If you want gut and brain health you must stop eating grains

If you want gut and brain health you must stop eating grains

The phatic acid in grains is so strong these acids literally ulcerate the bowel wall and ferment in the small intestines causing fungal overgrowths which than create more uric acid from the fungus waste ripping up the bowel wall even more.

The whole grain brain concept came into the picture because so many people have experienced massive gut-related problems from eating grains especially grains that contain gluten. When the gut gets damaged so does the brain.

The bowels are connected to the head and the body shuts down systemically. The brain and the gut communicate with each other to produce serotonin and when you don’t get cellular communication and activate the receptors dis-ease around the corner. These receptors are activated by the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is also activated through neurotransmitters which the adrenal glands produce.

You see everything is connected and imbalance chemistry for the human body which is anything high acid will in return shut everything down and dis-ease is around the corner. Grains feed fungus especially the yeasty grains you find in bread and wheat products.

Gluten has been known to damage the lining of the small intestines and I believe it and have experienced the blowbacks from Indian breads and I never feel good when I compromise an optimal diet with anything that contains gluten.

This is not a celiacs issue this is a human issue. For one human should not be eating any grains because they are not designed for us and two gluten is an acidic gluey protein that sticks and damages tissue. It’s not a “gluten intolerance” and Celtics “disease” it’s acidosis of the small intestines.

hybridized wheat and other hybrid gluten grains are very acidic and this is why over time you feel burning in your gut from eating them to much. You never want to give the body a reason to steal calcium in the bowel wall to buffer acidosis because this will lead to malabsorption and even prolapsing of the bowels.

Gluten and hybridized grains damage the Microvilli, which look like hairy fingers that are connected to your intestines to increase the surface area and absorb nutrients. You damage them with acidic foods like grains you will run into a world of trouble in the future if not careful.

Notice when you eat grains especially wheat you get chronic bloat, gas, burping, and itchy skin? Brain fog, fatigue, confusion, and the like? This is because grains don’t become properly metabolized (sugar) ferment and stick to the bowels like glue and create a frenzy of fungus and parasites to clean up the mess you left behind. Grains are also very mucus forming and fungus and parasites feed on mucus in the colon.

Let’s talk about glyphosate you know the highly neurotoxic chemical pesticide/herbicide/fungicide. glyphosate on wheat is criminal and this is why so many countries ban it. If your eating grains that are not natural and organic and you reside in a county that approves it like the FDA in the United States! Most likely you are creating serious damage to your gut and you are killing essential microbiome that helps you break down waste and if so in return you deal with digestive issues and chronic fungal overgrowths.

Grain brain more like glyphosate brain on top! Grains are highly additive because grains are considered excitotoxins. Yes, they are like drugs to your brain not to mention candida/fungi love the byproducts grains leave behind undigested in the colon to ferment, and in return, you have grain brain/brain fog! This is why you’re so addictive because the bugs in your body crave these foods!

Phatic acid, gluten denatured sticky protein, glyphosate, and chemicals found in non-organic grains can seriously damage your gut and lower the quality of your life. It’s best to give up all grains.

If I was starving and had to eat grain at least in Thailand I could get white rice which is much lower in protein/acid and the phytic acid is removed from the husk that makes it a whole grain but if you’re not starving it’s best to avoid all grains 😆

If you have gut damage because of the acid chemistry you put in your body in order to heal the gut properly you must give up all grains. If you are still transitioning to a high raw, fully raw, or mucusless diet and still eat cooked vegan I would. suggest you give up the grains and beans/legumes and focus on foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, and pumpkin. Be careful with the grain alternatives (starchy seeds) as well such as quinoa, millet buckwheat, amaranth because of the higher phytic acid content, and these seeds if eaten too much can be too high in protein. You want to keep the protein very low when you are suffering from interstitial acidosis of the bowels.

Gluten especially in grains is a protein/acid that will do some serious damage and this is why you want to kick the habit because I’m with you and understand. When I create a fungal problem from grains I crave the bread to and in my experience, the Indian bread being the best will tare you up big time.

You can kick the habit and I believe in you and if you want to start experiencing more quality of life I’d give up all grains for good. Focus on fruits,and vegetables. Eat your fruits and juice your vegetables.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 4 years ago
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