Low energy on a raw food diet?

Low energy on a raw food diet?

One thing you must consider when your facing low energy levels on a high vibrational energetic living foods diet is your body’s going to go through withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming stimulating foods. Meat for example it contains neurotransmitters, epinephrine and norepinephrine which act as a steroid with providing the body a stimulating kind of energy, but the byproducts of this putrefactive meat leave behind acid and mucus forming acidic waste, which end up weakening the organs and glands causing systemic acidosis, and eventually leading you down the road to chronic fatigue.

A lot of the times when somebody adopts a raw living foods lifestyle they become more health-conscious to what they put in their body such as acidic caffeinated beverages like energy drinks and coffee, and therefore the body will go through withdrawals, and when you stop stimulating the body you run into feeling tired temporarily until the body adopts to its natural homeostasis of getting its energy source from the nutrition, and the whole foods rather than the isolated chemistry that ends up overstimulating the body and weakening the very glands that help the body to produce energy such as the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

For a season you should not feel tons of energy when the body is trying to eliminate toxins, acids and parasitic waste from the body, and the raw living foods will allow the body to purge to get rid of stagnant waste, before it could focus on enhancing and naturally stimulation. because the body must remove the blockages that block the flow of energy so that you could better utilize the energy coming in, and the way the body functions is that it must break down first before it builds up.

Because raw living foods are not stimulants, a lot of the time the body will reveal where it’s at such as it’s true genetic weakness, and of course the body will try to correct these weaknesses by removing acidosis so that this process could take place. When you stop stimulating your body with chemical-laden foods, supplements, caffeine, and even meat and animal products that contain these neurotransmitters and steroids, you will have to endure through the withdrawal process which is detoxification of metabolic waste.

If you continue to feel low energy even after months of detoxification, you must consider the damage of your adrenal glands, and thyroid gland, and this is where you must dig deeper if you want these glands to turn on and heal, because just a raw food diet may not help this in a pace that you desire. It’s not about what your consuming at the end of the day even if it’s raw living foods, it’s about how you create the process of elimination that will determine how you benefit from the raw living foods. This is where the fasting comes in so that you could open up the kidneys and drain the floodgates of sewage waste coming from the lymphatic system.

Adrenal Glands, and Thyroid Gland

Energetically, your adrenal glands contribute with adrenaline neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and the steroid hormone cortisol (a glucocorticoid) all of which impact and regulate energy levels.

When a sudden increase of energy is needed, the adrenalins induce the “fight-or-flight” processes through the sympathetic nervous system which, among other things, will increase the rate of glucose and ketone metabolism for energy (through conversion of stored glycogen to glucose, and fats being broken down into ketones).

Cortisol increases blood sugar levels through stimulating the liver into converting glycerol (broken down fats) and amino acids into glucose, and also by causing glucose to be conserved in the blood stream (essentially opposing the effect of insulin).

The thyroid gland produces the hormone T4 (thyroxine) which is then converted to the active thyroid hormone T3 (triiodothyronine) and RT3 (reverse T3).

T3 increases the rate at which your body’s cells will use carbohydrates for energy, while RT3 slows this down, when needed.

You must also consider your pancreas which is responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates, because if your partially digesting your food, and your creating fermentation in the body, this will also lower your energy and can create a fungal load which is also known to cause lots of fatigue. Also the adrenal glands are responsible for the metabolism of sugar, so if your adrenal glands are down and you’re not utilizing sugars, then this also can create fermentation which leads to fungal problems.

When you adopt a living foods diet a lot of the times you will experience genetic weaknesses such as malabsorption, and that’s why a lot of people loose a lot of weight on a very high electrical nutritive diet, and this should never be the case! When you set up the environment for the body to start cleaning and repairing and healing itself, then the small intestine will reveal the state of its health, and if there’s a lot of blockages causing absorption then you’re not going to get the energetic power you desire from the nutrition coming in, no matter how electrical and energizing it is such as your fruits, berries and melons. Your going to need to correct these issues in order to truly benefit from the living foods because your no longer stimulating yourself artificially with cooked food, and other supplements and energizing drinks.

Once you fully remove these blockages, and you fix digestion, absorption, utilization and eliminate your waste properly, and this will have to be through time enduring through the detoxification process such as a high fruit diet, intermittent dry fasting, juice fasting, water fasting, herbal tea fasting or anything that will help to contribute to the body’s elimination process, you will learn and discover the energetic power you will get when you consume the high vibrational living foods, and you will not feel fatigued on a raw food diet, and a matter of fact from adopting this lifestyle long-term and try to go back to cooked food you will experience a huge crash in energy loss versus energy gain. If you’re still very new and your body is backed up with lymphatic congestion, and you failed to get through the detoxification process of cleaning out metabolic waste, and you go back to cooked food you could experience more energy because you stopped the healing process, and went back to stimulation rather than restoration that could only come through time and effort of detoxification. Sometimes you will experience too much energy especially on an all-fruit diet when you fix these areas of weakness.

Be patient on this journey, and once the pancreas, adrenals, and Thyroid heal and you remove the mucus and acid and chemicals stagnation in the brain, you clean out your gut that’s blocking absorption, you will then soon experience the benefits, but sometimes in a toxic body it’s a long road a feeling worse before feeling better.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
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