Morgellons disease

Morgellons disease

What the heck is this condition causes from? Is it a “disease” did this mysterious skin condition just happen out of nowhere? Was it caused by an infection due to bugs, parasites, microbes, a virus, etc? This skin condition is described as extremely itchy, and the sensation of bugs crawling on the skin. This could be a condition of parasites and fungus, because itching can be caused by fungus, but at the end of the day we still have to understand one thing, and that’s the lymphatic system!

The lymphatic system is the human body’s sewer system for cleaning and removing metabolic waste out of the body, unfortunately it’s a system that humans have damaged, and they have backed up this system to a level of saturation, that sewage is oozing out of the skin at very high levels! The lymph system is overflowing, and the body can’t filter this sewage out, because the body is not able to detox, because it’s getting clogged up 24 hours a day with acid chemistry, and mucus and pus laden foods. So then guess what gets a blow back when this happens!? Your skin!

Whether this condition is caused from microbes or not, understand that these bugs and parasites and worms can’t live in a clean hydrated alkaline environment, they can only thrive on a moldy “disease” infested body!

If this skin condition is caused from acidic infested microbes, or just acids from too much acid chemistry in the food, drink and environment, you still have to go after the system that is backed up, and that’s the lymphatic system!

Understand the skin is the human body’s 3rd kidney, and it’s the largest eliminative organ in the body. Your skin is supposed to circulate acids and toxins out of the skin, with the help of sweat from a healthy functioning thyroid helping your skin to sweat, but the problem is, lymph waste gets clogged up in the subcutaneous layers of the skin, and people’s thyroids don’t sweat well, and their kidneys and adrenal glands are down on top of this!

If lymph is not coming out of the kidneys because the diet the person is on, is clogging up the kidneys from filtering the waste out of the body from the junk food, and the cellular waste (cell poop) then the largest eliminative organ will get the blow back from a lymphatic system that is so backed up, acidic sewage starts to ooze out of the skin!

It’s not important to identify the “disease” and try to treat something that is a mystery, because it’s not! The skin is an eliminative organ to drain the lymph system, and the kidneys are the preferred channel to eliminate the waste! So why aren’t people eliminating their waste well? Why do people get skin problems of varies forms, and different symptoms? because their body is jacked up, and the symptoms have shut down, because the foods they eat are literal poisons to the human organism!

If your on a diet that cleans the body, and your kidneys are filtering your metabolitic waste, then you won’t run into these crazy bodily conditions! But understand it is lymphatic related, and you cannot keep the lymph system clean with foods and chemistry that’s acidic.

Almost every species is designed to eat foods that are primarily alkaline, and humans are not an exception, and we are designed for alkaline chemistry, the proof of this is, when a human adopts a RAW alkaline diet, their body heals itself, and problems start going away. Sometimes it can take longer for people that have really damaged kidneys, and don’t filter well, it can take along time of hydrating, and alkalizing the body to create this process, and especially for someone that has very serious lymphatic issues like “morgellons”

Go after your lymphatic system, and clean it out, and when the body heals itself on a raw food diet primarily based around fruit, and herbal botanicals, these problems that are related to the lymph system go away. If you get your kidneys to filter the great lymphatic system, you can turn any health problem around, you just must get your focus on this systems, and how they function, instead of illusionary diseases that don’t have a cause!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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