Flip flopping with diets, and going back to eating dead animals

Flip flopping with diets, and going back to eating dead animals

Why do humans that have irresponsible damaged their bodies with the standard world diet of crap food! Flip flop with diets and yo-yo eat? I will tell you, it’s because we have been conditioned to be consumers, vain, and self absorbed spoiled “quick results” type of humans, not understanding the debt we owe to nature!

We all struggle with this at some level, and even myself! But we must understand that are bodies should not be prostituted to dieting, because we are only screwing it up more. Their is only one human diet, and there is one diet for cows, birds, monkeys, and lions. Humans complicate diet only because the government has been investing in creating dieting to profit millions of dollars! How are they doing this? Well because their bullshit funded diets are keeping humans sick! The meat and dairy industry are banking of their propaganda and the animals are suffering ? because of it!

Does a human look anything like a lion or carnivore!? Hell no so why are we eating dead animals!? Do cows when they are past the infant stage still drinking milk from their moms tit? NO! so why the hell are humans drinking milk from a cows tit fully grown?! Humans drink pasteurized milk from cows in toxic plastic containers, and think it may help them stay healthy and strengthen their bones, yet on recored milk consumption is linked to osteoporosis!

Meat “protein” is damaging humans kidneys on recored, and also contributing to cancer, and increasing growth hormone IGF 1, and humans think today 2018 that the “meat diet” is the healing diet designed for humans, yet we buy animals neatly packaged, and cut up from the supper market, and nobody is out in nature trying to kill an animal with their bear hands, or desiring to bite into the flesh of the animal, let alone finding a sustainable time frame to cook the meat before it rots and goes bad. Just do the research on the Eskimo diet! It’s not a “healthy diet” they are obese, age quickly, and rumors have been said that those that move to the west, their health improves on the SAD diet compared to their diet in their homeland. Fiber is important my friends!

If you don’t want to flip flop with diet, and become a yo-yo eater which confuses the body, messes with the microbiome, creates food intolerances, and sensitivities, and puts a beating on the kidneys, which are the valve and main channels organ for eliminating lymphatic waste in the body, then I highly recommend you use your common sense, and understand that humans are designed for whole plant foods, and mainly tree ripen tropical fruits.

If your sensitive to fruits, and vegetables then it’s quite apparent that you have destroyed your body, and it’s not the plants causing health problems, and deficiencies! These imbalances only exist because its the terrain in the body, and not eliminating the sewage! And yo-yo dieting is the best way to back up the body with mucus, fungus, and all kinds of pathogenic metabolic waste!

We also have to be intelligent about the food we buy, because your body could be negatively reacting to the chemicals, pesticides and GMOs, but it’s not the plants themselves, it’s the chemicals on the plants and in the DNA of the plants that are not reacting well in your body. Grow your own produce, especially if you have land, and health problems, there is no excuse if so!! Invest in the best quality plant foods available to you, stop overeating because you have bought into the chronometer, and calorie bs theory, and eat less, and fast more, because real tangible science proves that calorie restriction, and fasting Increases health and contributes to longer lifespan, and overall better quality of life. Tell that to your stupid chronometer, and calorie guide! ? animals in nature don’t look at charts to see if their getting their micros and macros, so why the hell are humans?

We need to wake up and just understand that humans are primarily designed for fruit! And that research shows millions of years ago that the civilizations that thrived and lived long were civilizations living off whole plant foods that were even eaten cooked, and still thrived, not cooked dead animals. This whole idea that animal food was a staple is nonsense, it was a rarity, and even civilizations in remote parts of the world today don’t have the “luxury” of eating top sirloins like obese humans do in the West, and they are not getting the top killers of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other Unnecessary “diseases” humans get in western civilizations.

Be patient, be persistent, get your kidneys filtering, remove the sewage waste you have build up from eating processed packaged foods saturated with chemicals, and maintain yourself on raw fruits and vegetables, fix yourself with the fruits first, and then balance out if you so desire with whole plant foods, that you have access to, unprocessed or refined void of salt, sugar and oil!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
Views: 390
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