Gallbladder dysfunction

Gallbladder dysfunction

The gallbladder is a holding tank for bile, which is produced in the liver. As bile is stored in the gallbladder the body removes water from it making it concentrate to break down fats for proper digestion. When the gallbladder is overburdened with cooked and concentrated fats, it weakens its tissue, causes it to be sluggish and creates overall dysfunction such as creating gallstones and calcium deposits and acids and mucus build-up around its tissues. When the gallbladder become so damaged by metabolic waste, then you don’t properly break down fatty acids, so this creates an acid environment, and also makes it very difficult to process and deal with fats, and this could cause gallbladder pain, spasms, and overall discomfort when eating fatty foods.

If your having gallbladder problems then you want to remove cooked fats immediately and you want to focus on fatty acids rather than fatty foods. Fruits and vegetables have a perfect balance of fatty acids and we don’t need a lot in order for the body to function optimally. The problem is when it comes to specific micros, such as your fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, if the body is out of balance in full of acidosis then you’re not going to get utilization and absorption, and when this happens then it’s a sign that your glands and organs are not working properly, so it could be detrimental to overburden them with trying to get essential fats, carbs and proteins.

Most of the time when people’s gallbladder shut down the deliverer is also highly compromised. All this can be prevented on a raw living foods diet. You never want to remove important glands like the pancreas and gallbladder which are responsible for the breakdown and processing of the food we ingest. The whole body works as a system and must function in unison. You never want to go to a doctor with this kind of problem because they’re going to be happy to create fear and propaganda in your mind making you think that you must remove this organ before your body gets worse, this is criminal in my opinion and you should never remove your clan when you could regenerate, enhance and clean with the living foods.

There are plenty of herbs that will help with the function of the gallbladder and the liver. When the gallbladder is out of balance, then most likely the liver is to, so you want to help clean and regenerate both glands, and you also want to understand that if one organ is down, then the whole body is out of balance and full of acidosis. Glands and organs only shut down when the lymphatic system is oversaturated with metabolic waste, and not exiting the body through the kidneys, the bowels and the skin. Instead of focusing on doing a gallbladder flush, you must understand the root cause of why the gallbladder is damaged, and that’s due to an acid and mucus forming diet that you must remove, so that you can bring the whole body back into balance, move the lymphatic system, and restore the kidneys which are the channel to remove these waste, so that all the other organs and glands don’t shut down.

Truly a raw living foods diet is the only diet that will allow the whole body to systemically heal and regenerate. If your gallbladder is out of function, you really want to focus on detoxification and stop putting your focus on nutrition and food, because less is more so that you could take pressure off of these overburdened and overworked glands so that they could clean and regenerate, and that’s why I simple fruit and herb based diet is vital when it comes to leaving less strain on the body for it to overwork on digestion, processing, and removing stagnant lymph waste. Also if your gallbladder is shutting down, you want to remove all over fats from your diet for a season so that it doesn’t become overworked by trying to process fats because it’s already overburdened already from rancid and cooked fats the damaged it. Also if your gallbladder is already very weak and damaged, you want to be careful with liver and gallbladder flushes with lemon juice and olive oil because this can over spasm the gallbladder even more, and that uses up too much energy from the body to relax and heal the gallbladder because it’s the state of rest and removing the obstructions block the flow of energy that create rapid healing and restoration. I think I better focus is to just eat the living foods, and hydrate and alkalize the body, and put your focus on herbs that will help enhance and clean the gallbladder in a gentle and effective way.

You may want to consider a short-term juice fast with herbs, short-term water fast regulated by a professional, and start dry fasting at sunset everyday to let the body rest and focus on simple meals, and don’t overeat which burden the gallbladde that is out of function, because truly less is more when it comes to the state of detoxification.

Whole Foods low-fat plant-based diet is a good start, but if you truly want to regenerate, and fix these glands, you want to adopt a low fat, living foods diet and focus on mono fruit meals that are easily digestible, leave the less amount of tension and residues in the body for it to work overtime with removing the waste. Heavy starch is hard on the pancreas, and especially foods that contain enzyme Inhibitors, phytic acid, anti-nutrients, and are very sticky glue any type of starches because this will clogged up and cause more dysfunction in the gallbladder and pancreas. Cooked fats such as oils, dairy, and processed mock vegan butters, are extremely acidic and mucus forming and contribute to gallbladder dysfunction.

Truly the gallbladder in my opinion is not designed to break down heavy concentrated fats anyways such as your nuts and seeds, and you also in my opinion want to be careful with avocados and coconuts and not eat in excess, and when the body gets very clean and the organs and glands start functioning optimally on simplicity with foods high in fatty acids but not over fats, then your gallbladder will very quickly tell you that it’s working very hard to break down all these heavy high fatty foods such as your avocados and coconuts. Avocados and coconuts are healthy food, but most humans today that have abused their gallbladder with rancid and cooked fats, can’t even tolerate the living fats, at least for a season until they heal and regenerate the gallbladder. I highly suggest you keep your gallbladder in your body, you wise up, and find the discipline to adopt a simple fruit diet, you get over emotional food crutches and addictions, and you focus on healing and regenerating your body as a goal, before you lose your glands and organs, and end up suffering down the road because of refusing to let go of these emotional food habits, to suppress and not deal with your emotions.

You also want to abstain from any kind of chemical residues from foods that impair the function of the liver, because the more chemicals you saturate in your body that cause the liver to overwork to process and circulate these chemical residues to the kidneys for elimination because in order that produce a healthy gallbladder you must produce a healthy liver as well because they work together. Fruits and vegetables, are alkaline foods, they hydrate the body, they clean the body, and they don’t cause acids to break down the function of the liver and gallbladder, so instead of hyper analyzing this, and freaking out and being manipulated and course by medical doctors, you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eating habit, and allow the body to detoxify so that these glands will repair themselves. It’s not rocket science and there is no intellectualism, the body knows how to heal itself when we remove the obstructions the block the flow of energy.

You want to find a good herbal formula that has these herbs to bring enhancement, and proper cleaning to the liver and gallbladder. Milk Thistle Seed, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Asparagus Root, Bayberry Root, Schizandra Berry, Turmeric Root, Cleavers Herb, Yellow Dock Root, Bupleurum Root, Prickly Ash Bark. you can find a good herbal formula that has all these herbs already that I listed formulated in it from cellular botanicals, or finding a good organic herbal company that sells herbs in bulk where you could formulate your own herbal tea or tincture with these herbs, that are known to help bring enhancement to the liver and gallbladder, and always remember that diet is key when it comes to detoxifying the body, because there is no magical herb that will take away your problem if you continually tax the organs and glands and lymphatic system with acid in mucus forming foods.

If your gallbladder has shut down, I highly recommend you removed cooked fats from your life forever, and refrain from any high fat foods weather raw or cooked, and avoid putting any kind of chemical residues in your body that will inhibit the function of the liver. Just remember that the raw living foods clean enhance and restore and alkalize the body, and you can never go wrong with nature, but everything goes wrong when you decide to remove these vital organs that working function with the entire body as a system. The answer isn’t to remove body parts but instead to regenerate them.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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