If your getting cyst, bumps, fibroids,ulceration on your reproductive organs, then your kidneys lost filtration along time ago

If your getting cyst, bumps, fibroids,ulceration on your reproductive organs, then your kidneys lost filtration along time ago

If you have been told you have uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, lumps, cyst or tumors on the breast, or testicles of your a man, this means your lymphatic system has backed up to high levels of saturation, and your kidneys lost filtration a long time ago.

If you’re not eliminating your waste, then your accumulating waste. If the body doesn’t get rid of the acids and metabolitic waste, then the body will store them in tissues, and overtime you will experience ulcerations to tissue, boils, cyst, tumors, and all kinds of pockets of fluids can develop in the body, because lymph is just building up, because you’re not eliminating, and this creates a cationic environment, or what Robert Morse ND likes to call it, (interstitial lymphatic constipation)

Why would you fail to filter, and not eliminate your waste? I must be repetitive to help the reader sink this in. 2 sides of chemistry right? ACID/BASE, so what side of chemistry would damage the kidneys and skin, impairing the body to eliminate metabolitic waste? Acids right??! Well what foods are acidic and clog up the human body? All foods at some level other then fruits and starchless vegetables.

The proteins are the worst offenders to the kidneys, and the bowels. If you damage the bowels, you get backed up with digestive waste, and this creates fermentation, putrefaction, fungus, parasitic and microbe infestation in the intestines.

The proteins that are the worst on the kidneys are of course the dead animal tissue, the meats, eggs, and dairy. The beans and grains are also hard on the kidneys when eaten excessive amounts, and the starch doesn’t help ether, because starch will create mucus in the body, slowing down lymph flow, and also blocking the flow of energy creating stagnation, and dis-ease.

To avoid this from happening, you want to create an environment of hydration, and alkalinity in the body, and you need the fruits and veg to create this reality. Because humans have damaged their kidneys so bad, and backed up the lymph system, and have lost filtration, it will take work to get filtration back, so you can eliminate the acids that are causing dysfunction to the body, and creating ulcerations, cyst, boils, tumors, and fibroids. It can take a diet of fruit only, herbs, and dry fasting to unclog the kidneys of mucus, and calcification, so you can filter your lymph system, and anything more then the cleaning, and energetic power of the fruits, will slow down this healing process, and may not be aggressive enough to crack them open.

If you don’t filter lymph, you cannot get better!! This is just a fact when it comes to regenerative detoxification. If you created the mess your in, on the wrong side of chemistry, eating acidic foods, and putting acidic chemistry on your skin for to long, it’s only a matter of time you will end up dying on your own sewage waste!

You can turn your ship around, if you transition to a fruit diet, and get your kidneys filtering, but apart from kidney filtration you cannot heal ulcerations, get rid of cyst, overcome any itis like conditions, and you will be left frustrated with what to eat, because you will be in so much pain and irritation. You will even feel some pain when the body starts to clean on the fruits, but once those kidneys unclog themselves, and you remove the acids that are damaging your tissue, glands, organs, nerves, bones, brain and everything else in the body that’s just made up of a bunch of cells, you can get out of hellville and experience a state of wellville not only on a physical level, but an emotional and spiritual level as well.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
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