Hard to heal and get healthy without balance

Hard to heal and get healthy without balance

It’s quite apparent that human beings have been trained and condition to go fast, get things done fast, and want instant results when they want them. We have become a human species of consumerism, greed, instant pleasure, and something to mask a problem when it occurs. This is not how nature works nothing is handed to anybody when it comes to the law of Nature and must be earned and respected. The point I’m trying to make here is we never want to rush the healing process when it comes to a damaged and depleted body coming off of a standard american diet. Detoxification is the golden key for regenerative healing. But detoxification is an art and regardless of a specific protocol that you are on, you must understand the art and respect it.

Transition is vital and important, but also going too slow out of fear because your trying to avoid detoxification, because you don’t want to experience symptoms, because humans aren’t used to experiencing symptoms, their used to being prescribed pills to mask symptoms so they don’t have to face the reality of the problem they created. But when you walk with a sense of balance, and you transition with common sense, you could reach the high levels of detoxification and clean out your body on a systemic level from decades of metabolic sewage waste that has been stagnant in the lymph system and impairs the bodies ability to eliminate, and that’s why human beings are backed up from head to toe with symptoms and health conditions.

If you don’t have a sense of mental balance and stability, then you could end up going backwards when it comes to a healthy lifestyle and diet that your trying to pursue. Coming off of pizza, fast food and restaurant eating, to 100% raw food diet, jumping right into juice fasting, dry fasting, Master fasting or whatever, can be really difficult on the body & mind, and if you’re not ready to accept the reality of adopting a lifestyle, that consist of simplistic eating, and that means not eating stimulating addictive foods but rather natural living foods in balance, that are not just enjoyable but are also nourishing and don’t create addictive tendencies. But when you go from a standard american diet into a raw living foods diet for a certain amount of time, and you deal with a lot of parasitic die off symptoms and you start to crave the junk food that you came from, and you go back to eating that way it could really damage your body, make your health conditions worse, and then screw up your mind thinking that it’s the raw foods fault not taking responsibility of walking out of balance and not transitioning slowly. You must understand that because of the way that you are condition for a quick fix, and instant results, you must understand that in detoxification that doesn’t work like that, you have to sell out to this as a lifestyle and adopt a balancing diet that you could handle, and then gradually move forward to adopting a diet that is biologically design for your species which happens to be a fruit, berry, and melon diet.

If you don’t have a life-threatening condition, that I highly recommend for most people to adopt an 80% raw food diet with a mucusless plant-based cooked dinner until you’re able to handle 100% raw with a sense of passion and determination. For those of you that have serious health conditions don’t have the convenience on your hands to be picky with what you’re eating and need to understand it’s going to take a 100% raw food diet, with at least 80 to 90% of your consumption coming from fruits in order to get your kidneys to filter so that you could remove the metabolic wastes that is damaging your cells and causing degeneration in your body. You must also understand though that when you look ahead and you plan out your future with the mindset of I’m going to heal myself on raw foods, and then go back to eating cooked foods in the future, then you may just end up hurting yourself all over again and having to start back over from square One. You must understand that this is nature’s remedy for healing but it’s also a calling of becoming awake and entering into a level of higher consciousness. It’s a gift from the spiritual realm trying to get you to understand that it’s time to make changes in life, and this is a balance to be attained that isn’t going to control your senses, manipulate your focus, domesticate your thinking and decisions, like it would be if you were enslaved to eating Babylon foods and living a Babylon lifestyle of consumerism.

Detoxification on a raw living foods diet is a lifestyle that you must respect and pursue until you leave your body. If you can accept that with balance, then it will be very difficult to heal, because you will end up yo-yoing going from a nutritive raw living foods diet back to a mucus and acid forming cooked food diet and reliving your symptoms, and make your body more sensitive and end up falling into trap after trap after trap, and this will cause so much stress on the mind, body and spirit that it will weaken your health more than if you were eating junk food for the rest of your life quite possibly, because stress is the hardest on the body not just the food.

When my health crashed and I found out about the living foods, and I started eating them and feeling better than I ever felt in my entire life, even the aggressive detoxification that I created was still worth it to me then what I felt before numbing myself on junk food, and feeling extremely weighed down physically, mentally and spiritually always on edge and never satisfied. When I became awake spiritually, physically and emotionally on a food that remove the obstructions from my body blocking the flow of energy creating this out of balance in my life, I became extremely passionate and sold out to it as a lifestyle, my mind told me that this is forever, and that I’m not doing a special detoxification cleanse temporarily, it was something that resonated with me as a lifestyle and that’s why I feel like I’m able to be successful and not constantly stress my mind about what I’m going to eat everyday on top of wishing that I could eat food that cause these out of balance is in my life, and that’s why I’ve been able to go 7 months on mangoes only, do extended juice fast, dry fast for 16 hours every single day and when I need that balancing meal it’s usually guacamole and sweet peppers, and that to me is like a pleasure meal when I don’t feel like something sweet for dinner. You could retrain yourself to be satisfied on foods that your species is designed for which is fruits, and if you clean out your body enough, can you train your body for nourishment rather than just for tastebud pleasure, you will find yourself enjoying the fruits, and vegetables to wear a balancing meal or “cheat meal” is still going to be a simple raw food dish instead of just mono fruit.

It will take time to find the discipline, and to be able to feel satisfied on simplicity, but if your mind and your focus is not primarily on eating for pleasure, but rather eating for nourishment because you want to treat your body with love and respect, and also you want to experience the out of body experiences, that you get when your on an electrical, and high vibrational diet that consists of mono fruit meals, on top of intermittent dry fasting.

Whatever that balance may be look deep inside and find it. Don’t rush the process, if you need a little sea salt, and a couple avocados, or even a gourmet raw food dish once a week because your used to eating junk food for the majority of your life, then have the meal and don’t beat yourself up, this is not about perfection, because it’s going to take years to attain the discipline unless you are extremely passionate about this lifestyle and enjoy the living foods, but if you don’t because your body still going through withdrawals and die off symptoms from the cooked food you ate prior, make sure you always have a bouncing meal and even a cooked meal and 80% raw for several months until your ready to give it up I think that’s more balancing then doing a juice fast for 30 days and then breaking it with cooked food or even junk food. It’s much better to be 80% raw, or have a cheat meal once a week every week, then to try to attain perfection with diet, and then yo-yo constantly, year after year after year. This will put a lot of stress on the body, physically and mentally, and suppress your ability to heal. If you’re not happy and sold out and love the lifestyle that promotes regenerative healing and detoxification, then I would highly suggest a moderate detoxification program, if you’re able to heal on a slower level. There’s no point to find perfection if your mind is not able to pursue it and attain it.

Finding that balance whatever that may be is extremely important, strengthen your mind through spirituality and find inner discipline, and you will be able to enjoy a limited simple raw food diet that consists of mono fruit meals and a simple salad for dinner, when you come to realize that life is much more than eating and drinking, and finding instant gratification and pleasure from food, because when the mind is in balance, then a simple meal will be very satisfying already. All living species are satisfied on raw living foods and are designed for them including humans, we have created such a level of addiction that we can’t even be satisfied on foods that were designed to eat, let alone raw living foods because we created fire to cook and alter the food thats pretty much a drug, because of the chemical changes it creates in the food as well as altering the food with chemical additives that were created to enhance the food to produce chemicals in the brain that create a high and addiction. If we could break the pleasure trap, if we could understand that life is not about consuming, then a simple mono fruit meal along with fasting will become an enjoyable and sought-out pleasure because you will feel free on a spiritual, mental and emotional level, and when you overcome the ego, you could overcome anything.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 450
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