I love fasting - But don’t turn this amazing method of healing into an eating disorder

I love fasting - But don’t turn this amazing method of healing into an eating disorder

Fasting truly is nature’s gift to humanity for healing and regenerating a body that has become damaged, and it’s free! You don’t put old wineskins in a new container! So you must clean out the body’s sewage waste in order to get back proper function of health.

Fasting by water or a dry fasting experience truly is regenerative healing when you do it for a season, and then adopt a living foods diet based around fruit and herbal botanicals for healthy maintenance living, of keeping the body clean in a world of toxic poison we breath in, and get on our skin. The body heals the best when you don’t overwork it, and that’s why I truly promote intermittent dry fasting and extended dry fasting.

I also believe that this lifestyle should be earned with balance, mental stability, and transition. You shouldn’t go from a McDonald’s fast-food diet to fruit, and water fasting overnight! You can hurt yourself doing this. You go raw for a while, then get to all-fruit levels, do some juice feasting for 7-30 days before you fast on water or extended dry fasting. Fasting is water or dry, not juice or just eating fruit, that’s dietary, not fasting.

Because we live in a world so out of balance, and we have been radically conditioned and brainwashed, we have to do things in balance and make sure we are grounded at some level. When you fast and you see that sewage comes out of your body, you learn quickly that what you ate your whole life was not properly eliminated from your body, and you learn quickly what’s food, and what is not food for the human body. This can turn into a game of what can you get out! Lol be careful though, because If your whole life becomes about fasting, and you start to become afraid to eat certain foods that are even mucus free or none acidic in its raw and natural state, you can be creating an eating disorder, and this is an obstruction to the mind, and spiritual body, especially if fasting just becomes a physical thing, because your trying to force healing to a physical element.

Don’t become obsessed with fasting, it’s a seasonal thing if it’s extended fasting. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle, and can be easily done with balance, but even those that obsess about OMAD (one meal a day) and getting their 20+ hours of dry fasting in a day, and beat themselves up if they don’t, are walking out of balance, and in my opinion are creating an eating or fasting disorder.

Don’t follow a schedule, but instead become a master of intuitiveness! If you’re getting obsessed, your mind is not right, and I seriously recommend to find your balance, whether that’s adding in a green, juice, salad, or even cooked foods once a week if you’re not in seriously bad shape regarding your health. This message is more for those that have healed up a lot of elements in the body, are not on their death bed, but have become OCD about fruit-only diets 100% all the time, afraid to eat anything else, and fast more then they eat, but have mental instability issues attached to it.

Those that can fast for several days, and months, that are true masters have earned it over time, they transitioned like masters, they are not attached to the physical body, they fast for spiritual reasons, and they also have calm spirits, and not all over the place in their thinking, barking at people about health, and fasting, and flaunting their ego about how many days they fasted, etc.

Go raw for sure, make the diet fruit-based because you are indeed a frugivore, but don’t fear eating cooked or foods you wouldn’t normally eat once in a while, because they may just “kill you” lol! Who cares, it’s just a physical body, and your an eternal soul just visiting here, so why be so attached to it!? Get into fasting just don’t become obsessed with it.

Fasting is nature’s cure for healing the body, and all humans should intermittent fast and fast for extended periods of time, but when you become too out of body for too long, and you become wirey and out of balance, don’t be afraid to come down, and ground a little, because you need to earn these higher levels of healing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body, and if it becomes a race and obsession you’re not there yet, so become a student first before you try to become a master. It will take years to become a master, and when you do, you will not be OCD and walk with fear and obsession, it will come with ease and wisdom, and people will see a light, and God-like characteristics, not someone that possesses traits of an eating disorder, is all wirey and barks at others, so if you find yourself doing that, find your balance and get back to a place of transition, because it’s not a race, it’s a marathon and journey!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
Views: 472
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