False kidney filtration

False kidney filtration

It’s always a good thing if your kidneys are filtering regardless if it’s old stagnant lymphatic waste, or if it’s new acid residues formed from an acidic diet. It’s better acids out than in of course, however the main focus of healing and regenerating chronic degenerative conditions and draining a backed up constipated lymphatic system, the goal is to get the kidneys to filter old stagnant metabolic waste stored in miles of lymph fluids and interstitial spaces. Because there’s only two sides of chemistry that being acid and alkaline, you want to alkalize your system and hydrate your body with the living food’s. Cooked acidic food dehydrates the body and does nothing good to repair damaged cells.

The goal is to get your kidneys to filter because they are the main channel of elimination to remove lymphatic waste (acids) if you don’t get your kidneys filtering than acids stay at home, and when acids are locked in, they create corrosion to cells, and damage organs and glands. If you can’t get your kidneys to filter on a living foods diet, then you have very damaged, and clogged up kidneys. The reason why it’s important to filter acid waste on an alkaline diet based around fruits, berries and melons, is because these foods leave the least amount of residues in the body, and are on the alkaline side of chemistry, which means that any kidney filtration you see is going to mainly be from old stagnant lymph waste that has been dormant in the body for decades, and this is the sewage you want out of the body.

Some people that get on the raw food program and detoxification understanding kidney filtration and the lymphatic system, end up struggling to filter on a raw living foods diet, and this is because the body is still extremely dehydrated and this person has damaged adrenal glands which control the kidneys, and produced neurotransmitters to stimulate the kidneys to filter properly. Sometimes when somebody is on this type of program for regenerative healing, end up cheating with cooked food or something very stimulating and end up filtering really good, assuming that there kidneys are filtering, but really this is just shocking the body and stimulating the kidneys to force out metabolic waste from the cooked food that has created an acid ash in the body, and when the body becomes very sensitive to the raw living foods it quickly rejects the toxins that are accumulated and coming from the cooked food.

Anything cooked is acidic in it’s Ph at some level, and most cooked food that humans eat are very acidic already and create a mucus response in the body, as a sign that the body is protecting itself from the acid burn caused from these foods. So understand that if you start filtering from and acidic cooked food meal, this is not the filtration your looking for because your just removing new metabolic waste and not getting the old sewage out that has been damaging your organs and glands causing the symptoms your experiencing with your poor health. You want to stay consistent on a living foods diet based around high electromagnetic energetic foods, such as your fruits and veg, and getting filtration that way knowing but your getting the old sewage out and not creating more in the process.

Any filtration you get apart from a living foods diet and alkaline food chemistry, is called false filtration, it’s not what your looking for when it comes to regenerating your body, you want to eliminate all acids, and alkalis your body not force the body to reject new acid waste that your creating. If your getting kidney filtration from eating bread, drinking coffee, eating meat or any other food that is very acidic, don’t think that your moving your lymphatic system, because you’re not, your lucky that your kidneys are filtering out this new waste that you have accumulated, but it doesn’t solve issues such as degeneration and a damaged body that’s backed up with lymph.

I believe that it’s the stimulants that are forcing these stubborn kidneys to filter because they are helping the adrenals, by Increasing the neurotransmitters, and if the adrenal glands control the kidneys then it only makes sense that the kidneys are being shocked and stimulated, and the body is rejecting the acids coming in, because when the body becomes very used to the alkaline living foods and you shock the system with acid and mucus forming food, your body will do you a favor and reject it before metabolic waste starts to accumulate in your body, and eventually this will shut off the kidneys, clog them up, and you will no longer get filtration from these foods.

I get kidney filtration everyday on a living foods diet that’s based around alkaline chemistry, and that’s the focus to achieve, so when you get your kidneys filtering on a living foods diet, then you know your on your way of cleaning your body on a systemic level, and emptying your septic tank of old stagnant lymph, and not just new metabolic waste accumulate from the day of eating poor quality food. You must understand that it’s the high proteins and the cooked foods that suppress the body from filtering, and that’s why most people before entering into these detoxification programs, are not filtering, because the kidneys have been damaged and the lymphatic system has backed up, and it’s going to take a lot of alkaline chemistry to hydrate the body, and to get the kidneys cracked open and filtering.

So when you cheat after being on a living foods diet, don’t be shocked if you filter, it’s only because you stimulated your adrenals and kidneys and the body is simply just rejecting the high acid ash, because it’s become more sensitive to foreign obstructions that invaded it. Eventually if your consistent and you keep your raw food diet simple and based around fruits that are astringent, you use the herbs to clean and enhance as well, and you don’t overburden your kidneys with drinking water, and you fast and don’t overeat, you will get your kidneys to filter on alkaline chemistry, and then you will know that you are regenerating and detoxifying your body and getting it back to a state of Wellness.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 6 years ago
Views: 661
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