Fasting disorders

Fasting disorders

Be careful when you get encouraged to “go the distance” and fail to find your balance and then think that any food outside your detox protocol is the devil because this can create an eating disorder.

Without question the accumulation of waste build-up from this generation of eating is staggering but it’s also an issue when you turn fasting into an eating disorder because of your goals and aspirations to become a breatharian!

How many water fast do you need to do, how many solid food vacations do you need to do and how many repetitions of enemas and colonics do you need to take and then find yourself with the same reoccurring problem and that’s an unhealthy microbiome because you refuse to eat and you think that becoming a hero in the detox phase is going to solve all your problems it’s only an illusion because most people create a mental disorder and thinking that you’ll get all your prana from the earth when it’s polluted with chemicals is also a problem especially if you’ve grown up in the millennial generation. OK, you know of some breatharians that are “thriving” But I’ve also discovered a lot of bullshit and a lot of fakery as well!

If you continue to fast and you’re frail, weak and suffer from reoccurring brain issues because you’re obsessed with cleaning out the metabolic waste in the body and think you’re going to just fix all your problems in one shot you’re sadly mistaken. You might find yourself binge eating by doing long-term water fast, juice fast and dry fast and most people do and this is what I call an ugh fasting disorder. Stop calling food evil because it’s cooked this is mental illness. We are in a fight to get proper absorption regardless if we have malabsorption problems! Only because the foods that are sold in the market place whether they are considered natural, organic or conventional are going to be lacking nutrition with bioavailable absorption because the nutrition will be lacking because we fail to eat food native to our land and we eat food shipped in across the world and then radiated and treated because we are brainwashed in the germ theory when it comes to human health decline.

Do you really think you’re going to get proper absorption from eating raw greens and vegetables this shits just only gonna sweep your bowels but you’re not going to get any nutritional potency from these foods? Cook your greens and cook your vegetables even though yes cooking destroys nutrition but when it comes to food that you’re not designed for breaking down the fiber might actually give you more absorption quality!

The ripe fruit is an issue and proper absorption of nutrition will be an issue from the unripe fruit. Fruits are cleaning foods they remove obstructions but long-term you want to make sure you get enough minerals and amino acids and I’m not known to be pushing this but I’ve learned with time that I’m right fruit isn’t going to give you what your body actually needs long-term when your body wants to rebuild and it’s failing to do so on just fruit. OK you lost some weight on the fast and now you’re eating fruit and you gained a little bit of weight but you’re still walking around like a brittle skeleton. You got a wake-up and understand that we shouldn’t be weak creatures, humans are not designed to be weak! OK for detox and healing you’re going to feel weak for a season but long-term strength is health and if you’re feeling too weak after years of detox you need to start rationalizing the true facts of what health really determines and feeling weak and not strong will never determine health and I don’t care who tries to tell “you that you still got work to do brother or sister” and you still got cleansing to do!

Most of you didn’t read my articles are very passionate fruitarians and I love every one of you but you got to start thinking about the facts and when you stare in the mirror after years of eating just fruit and it looks as if your body is eating itself because it is then I would highly recommend getting out of this thinking that it’s important to just eat fruit and fasting is what’s going to give you this spiritual enlightenment! I love fasting but I’m not obsessed with it and I only believe that short term fast is necessary!

You probably think because you still have issues that you need to continue to fast but have you ever asked yourself it’s most likely an absorption issue due to nutritional “deficiencies” and not necessarily mucus that blocks the flow of energy which it does but at the end of the day, you still need to absorb proper nutrition or else you’ll never gain weight and proper muscle and you’ll be in denial about how you thrive because true thriving is going to be determined on energy, strength, mental clarity, and proper digestion of food and low inflammation in the body.

If you get obsessed with fasting most likely your outcome will be more of an issue to put on proper healthy weight and if you’re skinny frail and weak you’ll be consumed and this is not compatible with nature because whats compatible with nature and true spirituality is strength and athletic ability! If you could achieve this long term on just fruit and also be able to detox and fast and I would never discourage you from that and a matter of fact I would encourage you to eat the most harmless food, and too fast but to listen to your body and understand what optimal health really is rather than your conditioned thinking of what you’re so caught up in thinking you must achieve based on an understanding in principle that goes against your actual reality!

If you got a fasting disorder, you’re extremely underweight and you’re ending up in the hospital due to nutritional deficiency and malnourishment do yourself a favor and understand that just because the food is “raw” doesn’t mean you’re going to properly absorb the nutrition to build a healthy and sustainable body!

Eat your fruit but if you need to rebuild and take a break from detox I would recommend adding in some sweet potatoes, quinoa, and some mushroom broth so you can get some more amino acids and minerals because you might be lacking in absorbing from these unripe fruit and chemical-laden vegetables that are already hard to digest!

I promote 7-day water fast, 7-day juice fast and 36 hour dry fast as a lifestyle but I don’t recommend anything long-term because often what people do is they abstain themselves from eating and they find themselves binge eating after long term fast only because we are designed to eat food and to be grounded or else we wouldn’t have a place here on the earth. If you shit and you pee then there’s a purpose for this or else we would be designed breatharians in the sense to where we would have no digestion and elimination whatsoever but this is not natures intent for us and most of us have such genetically weak bodies that we’re unable to get enough nourishment in this chemical manufactured world we live in and this is why I think eating is vital as long as you’re trying to eat unprocessed organic whole foods and you’re focusing on foods that remove obstructions out of the body which I believe fruit is the best for that as a cleaner food, and I would promote salads and nuts for rebuilding except for the majority of people experience a blowback like myself from the raw vegetal matter and the nuts due to the phatic acid overload and this is why I now would recommend for building cooked foods that have sustained many cultures and civilizations like quinoa, Tubers, and I believe there are mineral density and nutritional density in mushroom broth!

No, when to fast and know when to rebuild and know when to detox but don’t make it an obsession because you might find yourself with a fasting disorder and it could cause detrimental health consequences! Obviously, if you end up in the hospitals because your body is eating itself because you’re lacking key minerals and nutrition and this is why I believe it’s vital to transition into a fruit diet, and to take your time with fasting and to know when to hold know when to fold and also to not overburdened yourself knowing that you’re starving and that’s why you end up binge eating and accumulating eating disorders called the yo-yo effect of eating extremely healthy and then returning to a sad diet!

I’m not regurgitating information that I’ve learned I’ve worked with thousands of people and I’ve also have gone through my own challenges of fasting, detox and being extremely strict and pure with what I eat and I have learned that the obsession of creating a perfect alkaline body will not exist if you’re lacking key nutrition and that’s where I’ve come to the realization that we need to be very careful regarding strictness due to the fact that the food is lacking minerals and nutrition and I’m talking lacking majorly! Eat raw and eat cooked if it comes down to getting enough nutrition.

I used to have an obsession with diet and fasting and I no longer take that stance only because it’s an illusion to think that you’re going to get rid of your problems with fasting overnight and understanding that if you don’t break your fast properly and then maintain a healthy diet afterward you’re only gonna make your health problems worse and most people end up binge eating on the wrong foods after long-term fast and this is why I don’t promote it!

Fast, detox, rebuild and repeat but do it in a way with that encourages balance and mental stability because most people become extremely obsessed and this is what creates mental illness and the fear of eating anything outside of what they feel is optimal when in all reality none of the foods are truly optimal and this is why we have to be creative and big brother mangotatian is the few man enough to be authentic to tell you the truth!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 480
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