Lost hair during detox, and how I grew it back stronger

Lost hair during detox, and how I grew it back stronger

When my hair started falling out on a diet of just fruit and herbal botanicals, did I panic and blame the diet for causing deficiency? Not at all whatsoever! I educated myself on detoxification to understand what takes place when the body strips it’s self down, so I can build new strong cells and tissue. I didn’t just blindly jump in to a diet of just fruit and 100% raw without the understanding of what could possibly take place coming off a sad diet, along with pharmaceutical drug used for decades.

My common sense told me that detox would take place, even before I had any knowledge regarding this lifestyle. But I didn’t know what the detox reactions would be, other then I knew I would get skinnier, and that some nasty stuff would come out of my bum ?

I think anyone that makes a drastic shift with their diet, should educate themselves on the possible changes that can take place. I watched hours of Robert Morse videos, read some books I heard him and other detox experts recommend on why the body goes though detox on a raw food diet based around fruit, and I excepted the outcomes of whatever took place, and I never really feared anything that happened, and I was actually excited when things did take place, knowing that the acids and sewage is coming out, so that my body can repair, and build itself, so my health problems will go away.

So how did I get my hair to grow back on a raw food diet that at the time was pretty much all fruit? Did I take supplements? Did I add in greens? Did I go down to clueless land medical phystlities, or even “naturopathic” ones to check for nutrition deficiency? Did I add in protein, because everyone is so gung ho, and really thinks protein is important? What did I do to fix this tragic issue with loosing my hair on fresh electric living nutrient dense fruits? Here it goes….. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL!!!

Why would I just let this happen, and not get to the bottom of it lol! Because I understood the process, and new that fruit and raw foods being superior foods designed for human beings in their raw and natural state don’t make issues worse, it’s the reality of raw foods allowing the body to detoxify, because cooked foods don’t do that. When you set up the right environment for the body to clean and repair itself, guess what? you may loose hair, and anything else that is damaged, so that the body can rebuild itself. Nature doesn’t care about vanity, and she is only doing you a favor, so you ether trust the process, or you find a “treatment” for all your problems, and return to them again down the road, or you surrender to the detoxification process, and understand cause and effect.

Fruits are aggressive detoxifying foods. And they will clean your lymph system, and the body will want to remove acids in the process. If you loose your hair for a season, who cares! You have acids in your head, and they need to come out, and the acids will take your hair off in the process. If your hair is falling off in the first place on raw nutrient dense living foods, what does that tell you about your body? Acids in the head, means honey where’s the car, and I can’t remember my name down the road.

I can grab a handful of hair, and try hard to pull my hair out and nothing comes out, my hair is thick and strong, and this all took place on the same diet that took off my hair, the only difference now is that I got the acids out of my head that were taking of my hair in the first place. You get your kidneys filtering, and your bowels moving, your hair will grow back stronger all by itself with time, and I’m not just talking, I went though this process, and I’m glad I had a tenacious attitude, because I never succumbed to people, and their bullshit treatments, and even those in the “detox world” that focus on supplements and proteins. They know nothing, and most of them never scratched the surface when it comes to detox, but some of us have, and pushed though the difficult times time of the regeneration phases of cause and effect, with loosing hair, itchy skin, rashes, and the like, loosing weight and muscle etc, but have regained it all back on the same diet with no changes at all, because we educated ourselves, surrendered to the process, and got to the other side to know for sure, that Mother Nature, and true detoxification modalities, like a simple diet of mainly fruit and vegetables with herbal botanicals, and some fasting in the mix, is all you need to fix your body.

Just trust the process of detoxification, because you can’t paint over an old paint job right? You need to strip off the old paint, in order to get nice new shiny paint on your vehicle, and you will with a little patients, and I can attest that I lost my hair, weight, muscle, and nervous system, and adrenal glands was shot out in the beginning, but all that got fixed with time and patients, and their was no changes to the diet, at least with me I’ve kept it 90% raw and 80% fruit based after 2 years on fruit, and my hair was falling off actually when I did a 7 month mango only diet, and started growing back during that time frame, and weight started coming back as well. I cant say for sure regarding my muscles, but I believe that, that resolved itself when my adrenals turned on, and I started working out to get the muscle, because I didn’t workout hardly ever for 2 years focusing on just fruits and herbs and fasting, and was very sedentary during that time.

My diet today has been 80-95% fruit, sometimes salads, and sometimes it has been a little cooked vegan food here and there, and that has been going on for 4 months, and my body still continues to clean Itself, and repair damages I’ve created, especially my gut from over a decade of highly abusing pharmaceutical drugs that striped away my healthy gut flora, and also left tons of sulfur that sticks like super glue in the human body, and can cause some gas and discomfort, but it’s not the natural nutrient dense plant foods, my friends, it’s the damages we caused, and the fruits are just trying to clean your body, and it’s not always going to be comfortable when this acid terrain comes out!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 5 years ago
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