Fast at sunset diet

Fast at sunset diet

If we look at things practically in nature, then it makes common sense that we fuel up during the day, and let the body rest in the evening. When the sun comes up you’re able to forge and gather your food, When the sun goes down it’s time to rest, and let the body recuperate and fast so that you don’t overburden it with digestion from eating several meals a day and snacking in between from sunup to sundown. Whether you eat breakfast or skip breakfast in my personal opinion and experience regardless of what your schedule is like, it’s always best to stop eating before the sun goes down. When the sun goes down the body naturally produces melatonin putting it in the rest state so that your body will be used as a detoxification organism to process and eliminate waste, and especially when your sleeping the body wants to work on healing and repairing rather than being taxed with digestion of a heavy meal in your stomach before you go to bed.

Over the years I’ve been able to transition from grazing, on top of 3-4 large meals a day and snacking in between to dry fasting and eating 2-3 meals a dry to dry fasting for at least 16 to 18 hours daily. I did experiment with one meal a day, and felt like it can be very beneficial, but then I realized that we eating one meal late in the evening was not optimal for digestion, and on a living foods diet when the body is still detoxifying and healing, this can be hard on the adrenal glands unless your intaking lots of fluids or drinking juices throughout the day. I however don’t like to drink lots of juices and drink lots of water because it’s hard on the kidneys and bladder if you have a weakness there. If you have a parathyroid weakness and kidney weakness, you most likely have connective tissue loss in the bladder so too much fluid could over stimulate the kidneys and bladder and suppress the body’s ability to drain the lymphatic system.

I have come to know that it’s just as effective to just eat small meals to fast by 6p.m. and dry fast until 10 to 12 pm the next day. One meal a day could be too much for the adrenals if their weak, and you may need some of that stimulation from the sugars in the fruit. I found myself with my dry fasting regimen that drinking very little water because I try to avoid it considering my body is used to the living structured water in the fruit, made me feel more tired than usual, and for those that are on an optimal living foods diet dont need to go that far, because mono fruit meals especially digest very quickly and effectively. I think one meal a day can work for somebody that eats cooked food along with stimulants such as coffee and other toxic remedies to artificially stimulate the adrenals for energy, but this is not an optimal diet in my opinion, but can work for somebody like that. The goal is to create optimal health without caffeine stimulation from teas and coffee, and because I’m all about optimal health, and prefer to abstain from added drinking water, it’s not for me.

Regardless of what your personal diet protocol is, if you want to increase healing, create more energy and digest your food the most optimally, it’s best not to overeat, eat smaller meals and to fast right before the sun goes down. The cleaner your body gets, the less food it will require, and you will find yourself eating much less, especially if your on a high nutritive fruit based diet and its 100% Raw. I find that smaller meals is most optimal and to fast when the sun goes down. I choose to break my fast at 10 a.m., and have my last meal at 5 p.m. I give myself an hour to eat each meal, and then I dry fast from 6 p.m. to the following day which gives my body 16?hours of completely focusing on healing and repairing, and I’m giving myself plenty of time for my food to digest before I go to bed. When my kidneys were stubborn to filter I realize that I was drinking too much fluid, and I was eating too late at night, when I cut back the clock of consuming my last meal. noticed that I had much better kidney filtration the next day.

The body is not designed to eat late at night, and if your in a desperate place to heal your body then it’s vital to improve your digestion, give your bladder a break, and encourage kidney filtration which is vital and important to remove acid stagnation buildup in the lymphatic system that is contributing to all major health conditions that are failing humans. It’s chronic systemic acidosis, and if you don’t remove acids you cannot regenerative heal and reverse the condition. If your already on a fruit base raw living foods diet, and you already intermittent dry fast daily for at least 12 to 16 hours, try to fast at 6 pm. It’s not about you must stop eating at 6 p.m, you could stop eating before 6 p.m, but what I have found in my own personal experience that when you stop eating when the sun goes down, this is a good cap for letting the body rest for 16-18 hours every day. I personally have found that my digestion is even much more smooth on smaller meals as long as I fast when the sun goes down better then when I was eating late that one meal a day, and this probably is because digestion is more optimal earlier in the day verses late in the evening.

The more we get back to nature’s design, I believe that we will teach are bodies to create the most optimal digestion, create the most hydration and energy, and we can clean out the body on a systemic cellular level, and everything will run more smoothly, however there is no quick fixes when we have damaged and compromised our bodies from eating from sunup to sundown, and also eating late in the evenings and eating the wrong foods that contribute to mucus and acid overloads in the body, breaking down tissue and suppressing genetic weak areas, which are what’s causing the body to express the weaknesses that it’s expressing.

The Fast at 6 protocol will be most effective when your meals are mono fruit meals, because mono fruit meals already create the most rapid digestion, and the body is not having to work extra hard to digest complex chemistry, and also out of balance food combining that could also contribute to fermentation, which affects digestion, and also can cause candida outbreaks.

The goal is to just have smaller mono fruit meals a day, and to start your fast before the sun goes down, this is not for everyone, but if you work yourself up to this, and you want to experience good kidney filtration, and heal and improve your athletic performance, then the cleaner your body gets, the better it functions, the more hydrated it becomes, and also the more mental clairity you will achieve.

This is only for those that are serious about their health, and have worked past the emotional food crutch, and don’t just turn to food for pleasure, but also for nourishment, and want to evolve on a spiritual level with the fasting, and also because when you want to heal, you want to create the most effective possible healing you can, and from what I’ve gathered information wise, and through experience, truly the less you eat, and the more you fast, the better the body can heal and regenerate, because too much eating and not eating at the right times of the day, and eating too late in the evening could really tax the body on using its energy on digestion, and when you do that it can never focus on stagnant lymph that needs to come out in order for the body to effectively regenerate.

It’s really hard to over-eat on fruit, so the goal is to just eat until your satisfied, and overtime when you clean out your body effectively you most likely will fix your metabolism, fix absorption and utilization and not require giant fruit meals to be satisfied.

In my experience the cleaner that I’ve gotten when it comes to the meal portions and calories I intake, to estimate I went from 3000 + calories a day to about 1200-1500 calories a day, and I feel completely satisfied, and have more energy today on less than I did then on more. But you don’t want to calorie count or calorie restrict, you want to let your body naturally create calorie restriction overtime.

If your plateauing on your diet, your plateauing on your healing, you started to complicate your food recipes, and are now experiencing more digestive distress, return back to a simple fruit diet of just eating your meals simple, such as a mono fruit meal, I don’t recommend grazing, and eating over three meals a day, and late in the evening, two meals at best, one meal if you can, and to eat no later than 6 p.m.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 607
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