How to heal the prostate, kidneys and reverse chronic prostatitis

How to heal the prostate, kidneys and reverse chronic prostatitis

The number one thing you must do if your dealing with prostate issues is to eliminate animal products! Animal foods are what contribute to the symptoms of a compromised and damaged prostate. Prostatitis is simply just acid trapped interstitially in the prostate gland. If there is only two sides of chemistry, being acid or alkaline then it’s quite apparent that it’s the acids in the food that are causing damage in the tissue.

The key link to getting rid of acids that are trapped in the walls of the prostate is to target the kidneys. The kidneys is the door to empty the sewage tank in the body which is the largest fluid the consists of 80% of the two major fluids in the body that being blood and lymph. You could focus on blood work, various tests and procedures that are offered in the medical establishment, but you will get absolutely nowhere if you don’t understand the great lymphatic system. When acids build up in the body, and your dealing with chronic inflammation in a specific gland or organ, it’s only identifying to you that your lymphatic system is being backed up and congested, and is not being drained.

If you don’t detoxify the lymphatic system which is removing metabolic wastes through the kidneys, bowels, lungs and skin, then acids will build up and attack weak areas of the body and you will deal with the inflammation. If you heal the kidneys and you repair their function to filter out these metabolic waste, which are acids, then the prostate gland will recover and heal.

You cannot move and empty the lymphatic system of its waste, if your eating cooked food around the clock that is acid and mucus forming. You have to alkalize and hydrate your body, and feed it chemistry that is living Not Dead. If you eat dead food, specific organs and glands in your body will become dead as well. Human beings are designed for raw living foods that are alkaline in their structures, or at least predominantly alkaline. Mucus and acid will build up around the kidneys, and then work their way up to target the prostate, bladder, urethra and testes, if you don’t take care of this issue with your prostate then you will experience chronic inflammation in your whole pelvic region and this can lead to damaging cells or what they call “cancer”.

I dealt with prostatitis for many years as well as inflammation in my bladder and when I removed the acid chemistry, and I got my kidneys filtering, the acids came out and the tissues repaired. I had constant burning after urination, pain after sex, inflammation and red burning in my testicles for a year straight, it was the worst experience of my life. The more protein I eliminated from my diet my kidneys started to heal. The more cooked food I removed the faster I was recovering. I found out that and all fruit diet with herbal Botanicals was the best and most effective way to get my kidneys to filter, when my kidneys started filtering the acids started coming out, the damaged tissue in the prostate and bladder started to heal because the living foods are medicine that nature provided, and also for the nourishment of the human body, because humans are designed for raw foods as well as every other species in nature.

You want to avoid meat, grains, dairy, spicy food, starch, and keep your meals as simple as possible until your kidneys heal and recover. You don’t want to return to these acid and mucus forming foods either, but you don’t want to complex your meals when your dealing with systemic acidosis. If you could stick to Mono fruit meals, and get herbs for your kidneys, bladder, adrenal glands, and lymphatic system, and prostate you could work these acids out and get rid of prostatitis forever. I have heard horror stories regarding this issue and I’ve also heard a lot of conflicting advise pointing people to nowhere land, I’ve been to nowhere land many times dealing with this issue. When I found out that it’s the chemistry of the foods were eating that are causing acids to build up in the body with no escape because the kidneys To clogged up to eliminate them, the road was much easier, and my recovery was drastic.

Pretty much all foods are going to be too acidic for you, with prostatitis or with any inflammatory condition in the body that is simply just ulcerations caused by acids, except for your fruits and vegetables untampered and altered in their natural living state.

Only if the world understood how simple it is to heal the body, and if they could only get their brains from being constipated and brainwashed with the whole nutrition and supplement modality, they will learn to find out that it’s through detoxification that eliminates these problems that humans deal with on a daily basis.

When species eat foods their designed to eat they don’t accumulate health issues, it’s only when species eat foods that aren’t designed for them and also that have been cooked the cause pretty much every health condition that were facing in the world today on top of the environment, and the chemical saturation were exposed to, and not being able to detoxify the body because it’s too clogged up from the chemistry that’s coming in from sunup to sundown.

Human beings are frugivores species which means were design for fruit diets. If you detoxify your body from the terrain that’s inside, you will benefit drastically from the fruits, you will notice rapid digestion, incredible energy, little to no inflammation and recovery is remarkable!

I could break down the function of the prostate and give you some crazy scientific conclusion on how it’s meant to function and how to deal with the symptoms, but this is medical based thinking and will get you nowhere to solving the issue.

All you have to do is change your diet, get your kidneys filtering which are most encouraged with fruits and herbal remedies that nature has given to us for medicine. But the key breakthrough from healing the prostate is targeting the kidneys. Remember what protein is very hard on the kidneys and will suppress their ability to filter lymphatic waste. You never have to fear protein either because the body doesn’t utilize protein at all for any necessary function. The body can only process and utilize amino acids and nature has provided plenty of amino acids found in your fruits and vegetables. Amino acids found in raw living foods do not leave an acid Ash in the body but cooked proteins do especially the animal proteins.

Remove the stagnant acid build-up in the prostate via elimination through the kidneys, by changing your diet today to at least an 80% fruit based diet mono meals recommended, which means one fruit for a meal at a time and it doesn’t matter the volume, just eat as much as you can to fill you up and keep you satisfied.

The vegetables I would recommend with this condition, are going to be your low protien tender leafy greens, and savory fruits such as your cucumbers, zucchini, and the herbs such as the cilantro, parsley, dandelion Etc. You want to avoid the tomatoes because they may be a little too acidic and burn you in the process of detoxing. You also want to avoid the citrus fruits because they can really cause irritation by stirring up the acids in your body and if you’re not eliminating fasting enough this can increase pain. Your properly ripe sweet fruits and sub acid fruits will be the best option for you while you work on getting your kidneys filtering, and then you could return to the citrus fruits and the tomatoes down the road.

Also a big key factor is the adrenal glands when it comes to removing inflammation in the prostate. The adrenal glands are responsible for all your steroids, hormones, mineral utilization and sugar metabolism, as well as neurotransmitters and so many other factors. But one of the major ones is the hormone cortisol which is responsible for fighting acids and inflammation in the body. When you damage the kidneys which cause prostatitis, you also damage the adrenal glands, and if they don’t produce a healthy amount of cortisol, it’s hard to fight off inflammation. The same diet that heals the kidneys will also heal the adrenal glands. But in the process of being on a high fruit living foods diet it’s important to get herbs for the adrenal glands and the kidneys, and also the lymphatic system so that you could create movement of the lymphatic system, so that you could pull them through the kidneys quicker, but if you don’t focus on your diet, then you will only put more of a burden on the kidneys and suppress their ability to filter out these toxic waste.

Any itis that somebody has is related to its systemic acidosis, the remedy is the tip of your fingers and it’s a diet designed for your species which is a fruit based diet. If you get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, no matter what medical label the condition may be coined, it’s all related to systemic acidosis because of eating predominantly acid and mucus forming foods for decades of your life, if not from conception.

No acid condition comes from fruits and vegetables but they do come from cooked food, and the worst for humans are the animal foods. Just remember that focusing on specific protocols and then returning back to the problem that caused the issue of prostatitis, is not the goal and direction you should go down. You want to change your lifestyle and how you eat your food, and you will never have to run into problems like this. If anybody knows the irritation and pain that comes with prostatitis it’s myself, and it’s a man’s worst nightmare, and I’m so thankful for the prostatitis and curing it, because without it I wouldn’t be on an 80-90% fruit-based diet and very happy and content, and a desire to live this way from here on out, until I leave this earth.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 509
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