"INFECTIONS" is just stagnant sewage in the body

"INFECTIONS" is just stagnant sewage in the body

Whenever you use the word infection or correlate something wrong in your body you must understand the simplicity of what infection really is. Infection is just culturing medium, which means stagnant sewage in the body. When a person loses kidney filtration, the lymphatic system backs up, and if your on an acidic diet, and your accumulating acids in your lymphatic system, your going to create a sewage environment were parasites, bacteria, and microbes come in to clean up the mess, and infections take place. The more acidic the terrain is in the body, the more bacteria can proliferate, and the more likely you are to run into infections.

The goal is to clean your sewer system with alkaline chemistry, and to stay away from foods that are acid and mucus forming. You could alkalize your body and clean and break things down all day long, but if you’re not filtering through your kidneys, then the sewage will stay at home. It’s not necessarily about going on a raw food diet, when you have backed up your lymphatic system for decades, and you don’t create kidney filtration. You could be on a raw food diet for a long time, and still find yourself accumulating these types of infections.

You also want to focus on cleaning out your bowels well, with herbs and even possibly some enemas if you have very low neurotransmitters and poor bowel mobility due to weak adrenal glands. There’s a lot of blockages that block the flow of energy, and sometimes just a raw food diet is not enough to pull out old stagnant plaque buildup, and the more of this old stagnant plaque buildup, the more like your going to run into infection, because you are still going to have bacteria, parasites, fungi, and other microbes that are going to try to clean up the mess, until you get rid of it yourself. Get your kidneys filtering, and make sure your moving your bowels well, and alkalizing and hydrating on the living foods diet, based around fruits, berries and melons, you shouldn’t run into these problems in a clean alkaline environment.

If your consuming a lot of proteins, and you’re not on a raw living foods, and your always getting sick, then understand the culturing medium which is stagnant sewage. Weak kidneys that are not filtering, and an acidic diet what causes bacteria and parasites to proliferate in the body, you will continually run into these infections, until you make changes to your diet. When you clean your lymphatic system properly, then you could create a strong immune system, and you wont get sick, getting sick and accumulating infections only happens in a culturing medium of backed-up sewage.

If your on a fruit based raw food diet and your struggling to get kidney filtration, there could be many factors that are suppressing you from achieving this. You may be eating too late, you may be drinking added drinking water on top of a very hydrating and water-rich diet which will overburden the kidneys and suppress them from filtering. You need to do whatever it takes to get your kidneys filtering so you don’t continue to run into these problems. If you have stubborn kidneys and they’re not filtering well, then your only other option outside of fruits and herbs is dry fasting. If it was me and I was struggling to get kidney filtration, and I was having issues with infections, I would dry fast to open up the floodgates, so that I can get rid of the stagnant sewage, and change the environment in my body, because dormant acids will only invite more problems down the road.

Detoxification is so vital and important, but it’s too bad that people focus too much on food rather than elimination of waste, because without elimination of waste that has been backed up since you were born, must come out in order to get true benefits from the living foods, and this is why there are still people struggling on raw food diets for decades, because they don’t understand the importance of high fruit, herbs and fasting, to make sure their kidneys are constantly filtering. raw foods in general such as your high proteins and high fats can be hard on the kidneys, and slow the lymphatic system from moving sewage out of the body, and this is why it’s important to have the high electromagnetic foods which are your fruits, berries and melons. The number of days you have been 100% raw doesn’t mean anything, it’s about what you eliminate that matters the most. Lots of people just start eating raw foods coming off of an acid and mucus forming diet, and don’t understand the stagnant plaque buildup that is not just going to magically come out of the body, but may take some effort such as juice fast, water fast, enemas, and astringent herbs that help pull stubborn waste come out, so that you could keep things flowing.

The body uses up a lot of energy on digestion even if it is 100% raw food diet, so this is why it’s important to use the reset methods when you transition over to this lifestyle, so you can get rid of the sewage terrain, so you don’t run into these infections that you shouldn’t get when your hydrating and alkalizing everyday.

I’ve heard of raw foodist, and even those on high fruit raw food diets run into infections, and that should never be the case when you have eliminated acid forming foods that have cooked, processed and manipulated. But in all reality it doesn’t matter how perfect your diet is, and how long, if your kidneys are not filtering. Focus on getting your kidneys filtering, and you will come to understand that infections are only caused from the sewage terrain that is dormant and stagnant constipating the lymphatic system.

The AMA and their treatment modalities is not the answer, and will prescribe chemical medications that will only create more sewage backup in the body for you to deal with, and also jam up the eliminative organs, and create more bacteria for microbes to feed on in your GI tract and lymphatic system. Antibiotics will kill all the friendly bacteria, and the synthetic sulfates will leave residues that will harden to the walls of the GI tract, and also create a feeding frenzy for fungi, creating candida overgrowths.

If you don’t understand the cause, and the simplicity of cause and effect, then you will only run into more problems, and try to treat yourself, rather than focusing on elimination of waste, which is what makes somebody thrive and attain optimal health, and it’s not the nutritional focus and a “balanced diet” Etc it’s fixing digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminating your waste, and a clean body with a septic tank that’s properly drained and kidneys that are filtering metabolic waste.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 5 years ago
Views: 407
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