block the flow of energy, and you will go on to create a new life, full of Health, if you just put in the hard work now, rather than waiting before it’s too late.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 589
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