Improper food combining is a big reason for digestive distress

Improper food combining is a big reason for digestive distress

Combining foods is what created the art of cooking. Comfort food entered society and junk food came into existence and it has become the most lethal drug that has radically damaged the human organism.

Combining foods taste good without question and taste pleasure is comforting. When the body shuts down however from the abuse of violating the laws of nature and playing with chemistry will come with a consequence and manipulating your taste buds and creating a microbiome that gets there fuel from your bad habits will come with unpleasant bodily effects.

These are the facts and the facts don’t come with intellectual answers that say a whole lot of nothing. Nature and common sense will help us as a human species understand how to eat and how hyto drate and alkalize the body, and how to element the metabolic and digestive waste properly out of the body.

The facts are that the human diet should be a simple diet just like the millions of species that roam this earth plane. Every species pretty much at least to my knowledge eats a simple diet of mono meals. Mono meals are one food at a time and to eat until satisfied and satiated.

The problem with digestion a lot of the time is because humans combine there foods. Not combining your foods improperly but combining your foods period. Now an obvious reason for a “vegan” diet or a raw vegan diet or any diet that includes complicating your foods to a fancy recipe because your mind tells you from poor eating habits that, that’s how food can “only taste good” is the main reason for gas, bloat and creating fermentation in the body and also creating undigested foods like refine starches and proteins that end up creating mucoid plaque in the bowels and also the synthetic sulfates that glue up the bowels create a lot of gas and fungus in the body as well.

All this is due to combining your foods and taking chemical drugs that are corrosive and damaging to the human body leading to food intolerances, proliferation of bacterium and virals (foreign proteins) and humans blame a raw food diet or a vegan diet for there problems. Sigh the unawareness makes me want to ?

We created a sewage environment in the body and now you need to pull it out and it will only come out through hydration and alkalization and a simple diet of mono eating primarily fruit and the goal is organic and properly ripe fruit and not overeating so you can allow your pancreas and gallbladder to heal and so that you can expectorate and create detoxification so that you can take out the trash and build a high functioning body on hydration and alkaline foods.

The problem with combining your foods is causing digestive confusion and mixing foods together that have different digestion speeds. When you combine a food like a fruit with a vegetable your going to create fermentation in the body and yet people bitch and complain about a “vegan diet” not working and turning away from alkaline foods to a diet of meat, dairy, and eggs all because they combined there plant foods wrong creating gas and bloat when they just could of instead learned how to eat like every other animal in nature and that’s a mono diet of eating one food at a time.

Fruit digest the fastest so eat fruit alone when you mix with a vegetable, starch or protein with a simple sugar then you will create alcohol in the body and the result is gas, burping and bloat and if you mix simple sugars with fats whether that’s raw or cooked, then your going to gain weight, over burned the pancreas and gallbladder and creat blood sugar issues on top.

If you eat fruit then eat one fruit at a time and make sure you eat fruit ripe and sweet because it’s the sugars and sweetness that determine the nutrient density and alkalinity of the fruit and I’m not taking about lemons and limes even though they also should have a slight sweetness as well if picked properly and grown on quality organic soils.

If you still eat cooked like whole starch foods then eat them mono as well and don’t mix them with fats, proteins and simple sugars. If you eat veggies then eat them by themselves mono style and good luck enjoying that because the homo sapiens are not herbivores by design and this is why it’s hard to enjoy or feel satiated of a head of lettuce by itself.

The main reason that “raw vegans” deal with digestive issue is because they eat complicated poor food combining recipes that are not natural the way nature intended it, and this is what causes gas and bloat and digestive issue and also because raw veggies are not easy for humans to digest and much easier to digest cooked. It’s not hard to eat ripe fresh sweet mangoes until full and satisfied but it’s difficult to digest salad let alone get enough calories for fuel and energy and satiation. Does this sound like a symphony of common sense again?

Eat your foods mono style and learn to enjoy it and with time you will when you get rid of the parasites and fungus that have been feasting on your undigested processed pleasure foods that your struggling to get rid of because these foods are highly addictive and a good why to numb your problems and to put yourself into a food coma ? to forget about your “problems” for a couple hours.

Humans are mono fruit eaters by design and the problem is humans are not maintaining a simple diet of eating mono fruit meals because it’s hard to find any quality fruit that is satisfying in this damaged earth plane we live on today. But it still doesn’t negate the facts that this is one of the main reason why “vegans” are having digestive issue because they are not creating simple digestion to experience it and most humans just don’t eat ripe fruit to experience optimal digestion like you should experience eating mono fruit meals.

If you can’t maintain yourself on just mono fruit meals then have a little mono cooked veggie meals or mono sweet potato meals, but when your trying to heal and detox to clean your lymphatic system then stick to mono fruit meals, and get herbs to support your organs, brain, nervous system and endocrine system.

When you’re not detoxing and want to maintain an alkaline diet for lifestyle, instead of eating complicated salads and veggies dishes mixed with oils and nuts and seeds and avocados then get that nutrition in the form of a green juice or a veggie broth and adopt a mucusless diet the way Arnold Ehret recommends

I personally think that we should be eating mono meals if we want to experience proper digestion and to eat organic and none gmo foods. Because we are fruigivores mono veggie meals raw are going to be hard to digest so if you eat veggies I would could them or juice them raw.

The reason for digestive issue and gut problems on a vegan diet in my opinion is because of combining foods, and combining foods regarding complicated recipes that just don’t digest good and is not natural anyways and not sticking to a species specific diet, and eating conventional fruits and vegetables from industrial farms that are bought and payed by Monsanto that are sprayed with chemicals that wipe out the microbiome and damage the autonomic nervous system that is connected to the stomach and bowels.

When it comes to dealing with gas, pain and discomfort on a mono fruit diet and your body is cleaning out your pipes of the sewage that has accumulated for decades then be patient because the fruit is pulling the sewage out and it doesn’t come out peacefully if your really backed up, but once the death plaques come out, then you will not feel gas and bloat from ripe, fresh organic fruit and you will enjoy the effortless digestion and hydration from the fruit. The issue is humans are addicted to processed vegan junk, gourmet raw, which is the worst food combined and hardest to digest food you can eat and mix there fruits together to make smoothies and chug there smoothies instead of eating the fruit whole and chewing it in the mouth and god forbid mixing fats and nuts and seeds with there fruit smoothies, or having smoothie bowels with starches like fatty granola, and we wonder why vegans or raw vegans are having digestive issues ? it’s only because humans are addicted to complexity, and trying to find satisfaction due to the art of cooking and food combining, and this “art” comes with a consequence because we are playing with nature and chemistry when we are designed for simplicity like all the animals in nature that eat simple and most of them eat plants specific to there design and biology as well.

Eat simple, eat fresh, organic mono fruit meals and juice your veggies to make up for the lack of nutrition in the low quality fruit we have access to, and you should overcome your issue with digestion and bloat and when you fix your kidneys, adrenals and endocrine glands and you clean out your lymphatic system then you should be able to maintain a simple mono plant-based diet making fruit the focus.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 530
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