It’s not about treating symptoms, it’s about regenerating tissue!

It’s not about treating symptoms, it’s about regenerating tissue!

The more you want to just get rid of the symptom, the more you will be tempted to just cover up the symptom without addressing the cause. You have to understand why the symptom is there in the first place. When you truly understand why the symptom is there, you will want to get rid of the problem, as it pertains to the cause.

You need to throw away the word “treatment” because usually that word is attached to a whole lot of treating nothing, and a whole lot of masking symptoms. This term treatment was created by legal drug dealers that prescribe drugs to mask and suppress, and their word treatment is only to make you think, you’re going to get rid of your problem, but you never will, and that’s why you need their drugs to function.

When you come into the world of holistic healing, you never want to think about the word “treatment” because again that word has conditioned you to think about suppressing symptoms, and we know that what you suppress today is your nightmare tomorrow.

It’s easy to think that the herbal botanicals are going to magically take away your problems, and there is the magic behind these god-like nature plants without question, however, they are only designed to assist you while you detox with the diet being the focus. Herbs strengthen tissue and enhance structure-function to tissue, but they are a sidekick to a diet that moves lymph, and that promotes regenerative detoxification. Don’t have a treatment based mindset with the herbs, change your diet, and use the herbs to enhance, and assist that diet, that promotes regenerative detoxification.

It’s not about treating a symptom, it’s about regenerating damaged tissue. This is not a world of suppression, and it will take patience, and endurance through the healing events, you may run into, and sometimes you can’t “treat”, you just have to trust Mother Nature, and endure through the process of the body stripping itself down, before you can get a new paint job. You feel a burn when you create the acids that damage your cells and certain tissues in your body, and it may burn a little when you detox the acids out, but better out then in, because your body can’t heal itself in an environment of acidosis, you need to drain the swamp that holds onto them (the great lymphatic system) you need to hydrate and alkalize the body, and cooked foods don’t do that, you need to clean, scrub, with fruits, and herbs that assist in that, and you need to get your eliminative organs opened up, so you can eliminate the waste your steering up with the electrical living foods.

If your thyroid is down, you may have a trouble sweating, and if you can’t sweat, then you will have trouble eliminating lymph out of the skin, being your largest eliminative organ, how do you fix that? You don’t treat, you just wait, by assisting the body with hydration and alkalization on a fruit based raw food diet, that’s fruit, and low fat, low protein salads, and an all fruit diet, to really create a detox. It’s repetition, and consistency that will make this process take place, regarding regeneration, and the rebuilding of tissue in the body. And you must bump up the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys, and control them, and you must clean the kidneys, so you can remove the acids out of the great lymphatic system.

How do you fix the adrenal glands, and kidneys, same concept, hydrate and alkalize the body, and live, or move to a supportive environment, you can enhance more function with herbs, while you hit the fruit, and clean the lymph system, and abstaining from the foods that damage them in the first place, and that’s the beans, grains, eggs, meat, and dairy products.

It’s all about consistency, repetition, and a heart of gold to endure in nature’s operating shop, and the good news is she doesn’t make your problems worse, like some modalities do, and she is not about wasting time for another day, with pills that only suppress for the problem to return down the road. She may expose the damages, while your car is being operated on, but she has a fix and repair guarantee, and it’s on her watch, not yours, so be patient, because you will come out of the shop with solutions, not used as a test rat, and getting worse until the “disease” is discovered, and then no answers for a solution, other then it’s bad luck, or never find a solution to the problem, and to just be told “it’s in your head”

Be consistent, and focus on regeneration, not suppression of symptoms that are tied around that word, we need to abolish this called “treatment” term, because remember there is no cure for their concept of “diseases” because they don’t exist. Cause and effect, and it’s acid foreign chemistry that damages tissue, and stagnation of lymph, and microbes are having parties in a body that’s full of old fecal waste, mucus, parasites, worms, fungus, yeast, viral loads, bacterium, sulfur, metals, chemicals, and everything else that is sewage-related that stays at home in the human body because you never set up the environment for the body to clean, and repair itself, and it’s because humanity is hooked on the foods that tare it down, clog it up, and dehydrate it.

The answer is hydrate, alkalize, and fast, so you can give the body more energy to heal itself, and to get out of the way, and free your mind over to the process of regenerative detoxification, because everything outside of it, is just treating and masking symptoms, and dealing with more damages of side effects, because cause and effect is imminent, and acid chemistry is corrosive, not giving, and healing, that’s the chemistry in the foods humans are designed for to be their medicine, and that’s fruits and herbs, and simplicity is always the best way to heal, it just may take brainwashed, and conditioned humans a long time to accept that.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 3 years ago
Views: 421
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