Excessive sweating can be a sign of failing kidneys

Excessive sweating can be a sign of failing kidneys

So why would someone struggle with excessive sweating with lymphatic problems? Why would the skin sweat in the first place? The skin is the largest eliminative organ on the body. The skins role for the human body, is to remove cellular waste. (Lymphatic or metabolitic waste)

Over active sweating though is not a good thing, because it’s a sign that the kidneys are down, and not eliminating your metabolitic waste properly, and the skin is picking up the slack, and over sweating is a clear sign of this. If you kidneys are filtering good, then you should not be over sweating. When my kidneys on a personal level were in bad shape, I was over sweating a lot, and this problem resolved itself, when I got myself on a fruit diet 100% raw, because I was able to clean and restore my kidneys to get them filtering good.

It’s a good thing that your thyroid is allowing you to sweat to pick up the slack for what the kidneys are failing to do, however this does not mean you have a healthy thyroid, because the body will trip up the thyroid during this time, to help you eliminate through your skin, to make up for the damage to your kidneys.

When these problems happen, because they are systemic, you may be someone that has an issue sweating because you have low thyroid function, and if you do, and you also have kidney problems, why would this even happen in the first place? Because your ether are in a healing crisis detoxing your body on the right side of chemistry (alkaline), and your just going through the detox process, and your just going through the process of cause and effect, when it comes to healing, or your dinning on the wrong side of chemistry (acids) and your damaging your lymphatic systems primary, and preferred channel for elimination, (the kidneys) and you need to turn your ship around, before you lose your kidneys, and always have chronic lymphatic problems for the rest of your life.

If you loose your kidneys, then you don’t eliminate your waste well, and your lymphatic system backs up, and you always face some level of lymphatic stagnation, and issues, and symptoms in the body, related to that. If you don’t have your kidneys, then always work on your thyroid, so at least you can inspire sweat, like in a sauna, or outside in the hot sun, because you would need to relay on your skin to help pick up the slack in that case regarding draining your sewer system (lymphatic system)

If your detoxing, and your sweating a lot during the day, and at night when your sleeping, don’t panic, your hydrating, and alkalizing with the fruits and living foods, and your kidneys will heal, and filter over time, just don’t be eating acid and mucus forming foods during this time, because that’s what shut down your kidneys in the first place, causing the excessive sweating.

The more you hydrate and alkalize, and remove the dead dehydrating foods from your diet, you can create a hydrated environment in the body, and the body will come back into balance and homeostasis. It’s the proteins, and acid ash foods, that cause these systemic lymphatic related problems in the body, and when you shut down the kidneys, the lymphatic system backs up, and when that happens, expect acids to find homes in spaces in cells, that will cause dysfunction to specific tissue, that you want to keep clean and hydrated, so cells function properly, so they don’t get damaged, because the body is made up or a bunch of cells anyways, and what comes into the body that determines their health, is chemistry, and if the chemistry is alkaline, you can bring hydration and electrolytes to your cells, and have a happy functioning body, and the acids cause systemic dehydration, pain, and problems like over sweating, because your kidneys are shutting down, so the body has to stress the thyroid gland, to make you sweat, and overtime this can weaken the thyroid, and if you don’t fix your kidneys, and you keep taxing your body with acidic foods, then your looking at serious problems down the road, and when the thyroid shuts down, and the kidneys and adrenal glands, your in a world of pain, and serious bodily discomfort!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
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