Excuses not to eat fruits because their hybridized?

Excuses not to eat fruits because their hybridized?

It’s funny how I constantly get told that a fruit diet is not sufficient for optimal health because it’s hybridized while the people that tell me this are eating hybrid vegetables, and hybrid dormant foods like your starches and your grains and beans. Whether you go on a high-starch diet, what are you going to high-fat raw food diet none of these diets are most compatible with your species design. So your either eating hybrid foods you’re not designed for whatsoever, or you eat hybrid food that you are designed for and get more beneficial value from that food because the body will be more compatible with food its designed to eat rather than foods that you’re not designed to eat.

A lot of the times the mind gets in the way and unfortunately humans are not using too much common sense when it comes to diet and nutrition. Another common theory is fruits aren’t sufficient because of the soil, you also must consider that all other foods come from the same soil. We need to understand that the nutrition in the fruits are on top of the mountain and also the most bio-available nutrition the body absorbs the best and utilizes the quickest.

Another myth is that you need a variety of plant foods in order to get enough nutrition for a proper functioning body. If there are countless people healing their bodies and regaining health on hybridized fruits, and on all fruit diets, then we must get our minds away from the constipated theories of the intellectual type natural hygienist and raw foodist, and just get back to simplicity and understand that it’s the process of elimination that heals the body anyways. If you want to have a sense of comfort, and security then bring in the beautiful non-hybrid wild organic herbal botanicals and you will get it all the minerals, nutrition and even B12 that is hard to find in the other plant foods. At least we will get anything that the fruits are lacking or any plant food for that matter by using the herbs. It makes more sense to go on an all fruit diet, if all the foods are hybridized because I think the body will be able to utilize what’s found in these hybrid fruits more beneficial than eating a hybrid starch or a hybrid vegetable.

It’s also been told that because the fruits are hybrid they contain way too much sugar for the human body, and this could cause health problems. We must first come to understand that fruit sugar is a simple sugar, and all the other plant foods are more complex. Vegetables are simple sugars as well, but if they have been hybrid then their natural chemistry has also been manipulated which means their higher in sugar then how they used to be, because they contain glucose which is sugar, but these so-called intellectual type experts on health and nutrition aren’t telling people to avoid vegetables either because their hybrid. So then I guess we’re left with the starchy root vegetables, the grains and the beans and they happen to be very high in sugar already so if their hybrid, then that would mean that there even higher in sugar than they’re supposed to be in their natural balance. So if all the foods are hybrid, I guess we should all just become breatharians and not eat! Or just cook and eat putrefactive dead animals!?

When you flesh it out the way I just did with common sense, then you don’t need to be manipulated by all these conflicting nutritionist, detoxification specialist, and natural hygienist.

If we have cases of quadriplegics getting out of wheelchairs, four-stage cancer reversed, type 1 and type 2 diabetes eradicated, severe neurological conditions of all types, and many other chronic and degenerative health conditions being reversed on an all fruit raw food diet or, at least 90% fruit base raw food diets, then what are we doing still being wrapped up into these silly debates of fearing fruit because they’re hybridized?

Yes it’s unfortunate that we are manipulating our food source, we’re hybridizing, grafting, and manipulating the seeds with GMOs and pesticides of many kinds, but at the end of the day

you have to do the best of what you have access to, and truth be told regarding the foods the fruits are still on top of the mountain regardless of how they have been manipulated. We need to do our best to buy organic, to buy local, and to grow our own fruits and vegetables, and also understand that we must fast and not overeat and focus so much on consumption, and let our bodies rest and clean itself out effectively on a daily basis. As long as you crack open your kidneys, and you move your lymphatic system, and keep things flowing, hybrid fruits are not going to cause health issues, because we don’t have this on record and we have quite the opposite data on record. The best thing you can do in a crooked world today if you really care about your health, and want to be more compatible with nature is to move to a tropical environment, grow your own fruits and vegetables, so that you have full control on how their picked, because most of the fruits are unfortunately picked unripe, and that would be a disadvantage of a fruit diet if we want to be truthful here.

If you want to bring balance to your diet, then get into the herbal botanicals, there going to be more powerful than the vegetables anyways in regards to trace minerals, minerals and nutrient value because they’re not hybridized. But we can’t just live on herbs and we need to be able to enjoy the food we are eating and understand that we don’t live in a perfect world that produces perfect food anymore so instead of worrying about things, and always finding an excuse, understand that the most beneficial food for your species will always be the fruits regardless of how they have been changed and manipulated, because no other plant food source you turn to is going to be a better option in regards to the quality, and how they have been poorly manipulated. Nobody wants to just live on vegetables because we don’t have a natural attraction let alone the digestive tract to have a pleasant time eating just vegetables, the energy and the satiation comes from the fruits, and the fruits are what’s going to keep the body clean and flushed out the most effective, which is very important in a toxic world, considering the air that we breathe and the chemicals that are getting on our skin, and the good thing about fruits is that they have tannins and astringents and pull and remove lymphatic waste from the body more effectively than any other food option you have access to.

I think instead of putting so much focus on nutrition, and food, that instead put more focusing on fasting, eating less, getting out into nature and breathing in the fresh elements from the trees, eliminating unnecessary stress, and focusing on spiritual evolvement, and no disease could ever become present in your body, but the more you worry about these things, the more out of balance your diet becomes, and the more out of balance your lifestyle becomes, because intellectualism has robbed you from simplicity.

I lived on mangoes only for 7 months and I took herbal botanicals, and I also did intermittent dry fasting daily, my body continually improved, and it’s starting to rebuild naturally, I went and got blood work for s**** and giggles, and if anything everything improved and nothing got worse, because I truly believe it was cleaning out my lymph system, that allowed me to get the beneficial nutrition from the food, because it’s not about adding in nutrition that is going to do anything for your body if you impaired your body with acidosis that compromised your digestion, absorption, utilization, and impaired the ability for you to eliminate your waste.

You could eat your hybrid vegetables, your hybrid starches, and really not get very far with cleaning out your body which is vital for you to do if you are a part of this generation or the last couple of generations, because starches and vegetables are definitely not going to help you clean your body out, and until you do that you will never really achieve optimal health.

It really is as simple as fruits and herbs as repetitive and redundant as that may sound, and for most people it’s not enough to satisfy them, but until you come to terms of simplicity and you actually experience it for yourself long enough, then you will be able to judge what’s most beneficial and what’s not. Truly based on my own personal experience my digestion, my energy and overall I feel my best when I’m eating mono juicy fruit meals. I’ve added in the vegetables, and I’ve even added in the dense fruits that are low in water, but nothing can compare to the mango Island I was on of just simply eating hydrating easily digestible juicy mangoes.

Just remember my friends, all the foods are manipulated, so don’t discriminate the fruits and act like they’re worse off than all the other foods, because it’s simply holds no water, and you will simply plateau on those diets if you’re trying to heal, and until you adopt a fruit based diet long enough then you will understand what true detoxification is all about.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 487
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