How to decalcify the pineal gland

How to decalcify the pineal gland

The pineal gland is the human body’s third eye it’s located in the middle of your head in between your eyes. Your pineal gland is your spiritual gland and it also is responsible for producing melatonin that allows the human body to enter into a state of rest. When the pineal gland is healthy and clean it allows you to channel spiritual awareness, and enter into levels of consciousness beyond the Physical Realm. The pineal gland also produces a chemical called dimethyltryptamine and this chemical gets released and you experience out-of-body hallucinations.

God created this chemical in you so that you can leave your body and enter into the spiritual realms, and this is also why we dream when we go to bed, and also why we have out of body experiences when were born and when we die. There has been stories of people expressing having near-death experiences, and this chemical has been released from the pineal gland and they’re able to hover over their bodies and see themselves, why does this happen? I don’t know, and have all the answers to how are spiritual gland functions, but what I do know is there’s a purpose for the pineal gland when it comes to controlling the mind, and the spirit and the body and I believe it’s to gravitate towards our spiritual connection to the god Consciousness, rather than just being subdued to a physical body in the Physical Realm. Human beings are Spiritual Beings and the pineal gland has been investigated to prove that the dimethyltryptamine chemical that’s produced will allow the body to escape the Physical Realm into the spiritual and astral worlds.

If you have trouble controlling your thoughts, you often feel confused, you have insomnia, you have hard time learning, and tapping into your intuitive side, it’s most likely because your pineal gland has been calcified by chemical obstructions that it has been exposed to due to a lifestyle that damages the physical body, whether that be the fluoride in the water that humans drink, the chemical processed foods in packages, the Environmental toxicity that we breathe, all these contribute to calcifying and damaging the pineal gland (the third eye).

Governments around the world have the knowledge of the pineal gland, and also ways to manipulate, brainwash and control the human masses by finding ways to dumb them down by damaging it. Hitler put fluoride in the water because it has been known to lower humans IQ, and also when you damage the humans pineal gland, it’s much easier to indoctrinate them and control them.

Fluoride is one of the biggest contributors to why the world is being dumb down, brainwashed and no longer has common sense to think for themselves, and to make their own rational decisions, and the majority of the time just follow the Sheep rather than making choices for themselves. If Hitler use fluoride in the water to brainwash the people, and there’s also a fluoride in the water here and the USA, then there must be something to why people’s pineal glands have become chemically damaged by these modalities created.

Any form of obstructions that we put in our body will have a negative impact not only on the pineal gland, but the pituitary gland which controls all the glands in the body, so when it’s not functioning, all the glands go down and this will impair your ability to utilize proper nutrition, and that’s why people have so many dysfunctions in their thyroids and adrenal glands. The pituitary and the pineal gland are both located in the head region, so play a part with how the brain functions as well. I believe intuitively that the pineal gland is connected to the brain stem and cortex, and is where we get our intelligence from. When you remove the obstructions that block the flow of energy, and you allow the body to detoxify the chemicals and acid stagnation in the body, you could decalcify the pineal gland, regain your senses and spirituality, and also increase your IQ and intelligence.

If you struggle with insomnia then your pineal gland is not functioning optimally because it’s responsible for producing the hormone melatonin which allows you to fall into the rest and sleep state. Another way that humans damage their pineal gland is by taking melatonin supplements and sleeping pills, and these isolated pills, only suppress the pineal glands function to where it stops producing melatonin naturally, and causes the body to be dependent on isolated chemistry that’s not designed to go into the human body, which continues this ongoing cycle of more insomnia and more brian confusion.

If you want to cure insomnia for the long term you have to focus on regeneration and that means you must change your lifestyle drastically to a raw living foods diet, focusing on meditation, so that the body will drain more effectively, get into a natural tropical habitat if possible, and do everything you can to remove yourself from Environmental pollutants such as chemtrails and the heavy smog coming from large cities, all this will have a negative impact on the brain and pineal gland.

Also showering in this chemical and fluoridated water is also going to suppress the pineal glands ability to detoxify and regenerate, so you either buy a filter water system in your house, that filters out fluoride and other chemical compounds that’s being dumped into the water supply, or you simply move to a city, or country that doesn’t dump fluoride, chlorine, and all other kinds of chemicals in the water supply that contributes to damaging the lymphatic system, and acidifying the brain. The reason why people experience acids and mucus coming out of their head during detoxification is because of these modalities that you have been exposed to.

Chemical prescription drugs and drugs alike, will also impair the pineal glands function and alcohol as well. If you truly want to regenerate your pineal gland, get your brain back, tap into your intuitive Consciousness and spirituality, then its as basic as creating detoxification by removing dead food and adopt a raw living foods diet based around fruits that are known to pull, astring, and remove obstructions from the body. Also there’s amazing herbs that you can look into that are known to remove chemicals and metals from the body, and will also help to decalcify the pineal gland so you can get your senses back. Not only will your pineal gland regenerate, but your whole body as a unit will regenerate when you create detoxification on a living foods diet. The body wants to heal and repair when you remove the obstructions that block the flow of energy that create that state of dis-ease, and impair the body’s ability to heal itself because there’s no electromagnetic energy allowing it to heal itself, when your diet and lifestyle are not conducive to nature.

The more dead foods you eat the more dead you will become, and that means you will not have activity to your brain and pineal gland when there is no electromagnetic currency flowing through your body like there should be because your body is an electromagnetic living structure.

Decalcify the pineal gland with fruits and herbs. If you clean out your GI tract you could drain your head because it’s attached to it. You cannot clean out your GI tract when your eating mucus and acid forming foods, and so the more that you eat them the more mucus and calcifications will build up in the head suppressing the pineal glands function. Your life will transform and your spiritual awareness blossom when you adopt a diet of fruits and vegetables and you use the herbal botanicals to enhance and bring activity to these damaged glands that you impaired from a lifestyle built around Babylon rather than in harmony with nature.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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