Growing pains and bed wetting is a pituitary and parathyroid genetic weakness

Growing pains and bed wetting is a pituitary and parathyroid genetic weakness

Humans have created a problem due to the air they breath, the chemistry they consume, and the chemistry they put on their skin. We as a species are lowering the quality of our genetics, and it’s only getting worse in our children, because we are passing down to them our bad habits.

When the body becomes oversaturated with metabolic waste, glands, organs and cells become damaged, and when acids damage these important endocrine glands and organs, the body becomes a cease pool of sewage because when the kidneys shut down, the lymph system backs up! and of course when this happens while a mother is pregnant then the child will be born with a backed up lymph system as well.

The parathyroid gland, the most overlooked glands in the body sit on back of the thyroid gland. These glands are responsible for helping the body to utilize calcium so that the bones and connective tissue in the body can be strong. The problem is when this gland becomes damaged by acids because of a saturated and backed up lymph system, and you fail to utilize calcium, the body will steal it from your bones, joints and connective tissue to fight of excess acids in the body. Calcium is an antacid, so the body will find it somewhere If you’re not utilizing it from the foods to buffer acids in the body.

Bed wetting and “growing pains” in children is also overlooked as normal but it’s not at all normal! It’s very serious, and these problems will point to the child’s future with dealing with more problems related to the bones, joints and connective tissue in the body.

This is a state of acidosis in a child, and I would address it now to save your kids from dealing with painful problems down the road. You can make a change now with their diet so they can get their kidneys filtering to remove the acids in the body that damage the kidneys, adrenals and endocrine glands, such as the pituitary and parathyroid gland.

Bed wetting is caused from connective tissue loss in the bladder, and this is why your child has such a sensitive bladder, not because it’s their fault, and their not getting up in time to go, shit their in a deep sleep, they don’t know, and I understand because I dealt with this issue until I was 11-12 years old. They have no control over their bladder because the very tissue that keeps it strong has been damaged by acids, and also because they are not utilizing calcium to keep the connective tissue in the bladder strong.

Leg and arm cramps in the middle of the night causing excruciating pain keeping the child up wailing all night is not so thing to just right off as “growing pains” growing should not be painful in a healthy human body. I also experienced this as a child, and interesting enough as an iridologist my biggest genetic weaknesses happens to be the pituitary and parathyroid gland. I was loosing calcium and not utilizing it, and that’s why my legs were hurting so bad when my body was trying to grow.

The pituitary gland for one helps the other endocrine glands produce inadequate function, so if it’s down then most likely your parathyroid gland is going to be down as well. The pituitary gland is responsible for producing healthy amounts of growth hormones, so if you’re not producing these hormones properly because the pituitary has been damaged by acidosis, then you will ether have overgrowths, or under active growths regarding bodily functions. So when the body is not growing inadequately and its not utilizing calcium, then growing pains become the result.

The answer to turn all this around is to change the diet to an alkaline dominant diet. (Fruit based diet) and to take herbs to help the kidneys to function so the body can remove, and filter out the acids that damage it.

If it was me I would change my child’s diet to a fruit based diet and 100% plant based to 100% raw and at least 80-90% fruit, and I would get them on herbs that will encourage structural function to the kidneys, glands and especially the pituitary gland if they were dealing with growing pains and bed wetting. I would also be giving them a superfood fruit and herb based formula high in calcium, silica and berries to try and get them to utilize calcium from the wholistic plants nature created, such as fruits and herbs, because they are loosing too much calcium already.

I highly recommend herbs from the herbal health club. Gods herbs or cellular botanicals. If it was me I would put my child on these following formulas along with a high fruit plant based diet.

  • Kidney/bladder # 1 glycerin tincture
  • Healthy pituitary glycerin tincture
  • Endocrine balance glycerin tincture
  • Superfood food blend # 3 powder

I would make it a goal to get my child’s kidneys to filter, on top of alkalizing their body with fruits, berries, and melons so that they can grow to be strong, healthy, and to also put a stop to this genetic curse caused from a toxic diet the mother consumes, and passes on to the child saturating the child’s lymph system, and in return damaging their organs and glands, so that they can produce healthy kids without these glandular dysfunctions, and create a world of healthy people that eat healthy food, because it’s the processed foods, and acidic chemistry, and foods humans are not biologically adapted to eating that are creating systemic acidosis in themselves, and in their children.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 575
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