It's just a physical body so don't be a slave to it

It's just a physical body so don't be a slave to it

There is no doubt that humans have drastically compromised the function of the human body, and acids have taking precedence causing extreme pain and fatigue. You can turn your ship around and get well, but you must understand that the more your mind is attached to your body, The more stress you can inflict on it. The more you calm your mind and embrace the now, and aren’t attached to living in your body, the more you could remove the acid stagnation from the physical body, as well as the acid stagnation in the mental thoughts. When you learn to embrace the simplicity of nature, you stop thinking, and you can meditate and embrace the now, you could detach yourself from your physical body, eliminate stress, therefore eliminating pain and fatigue that cripples you.

Don’t be attached to your physical body, don’t be obsessed with the consumption of food, and train your mind to eliminate stressful triggers of negativity, because negative thoughts are acids, and acids are what break down the tissue in the human body. Obsession whether it’s positive or negative is being too attached to the physical body. The best thing that you can do to eliminate stress, and eliminate these bodily habits, is to embrace your internal self which is your spiritual being which doesn’t die, and lives on forever. If you embrace your spiritual self, and you empty your mind from the chatter, and you truly embrace the now, and what’s happening, and you accept it with perfect contentment, then your body will not master over you, and you can make it your slave rather than being a slave to it.

If you truly embrace the reality that the spirit never dies, then you won’t be attached to your physical body, fear death, and have all these worries about certain things that regard the physical body such as what you’re supposed to eat, and worrying about getting a specific ratio of nutrition and minerals, thinking that that’s why your body crashed, when in all reality it was your stressful acidic thoughts and lifestyle as well as consuming acid and mucus forming foods that made your body your prison not a lack of nutrition and minerals.

Look at the breatharian Masters, they do not consume, and they are not attached to their physical body, and that spiritual nutrition as well as relying on the elements of the earth alone meet all their needs, and prove that the physical body is not their slave, and how the mind cripples the physical body, because of these condition thoughts that make us attached to it.

There must be a balance in this life of duality. You don’t want to be too grounded to the earth, and you don’t want to be outside your body all of the time, but you don’t want to be a slave to the physical body, and also want to feed and nourish and explore the outer worlds through your spiritual channels of access that we all have. If we are just physical bodies then why do we have Deja Vu, why do we have out of body dream experiences, and why do people have near-death experiences where they’re completely out of body, and experience a spiritual enlightenment that forever changes their lives? It’s simple it’s because the spirit never dies and the physical body is only a tent that inhabits the infinite awareness. The goal is to exercise the ability to receive that intuition and infant awareness so that you’re not trapped and enslaved to your physical body which will heal every so-called disease. Disease labels, and all these conditions that we identify ourselves with having are all illusions, it’s a physical and indoctrinated state. There truly is only two sides of chemistry in the physical form, and that’s acid or alkaline, you adopt an alkaline diet, and you adopt an alkaline environment, and you choose to connect yourself with nature rather than a negative Babylon system, then you could remove acids that are corrosive that cause the symptoms that are uncomfortable as simple as that sounds, this is the truth!

Get your mind off of your diet, get your mind off of what everyone is doing around you, don’t just focus on the negative things that take place, but take time out of your day to work on your own spiritual nourishment, shut off your mind, sit in nature and listen to the birds chirp, try to empty all your thoughts, and manifest and attract positivity, such as I am infinite consciousness, I am infinite awareness, and I am a part of the all, which means I could overcome anything, achieve anything, and I can experience true inner peace and joy regardless of what my physical body is doing, because in due time the physical will become alkaline, the mind will become alkaline, and I will be able to find that balance in the world of duality and overcome the device of slavery. Chant these things before you empty your thoughts and meditate, and completely shut up all thoughts, and be the observer rather than the thinker.

Making changes, is also important, because you can’t just sit in a bubble and expect everything to change, but what I’m trying to convey here is not to be so enslaved to the physical realm, to where you adopt these negative thinking patterns that suppress you but will help accelerate your spiritual development, and also your physical healing. Hard work, with a calm mind, and not being enslaved and being so attached to your torn down physical body, will influence the hard work, but it will come with ease, instead of stress and worry.

In the detoxification circles, most people are talking about their diet, and the most simplistic food that nature has provided for humans, is the most confused topic, and I believe it will be so for many years to come regarding a fruit-based diet, because of the torn down physical body that is going through drastic changes, shedding the old, and rebuilding the new, brings a lot of doubt and questioning, instead of having constant doubting questioning, stop carring so much, If breatharians are living off the elements of the earth, why worry about deficiencies, because fruits, berries and melons have all the nutrition anyways, and I think a lot of people fail, because of the worry and the stress that comes with the body trying to empty the septic tank of acidosis, ratting people out to physically, and mentally, and also detoxifying the system way too fast for the average person can ratt out the mind, enslave the mind too being too attached to the physical, rather than just letting the process play out.

Less is more, when it comes to diet, exercise, and spirituality! When we complicate things with intellectualism, and we complex everything with so much detail, we forget the simplicity of being one with nature, and allowing her to be the teacher, because we learn from nature, when it comes to Natural hygiene, Spiritual Development, and healing our physical bodies. The more we invest our time into other people’s thoughts, rather than channeling in this amazing intuition and knowledge from within, by experience, then we could learn what’s effective, and we will be able to overcome the fears, and anxieties and constant chatter of negativity regarding the A- Z way to heal the physical body and spiritual body.

In regards to my own personal diet in regards to my physical design, I choose a 90% all fruit diet, and yes I’ve been healing a lot of damages that I created in my physical form, and also decades of damaging my body, it’s only unrealistic when my mind wants to rush the process, and think that a year will solve the problem, I don’t care if it takes two to three years to solve the problem, and I really don’t care if I die from fruit, which is ridiculous, and don’t think it’s possible, but in all reality I’m not attached to my physical body, and I only go by what my intuition wants, and so far it has never failed me, this is what we must do instead of putting our trust in the philosophies of others, and be a slave to intellectual ideas regarding what were designed to do when it comes to consumption in our physical and spiritual bodies. Nature will tell you what your design to consume, and also spiritual awareness will be achieved when you get outside of your mind, and embrace nature, and allow her to be your teacher.

It’s just a physical body, and the least amount of obstructions we tax it with, the more the mind is going to be a slave to it. For me the fruits and nature have allowed me to remove enough obstructions to where I have been able to eliminate the fears, the doubts, and caring so much about my physical body in regards to how it looks, and how it feels. I chose the path of aggressive regenerative detoxification, with the fruit, the fasting, and learning to embrace the alone state, getting away from the Babylon system, and becoming one with nature without having physical enslaved attachments to other human beings, has helped me to accept whatever the reality is regarding what happens to the physical body, because I’ve come to understand that the spiritual body is much more powerful, and it’s much more blissful when your out of body than being a slave in it.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 390
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