I am not in fear! I am present and grateful!

I am not in fear! I am present and grateful!

I’m no longer giving my attention to the evil that is taking place and putting my focus on future events. I don’t want to give energy and attention to things I can’t control.

I’m just going to be present and I’m going to be in a state of gratitude always and I will be present in this interesting time in history and I will focus on loving me and the more I disconnect from the physical side of life I can manifest a hopeful state of existence because what I bring into my space are only things that benefit my life. Yes there are legality’s on this plane and there are penalties in this game but why should we be stressed and be in a state of expectation when we can just be present.

I can be a yogi in the midst of the storm and I will take my attention to the things that don’t bring me peace and I will not be attached to this physical experience to were I fall prey to fear and anxiety.

Enjoy your time alone and don’t panic in fear because it’s so easy to put the mind on the past and the future but when you surrender to every present moment you will find true freedom even when you are being oppressed by the negative forces. The duality is just the teacher and it’s the circumstance that reminds us that all is well and all is wonderful!

We don’t have to live in fear we can only do our best and out the attention forth and manifest the best! I apologize for projecting fear and giving attention to the oppressive measures of the negative modalities.

Be the best and be present and find the opportunities when they come to transition to a life that brings you peace and that for me is to play in the creation and to be close to nature and the tropics are my joy and I’m blessed to be stuck here and I will find my peace and meditate into a state of being present and still instead of barking and trying to be in control with things I can’t control.

I can control my reality because I create my reality and I manifest within my intuition and the intuition is not fear and anxiety that comes from the chattering mind that is wrestling with a state I choose to play in when I have free will to never wavier from being present and always experiencing gratitude because what I create is pure and perfect and the only thing that has formed in my spirit and my spirit is eternal because energy cannot die because it is always transforming.

Nobody owns me and nobody controls me I am just flowing and surrendering and waiting for the new earth where this is no evil only light, love and nature and there is no boarders, Jurisdictions or separations and I’m just awaiting this to come and no government can take that from me because I’m just passing by in this game of life and whatever transpires is ok and I need not to fear.

I opt out of anything that separates me from nature and if I’m “penalized” from obeying my MIA principles so be it because I will pass through to the world I want and it’s ok what happens until I get there.

There will be a paradise jungle and community coming and soul family will be there and healing, love, and light will prosper there and only beauty and purity will be manifested for that day and there will be a culture that has no pride in flags, countries, race, and languages it will be a place of simplicity in nature living of what she produces for us and mango trees, herb gardens, fruit in abundance and children running and playing and growing in stature and wisdom without books but rather learning from the flow of nature in how that flows because nature is the greatest teacher for children, adults, and every living creature and we will experience this beauty because all things come from the conscious state and we dwell there and nothing can stop this because we are the controllers of our existence and those that want this the most will experience it and this time is just the purging phase preparing us for this day!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 4 years ago
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