"my disease labeled condition"

"my disease labeled condition"

I hear it so often that people will label themselves with the disease type of condition. You never want to label yourself with a diagnosis that was given to you by a medical doctor that doesn’t understand the simplicity of cause and effect. Also the Simplicity of understanding there’s only two sides of chemistry. Alkaline or acid. What side of chemistry are you on? The more you identify yourself with a labeled condition that was given to you, the more your going to want to treat it. “Diseases” only exist to be treated. If you understand that diseases do not exist, and you cannot treat anything in the body and expect it to go away. You want to restore and regenerate, treating is only managing a symptom and not getting to the root cause.

The more simple you acknowledge your health condition, the easier it will be to fix it. A lot of people end up living Years with systemic toxic health conditions, because mentally their unable to processed the simplicity of how to heal the body.

You don’t ever want to label yourself with something that could easily be fixed when you learn how to restore, and regenerate your body. If we could only understand as humans what were designed to eat, then we could go on and learn that the body will heal itself when we start eating those foods that are designed for us.

Fruits and vegetables, fresh and raw, will provide the body what it needs, to start the healing process. A lot of these diets that are recommended for these so-called disease labeled conditions, are the very foods that create these conditions. It’s so often you will hear a medical doctor, holistic doctor, and even natural path doctor recommend high protein diets, to help aid in managing your symptoms. You can’t manage your symptoms on high protein diets! All your doing is creating acidosis in the body on these high protein diets. There is nothing about the human body that would exemplify a need for heavy protiens. In fact there’s only a few animals in nature that are designed to eat heavy proteins, and the human body would not exemplify similisrities to these animals in the slightest bit. Some of the biggest and strongest animals in nature live on fruits and vegetables. If we could only get this whole high-protein concept out of our minds, we could actually learn how to heal our bodies.

The very food that is recommended for your so-called disease condition, are the very foods that damage and destroy the kidneys which are the body’s most important eliminative organ for removing cellular waste.

The most important organ for eliminating sewage waste in the body that’s coming from interstitial fluids in the lymphatic system, need to be removed with foods that are designed for the human species.

Fruit/veggie fruits is pretty much the only food that humans could truly tolerate well and digest well. It truly is scary how deep this propaganda runs when it comes to protein. Everybody is afraid of not getting enough protein, and protein deficiencies do not exist, because the problem is human beings are consuming way too much protein and that’s why they are suffering with chronic and degenerative “diseases”. You will find people getting well and recovering from their health condition when they eliminate proteins. You must understand the body has an essential need for amino acids, and amino acids are found in fruits and vegetables, and that’s how these big animals find their amino acids that create these proteins that you feel like you need to eat.

There is nothing that you cannot reverse, when you enter into the detoxification process. Human beings have become so domesticated it’s even hard for them to understand that the body heals itself when we remove toxic foods. People are always trying to find a health food that will fix their problem, not putting their minds on detoxification. Detoxification is not the process of adding on health foods. The beautiful thing about this though is that when you start eating only raw fruits and vegetables, the body can heal itself.

It’s as simple as eating foods that are not destroyed by heat that will be your first step to getting well. If only the world understood that all we have to do is stop cooking our food, and we could heal the most chronic and degenerative diseases known to man. People all over the world that are choosing the natural way to heal themselves, find the most success when they stop cooking their food and start eating raw living foods.

The testimonies are endless when it comes to so-called disease labeled conditions that this person was told they have, and was told the only have specific time to live, continue to prove this myth to be false when they start eating raw living foods. Instead of focusing on treating your problem even with natural supplements and so on, understand that the same lifestyle of eating raw living foods will take care of whatever condition you have.

There is no special program for specific conditions, because then your focusing on the nutritional aspect, and deficiency concept trying to treat a problem, and complicate things, when all you have to do is just eat mainly fruits.

Trying to complicate things with special protocols is also a distraction, because like I said earlier it’s as simple as cause and effect, and understanding that there’s only two sides of chemistry which are acid and alkaline, and if you remove the acid forming foods, then the body will heal itself.

The same foods such as fruits and vegetables will reverse and aid in any condition somebody has. So no matter what condition you have it’s the same program of just simply eating raw living foods based around fruits. Fruits are the most astringent in nature, and will help to remove excess plaque and mucus buildup in the body which creates an acid environment.

Do yourself a favor and stop saying how can I fix my cancer, how do I get rid of my autoimmune disease, how can I get rid of my deficiency and so on, this is medical based and treatment based thinking.

The more you identify yourself with a disease mentally, the harder it will be for you to grasp the simple concept of healing yourself. The body is full of acidosis, you start eating fruits and herbs that help accelerate detoxification, you remove foods that block the flow of energy, you get your kidneys to filter, and that may take some time just consuming raw living foods mainly fruit being at least 80% of your diet and the rest tender greens, and veggie fruits, and you will start to eliminate the acids that are blocking the flow of energy, that are creating the symptoms you are expressing.

After a while of removing these acids through the kidneys, the body will start to heal and regenerate, and no longer will you have this so-called disease condition. It’s just a matter of humans breaking the curse of domestication and understanding how simple this is.

The process of detoxification could be difficult, because you often will feel worse before you feel better. Unfortunately human beings would rather treat, then get through the detoxification process, as well as defeating the curse of cooked food addiction. You do not have a disease labeled condition, your body is full of acidosis. Move your lymphatic system and get your kidneys to filter on fruits, berries, melons and herbs.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 645
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