Is a frugivore diet to extreme?

Is a frugivore diet to extreme?

Fruits clean out and regenerate the body at the highest level possible, shouldn’t this be the default diet until proven otherwise? We have gotten away from the concept that foods are designed to be for nourishment, not just for pleasure and indulgence. The good news is fruits are very pleasurable to consume, and humans are naturally attracted to the colors, the vibrance, the texture, and everything that vibrates on that fruit naturally. Fruits are attractive to the human species. If somebody is not attracted to fruit, it’s most likely because they have accumulated an addiction to food as a drug, for pleasure rather, than a food that taste good, but also provides nourishment to the body. Because we have gotten away from our natural diet, we have drifted into the realms of degenerative dis-ease! We have learned how to add chemicals, and process the food, in such a way that it creates over enhancement of flavor to the taste buds, and creates chemicals in the brain similar to what happens when you ingest a drug like chemical that over produces serotonin and dopamine and other chemicals get highly released in the brain, and the body goes into reaction mode, building up cholesterol in the blood, and other foreign chemicals enter the bloodstream, creating a fight and flight response, from overstimulation to the adrenal gland function, and thyroid gland becomes more active or become underactive, do to the consequence of consuming these chemical-laden foods processed and created in labs, and then we experience the consequence of out of balance, because the body does not know how to deal with foreign chemistry it’s not designed for. (Acidosis)

We need to get back to simplicity and understand that every animal, including the human animal, is designed for holistic plant food raw. whenever you isolate food, your compromising the true nature of that food, so when you consume compromised food, it’s going to create an imbalance in the body. We get so fixated on diagnosis, and illness labels that we might have, instead of the simplicity of understanding the body is out of balance because of the chemistry were consuming.

We have drifted so far away from the true understanding of why we consume food in the first place, that we just feel like as long as we stuff our self with whatever we could find in society, and as long as we eat something, we will stay nourished and healthy, this is so further from the truth, because it’s not about filling your belly with food, it’s about eating food your body’s actually designed to run off of for proper fuel, and will also create proper digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination of waste. When whats narural gets compromised, it’s not going to matter whether you fill your body with whatever food society has to offer, that’s going to matter, but the foods you are nourishing your body to create these pathways of health that will.

It’s quite interesting that when you are enslaved to the modality of society, when it comes to consumption of food, you think it’s extreme to eat healthy, so we create labels like orthorexic, or health freak. it’s scary to think how imbalanced we have become as humans to put labels on things that are positive, and beneficial, and completely natural. We think balance is eating whatever is provided to us, no matter how corrosive and damaging it can cause to our bodies and minds. It’s scary to think that the ones that choose to eat healthy, are labeled as the oddballs of society, rather than understanding that these people are very intelligent, and spiritually strong beings, that we should all desire to become while we inhabit this space on earth. Are we really just here to consume and die? I believe we exist here to express our artistic side, and learn to come together as one, to express that God Consciousness that’s inside of everyone of us. It’s very difficult to come together in a collective consciousness and share this oneness, when were creating blockages in our bodies and a minds, which also suppress the ability to tap into our intuitive conscious spiritual side as well. If we don’t open up the pathway of spirituality, it’s going to be very difficult to understand how to express this positive vibration that we all should express, when we are more aligned with nature. People that frown on expressing positivity, because they think that their must be a balance of positivity and negativity, this is correct when it comes to duality, but we don’t want to exercise, and look for ways to be negative, because love is a positive vibration, and love is the goal, because we are created for love, and love is what sets us free from anything that is going to cause turmoil, and pain in this life.

Become alive again in mind body and spirit. it’s important that we learn, why it’s so important that we bring in the proper energy, such as the fuel that comes from the food were designed to eat, because we are beings that are designed to consume, and the largest percentage of energy spent on this earth is what we put in our body. If the majority of our activity is based on consumption. I think it would be important to learn what were designed to consume, and when we do learn what were designed to consume, we will go through a healing process, and also experience an awakening, that you would never think could possibly take place, not only physically, and mentally but spiritually as well.

We can live and thrive on fruits, veggie fruits and herbs alone

We are a species that is designed to get our fuel from fruits primarily. Are earliest ancestors that have been recorded, lived on fruits, veggie fruits, and herbs. When we scientifically dig up fossil records that indicate what the earliest humans ate, it’s easy to come to terms and accept the reality that fruits were 90% of their diet, but when we talk about frugivorism to the random person in society today, it’s looked at like crazy, unhealthy, and so often is touted as an eating disorder. This is absolutely crazy, knowing that an eating disorder should be labeled for those that eat foods that are created in boxes, labs, and highly cooked to death, and those who spend their time at fast food restaurants and restaurants. Everything is backwards today. To look at somebody on the grass, in society eating a large amount of fruit, is looked at as a crazy person, but somebody that eats a triple decker cheeseburger with extra cheese and bacon in a building is looked at as a normal person in society? I think I’m happy to be the oddball in society, and it’s worth it to me to be labeled as a health nut, or somebody with an eating disorder, because I’m eating foods that I’m designed to eat, rather than to fit in with the status quo, and feeling like utter garbage every day, just to fit in, because I’m addicted to junk food that’s created in a lab, that’s not suitable for my anatomy and physiology, and only causes degenerative health conditions. I refuse to lower the quality of my life, and go through this life wasted, because I’ve never got rid of enough obstructions cauding decay in my body, to figure out what my calling and purpose is on this plane, and that’s to be happy, free, without experiencing chronic degenerative health conditions, and to express my art, and love like all the species do in nature do, because they are in harmony with their natural design.

Pressure of friends and family

It’s sad to me that we have friends and family members that try to detour us away from eating raw living foods, and getting the majority of our calories from fruits alone, because their misinformed, and so trapped, and brainwashed to think that we need to cook dead animals, in order to get an adequate enough nutrition, when these very people that are worried and are trying to detour you or are very sick, extremely overweight, and do not look healthy, let alone spiritually awake and alive. We also have people that only eat plant foods, but they cook plant foods, and also have negative things to say about those who only choose to eat their plant foods raw, primarily fruit based, because they think that fruits have too much sugar in them, or that it’s unsafe to eat their foods 100% raw. It’s really as easy as just understanding that every species eats their food Raw, and the human species is the only species that decides to cook their food, and cooking food, kills the food and kills the natural structures of the food, so when you are killing the natural structure of the food, this becomes also an unnatural way of consuming it. I think that even those that are cooking there plant foods, are not fully awake, because if they were fully awake they would understand the simplicity of this concept I just described. I think it’s very easy to find an excuse, because we have become so highly conditioned to cook our foods for over the last 500 years or more, and that it’s just very difficult to mentally handle, the concept of only eating are foods Raw.

So why a frugivore diet?

The reason for a frugivore diet is because our biology and physiology is most compatible with the consumption of fruits, and I think that it’s easy to understand this concept knowing that fruits are the easiest foods to digest out of all the food in nature provided for us. You do not have to cook fruit in order to break down its structure, to properly digest it. There are a large variety of vegetables that cannot be properly broken down, and digested unless they are cooked, so if you have to cook the food, then it’s not the most compatible food for your design and digestive system. Most vegetables have to be cooked to be properly digested, because it’s the cellulose fibers in the vegetable that are not able to be properly digested in the human species. This is why humans are not herbivores whatsoever. Most herbivores have multiple stomachs, and larger digestive tracts, that are designed to break down these tough fibers without having to cook them in order for them to be digested, absorbed and utilized properly. If you want to experience optimal health, you need to eat fruits, because humans are able to properly digest, absorb and utilize them. If you’re not going for optimal health, then cook some vegetables, but if you want optimal health, and you want to know what the most compatible diet is for your species, and that promotes the most health, your going to have to eat like a frugivore, in order to attain this.

I believe the reason why people drift away from a frugivore diet, is because they have compromised their health and such a negative way, and have created so many obstructions in their bodies, that when they tried to eat a frugivore diet they experienced worse symptoms, because fruits also happened to be very energizing, active in detoxification, and an astringes and pull out obstructions very quickly, and vegetables do not have the power to create this healing process. This is why it’s important to transition to a frugivore diet, so that you could slowly remove the obstructions, so that you could learn to handle the power of the fruit, but it’s the fruit levels of health, that should be everybody’s goal, because when they do clean out their body good enough, to handle the fruit, they will experience the most benefits they ever could think or imagine on fruits alone.

Why herbs?

I believe that herbs are very important to take, while transitioning over to your natural diet, so that they can bring healing, to the damaged tissues, and compromised areas of the body, so that you could open up your clogged up eliminative channels, to remove this excess waste caused from cooking, and eating foods that are not properly aligned with nature that got your bodies degenerated in the first place. Herbs will buffer, while the fruits remove metabolic waste. When you put salt on the wound you feel a burn right? Well it’s the same thing with fruits, when theirs a lot of burning going on in the body, the fruits can aggravate the burn while they also bring the healing.

Fruits and herbs are powerful healers

Fruits are very astringent, and theirs a good reason for that, because the foods that your design to eat are designed to also clean your body not clog it up. Herbs have been known to heal wounds, and enhance cellular function, that accelerate the healing process, this is why I believe their very important to consume not only for healing, but also because their very nutritive, and natural, knowing that are foods are being compromised these days, and wild non-hybrid herbs are not. Herbs are also detoxifiers and clean out the body as well, and this is an important cycle we must create in this unconscious world we live in do to the toxicity and pollution were exposed to.

It’s better for you to be the oddball, and to be “extreme” then to have a short lifespan, be stuck on this plane with a degenerative health condition, that affects a the quality level of your life, and to fit in with the crowd, and just kind of ease your way through this life masking symptoms, and covering up your potential. Who cares what people think, we need to create a new paradigm of health, by returning back to a frugivore diet, which is the most compatible with our species, because we are frugivores by design.

Slowly transition yourself back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, so that you don’t feel the burn as bad, because you most likely will, because you have consumed a lot of foods that are incompatible with your species, that have become stagnant in your body, and these metabolic waste, must come out, and they will come out when you return back to a diet your biologically designed for, if you return back to this, trust the process, you will learn that true health and vitality is attained through a frugivore diet at the highest level possible.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 628
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