How to get to the root cause of vitamin and mineral “deficiencies”

How to get to the root cause of vitamin and mineral “deficiencies”

Digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminating your waste Is the goal you want to achieve when it comes to making the body function at its best to create optimal health.

If your going to talk about deficiency you have to fix those 4 functions of the body. If you can’t digest your food properly to get the nutrition, and you’re not absorbing it properly, then you cannot benefit from it, until you fix those functions. So how do you fix digestion and elimination? Is the answer a vitamin or supplement? No!

If your “deficient” in a nutrient, it’s because your body is clogged up, and your liver, parathyroid, and adrenal glands have been damaged by acids, and you’re not utilizing the chemistry coming in. If your body is clogged up with fat, and acids, and parasitic activity, what’s adding on an isolated nutrient supplement going to do for you long term? You need to fix your body first, and you won’t deal with deficiency. It’s acids in the body that damage these glands that make it possible to utilize the nutrition. If your small intestines are clogged up, then you’re not going to absorb the nutrition, and taking isolated supplements will overtime acidity the body, and cause dis-ease to your lymphatic system.

We need to stop blaming the foods, and understanding most of the time it’s your damaged body, and not the food. Yes without question the soil is not nutrient dense, and the foods are not nutrient dense like they were decades ago, but you can still benefit enough from the poor quality foods in today’s world if you detoxify your body, and fix, digestion, absorption, utilization and eliminate your waste.

How do you fix your body? You eat the food your biologically adapted to for one, and two, you must get rid of the acid and mucus forming foods that cause absorption issues, and damage the glands that are responsible for utilizing the chemistry coming in.

Sometimes you need to stop eating to fix these problems, because any kind of energy the body has to use on digestion that’s already impaired will take away the body’s energy to heal the actual digestive tract, so you can then go on and properly absorb the nutrition. Water fasting/dry fasting has been shown to fix “deficiencies” how is this possible? How can a liquid void of nutrition fix a nutritional deficiency? It’s because the water is removing the trash in the body that’s blocking the flow of energy to get nutrition into the cells, and it’s allowing the body to fix the glands that allow the body to utilize the chemistry.

You don’t want to eat a bunch of junk, and become constipated, and continue to pile on more sewage in the body, and just take a supplement to fix your “deficiency” this is treatment based thinking, and not curing the causative factors. Take out the trash, and detoxify the body on electrical foods like fruits, berries and melons, and take herbs that are loaded in nutrition, if your so worried about nutrients.

If you create the flow of energy by cleaning out your body on a raw food diet with the base of the diet coming from fruit, then you can properly detoxify the body, remove the acids that are impairing the body, and then digestion can be fixed, and now you can get better absorption in the small intestine, your utilization of nutrition can become fixed, when the endocrine glands heal themselves such as the parathyroid/thyroid and adrenal glands, then you can utilize, and also eliminate your waste properly.

If your low in calcium you want to clean and repair the parathyroid gland, if your low in minerals then you want to clean and repair your adrenal glands. And if you have malabsorption, you want to clean out the small intestine, and clean and repair the pancreas and gallbladder. All these functions on the body can be fixed if you get your kidneys filtering, and go to the foods for nutrition, such as your raw fruits and vegetables that contain all the nutrition anyways, adopt a fruit based diet so you can detoxify effectively, get on the herbal botanicals to enhance structures function to tissue, organs and glands, and allow the body to fix itself the natural way, instead of doing nothing to change your diet, and just taking acidic supplements to mask a symptom short term, and cause a different dysfunction in the body down the road.

If the body gets clean, and you empty your septic tank (lymphatic system) then you won’t run into these problems, and you will get enough nutrition and be able to properly use it with the fruit, and veg and whole foods superfood blends, and you won’t have to waste hard earned money on vitamin and supplement pills, that only mask and suppress symptoms short term, and you can get to the root cause of “deficiency” which is a clogged system due to acids, mucus, and harden sputum stagnant in the body create a state of dis-ease, and when you clean out the fish tanks dirty water, then digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination can be fixed, and when this happens you will never run into a nutritional deficiency, as long as you maintain a diet of getting nutrition from the food your designed to eat, which is a diet of fruits, berries, and melons, and it’s a simple as getting a whole foods super food blend, or wild organic herbs, if you feel like the quality of the fruit you have access to is not dense in nutrition to accompany your body’s intuitive needs.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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