Obesity epidemic

Obesity epidemic

Most people in America are overweight, and most people in America are eating foods high in fat, high in cholesterol, and create lots of mucus and acid stagnation in the body, that makes it very easy to gain weight and hard to lose it. Heart “disease” or heart acidosis is the number one killer in America, and it’s not a shocker considering the fast food chains on every corner of every street, as well as being able to afford high calorie, highly processed high-fat/protein food dollar menues fast food restaurants strung out all over the states, making it extremely easy to over eat this junk.

The biggest killer are the trans fats, and it probably makes up 50% of Americans calories on the standard American diet! Has Society gotten this bad to create this unconscious mentality, of thinking that you could put anything in your body, and not experience a consequence, and blow back in your future from it? These foods cause heart disease, and systemic acidosis! We must be responsible as a people in this nation to guide our kids, and their kids, and refuse to do a disservice to them, by eating a diet that’s causing so much obstruction and dis-ease.

The people in this country are dying like flies! This country is passing on a modality of bodily dysfunction by not emphasizing the importance of what we drink, things we eat, and the stuff we put on our skin! creating systemic acidosis that’s contributing to the pain and suffering in the world, when this could easily be fixed, and cleaned up on a fruit and vegetable based diet!

The medical world is lost in “disease” thinking and lost when it comes to the real cause behind all symptoms. Treating what they do not understand has killed a lot of people! The medical community is not educated about real causes, nor do they understand that your lifestyle has everything to do with health, vitality, and suffering.

In 2015, an estimated 603.7 million adults and 107.7 million children worldwide were obese. That represents about 12 percent of all adults and 5 percent of all children.The prevalence of obesity doubled in 73 countries between 1980 and 2015 and continuously increased in most of the other countries.China and India had the highest number of obese children. China and the U.S. had the highest number of obese adults.Excess body weight accounted for about 4 million deaths — or 7.1 percent of all deaths — in 2015. Almost 70 percent of deaths related to a high BMI were due to cardiovascular disease.The study finds evidence that having a high BMI causes leukemia and several types of cancer, including cancers of the esophagus, liver, breast, uterus, ovary, kidney and thyroid.In rich and poor countries, obesity rates increased, indicating “the problem is not simply a function of income or wealth. Changes in the food environment and food systems are major drivers. Increased availability, accessibility, and affordability of energy-dense foods, along with intense marketing of such foods, could explain excess energy intake and weight gain among different populations. The reduced opportunities for physical activity that have followed urbanization and other changes in the built environment have also been considered as potential drivers; however, these changes generally preceded the global increase in obesity and are less likely to be major contributors.”


We need to wake up in this world, start to understand that junk food brings tremendous consequence, and that it’s more addictive than drugs, alcohol and sex combined! The more we contribute and invest our hard earned money on this junk, the more these corporations that produce these deadly “product foods” will thrive, and their interest is not your health but their wallet!!!

How can we stop destroying our bodies with these destructive foods the cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hundreds of neurological health conditions? Well it’s quite easy if we could find the discipline and do whatever it takes to fight these junk food and cooked food addictions by being fed up, and to go to the solution which is nature. Fruits and vegetables could radically change your life they could stop the Obesity epidemic, they can stop heart disease, diabetes, and all other health issues humans suffer with at a rapid rate in this world today.

Detoxification and cleaning out the sewer system in the human body, which is the great lymphatic system, and removing the uric acid animal proteins that cause the kidneys to brake down, is vital to regenerate health, and to create an alkaline environment where dis-ease cant thrive.

What you can do is start eating more fruits and vegetables in their raw, ripe, and natural state! Don’t make it difficult just start eating these foods and allow the body to heal, cleanse and regenerate every tissue, every gland, every cell, and everything damaged in the human body. First thing you could do to transition off of a sad diet is to at least adopt a low-fat Whole Foods plant-based diet, and work towards a raw food diet consisting of fruits and tender leafy green vegetables, and use the herbs for your medicine, rather than the destructive prescription drugs, that create more acidosis, more side effects, and more hell you must experience down the road, and supplements are no different in the sense that they only masks symptoms, they don’t get to the root cause, and their not regenerative, or restorative, and their a waste of hard earned money.

Most animal foods contain saturated fat and cholesterol (this is true for even so-called “lean” meats like chicken, turkey, and salmon, regardless of how they are cooked or prepared—even if boiled, baked, or steamed).

As humans, we do not need to consume any cholesterol, since our bodies synthesize all the cholesterol we need for our physiological function, and when cholesterol is elevated, it’s only because the body is bathing in acidosis, because cholesterol is an antacid, and the lymphatic system is a cholesterol/lipid based system, so when it’s elevated, this means that the lymphatic system is clogged up, and not moving, and the body is oversaturated with acidosis.

Eating dietary cholesterol despite the fact that it’s problematic to human health, as it increases risk of developing heart disease—currently the No. 1 cause of death for both men and women in the United States.

Atherosclerosis, or plaques of cholesterol that accumulate in the lining of the vessels, is exquisitely less common on a plant-based vegan diet devoid of animal products. And some studies have found that eating this way can even reverse atherosclerosis.


Detox miracle sourcebook pg. 164

The number one cause of obesity is, of course, the poor functioning of the adrenal glands. Each adrenal gland has two zones, the inner portion and the outer portion. The inner portion (the Adrenal medulla) produces the neurotransmitters for your autonomic nervous system.(ANS) This nervous system is your worker bee nervous system, which controls your breathing, heart, bouse, mussels, Etc. In my experience it is safe to say, genetically, that will over 95% of humans have adrenal, and kidney weakness. In the younger generation, probably 100% have kidney and adrenal weakness. Understanding these tissues control the body’s great lymphatic system is beyond essential! The lymphatic system is the body sewer system, which is responsible for removing all cellular waste. Remember that cellular wastes are acids. We will return to consider the system later, especially when we discuss excessive thinness. The outer portion of the adrenal glands (adrenal cortex) is where cortical steroids are produced. Steroids control metabolism of minerals and sugars.

In obesity, the steroids are low. Cortisone control sugar metabolism, so when cortisone is low, it in turn affects sugar metabolism, causing incomplete sugar metabolism and dust excessive glycogen (fat) to be stored. Investigating the second cause of obesity will lead you to your thyroid glands. Your thyroid glands control the “rate” of metabolism how fast or how slowly you digest your foods. And hypo (low) thyroidism, your digestion is slow down. Therefore, your Foods may not properly digest, especially if you’re eating more than two meals a day. This poor digestion fosters fermenting in your system, and is fat producing. Add these two weaknesses (in the thyroid glands) together, and an individual can gain excess weight, end quote Robert Morse ND.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 7 years ago
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