Hernias are a connective tissue problem

Hernias are a connective tissue problem

When you develop a hernia, then your body is highly acidic, and your losing connective tissue, and this shouldn’t happen when your kidneys are filtering, and your parathyroid is helping your body utilize calcium to keep connective tissue strong.

Whether it’s caused by an injury, and specific tissue gets torn and causes herniations, you inherit this weakness from your mother, or your born with a weak and poor functioning parathyroid gland, it can all be fixed when you clean the lymph system, and alkalize and hydrate the body, and remove the acids that cause damages to tissue.

Detoxification is always the best route to take, to overcome these bodily dysfunctions! Instead of focusing on “diagnosis” or just getting surgeries to remove damaged tissue, understand that the may just return down the road if you’re on the acid side of chemistry when it comes to what you put on your skin, and what you put in your mouth. Acids will ether store in tissue, or the body will remove the acids through the skin, and kidneys.

It’s common for pregnant mothers to get hernias and hemorrhoids while pregnant or after they conceive? Why is this? because the mother is losing calcium because the baby is stealing calcium from the mother, she most likely already had a parathyroid issue and doesn’t utilize calcium already, so loosing more of this vital nutrient calcium, you will run into connective tissue problems, such as hernias. This is another reason why to detox the body before having children so you don’t run into these problems such as a parathyroid weakness, and then weaken and burden this gland, even more, when the baby steals your calcium while feeding on you, and if your diet is acidic, then you weaken your baby’s parathyroid, and also back up their lymphatic systems.

When you detox your body, and that’s just by returning to your natural diet of raw foods based around fruits, berries, and melons, the body will naturally clean itself. You can clean your lymph system, and the body will strengthen your organs, and glands, and won’t have an issue anymore, such as a weak parathyroid gland that doesn’t produce parathormone, so that you can utilize calcium you consume, to strengthen connective tissue and bones.

If you get hernias, and you also have these following symptoms, then it’s most likely you have been born with, and inherited a weak parathyroid gland, because your parents passed this on to you genetically.

Symptoms related to the parathyroid gland:

Varicose veins, spider veins, herniation, depression, brittle fingernails, low calcium levels, fibroids, hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, scoliosis, arthritis, prolapsing of any organs, bone spurs, bruising easily, aneurysms, blood clots, degeneration in disks, weak teeth enamel, growing pains as a child, etc if you have several of these bodily dysfunctions, then it’s most likely your dealing with a genetic weakness in your parathyroid gland.

The answer to fixing this is not surgery and drugs, it’s regenerative detoxification, and fruits, herbs, and fasting is what contributes to the healing. The answer is let the body heal itself so you don’t run into these problems, and reverse the problem within, and adopt a lifestyle of natural eating, and the body will heal itself and you will no longer mask symptoms, or cut open your body, because your getting to the root cause of why your having these bodily issues, rather than being left in the dark about understanding the causative factors! The causative factors are simple! It’s systemic acidosis caused from acids, it’s always acid chemistry in the body, that causes a cationic response in the body, that burns and damages tissue.

Change your diet to an alkaline dominate diet (living foods, not cooked) get your kidneys filtering with fruit, herbal botanicals, and clean out your body with them, then work up to long term intermittent dry fasting, clean out your sewer system (lymphatic system) and for body will fix itself, and you will no longer get hernias, and other problems that are related to damaged connective tissue, and you will remove the acids that damage the very gland that helps the body strengthen connective tissue, which is the parathyroid gland.

There are no known herbs at this time that help the parathyroid turn on so the body can UTILIZE calcium, however herbs and Whole Foods that are high in calcium, and silica would be a fighting change willing to experiment with, so that you can replace calcium from calcium loss, and to see if the silica in the plant, or herb will help the body use the calcium from the herb, or plant to strengthen connective tissue, while you focus on a fruit diet that aids the body in regenerative detoxification, helps the kidneys filter, so you can drain the acids that have been constipated, and have become dormant in the tissues of the lymphatic system.

If you get your kidneys filtering, and how to do that will be in a link I post at the bottom of this article lesson, you can fix not only the parathyroid gland but your whole body as a system, because remember if you have herniations or any other bodily dysfunctions, this is a sign that your entire body is acidic, but the symptoms are just expressing themselves in weak genetic tissue in the body.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 424
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