On a high fruit diet but still eating animal foods?

On a high fruit diet but still eating animal foods?

If your going to adopt a high fruit diet, I highly suggest you go 100% plant-based. Yes eating more fruits and vegetables is always a better thing if you’re still eating animals, but the goal is to get rid of all the animal flesh ASAP as well as the eggs, and dairy products. Animal food is not food! And animals should never be exploited and killed for a source of food! Animals are sentient beings and should have the same rights as any living being on this planet, and they are not under us on the “food chain” because they’re not a food source! Eating a high fruit diet, and eventually transitioning to 100% raw food should be the goal to achieve optimal health, longevity as well as spiritual vitality. Fruit do not mix well for one with cooked animals food. The heavy dense proteins and then putting high vibrational, easily digestible fruit on top of this type of food can create a lot of parasitic activity, cause severe bloating, and fungal overgrowths. The goal is to not clean and detoxify the byproducts and sewage waste that these animal foods leave behind, and then continue to add on a daily bases, this is going to aggravate the body and cause uncomfortable symptoms to occur.

If your going to adopt a high fruit diet for regenerative detoxification, then you must understand that still eating animals it’s going to drastically stop the detoxification process and your going to do all the work stirring up metabolic waste in your body with these astringent high vibrational fruits, and then lock in what you stirred up when you eat this dead zero angstrom foods, which contains zero energy for producing healing and restoration. These proteins are very hard on the kidneys, and the fruits clean and enhance and repair the kidneys, so you don’t want to have a diet the counter acts this, and throws everything out of balance. It’s not difficult to go to 100% plant-based and at least have fruit all day and a healthy cooked plant-based dinner, low in protein. It’s much better to throw out the meat and eggs and dairy and to replace it with foods like sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and a variety of low starchy vegetables. Even though I’m not high on the protein, it’s a way better alternative to replace the meat with beans and lentils then to be eating these putrefactive, very difficult to digest, acid forming dead animal products.

In my opinion nobody should be on a high fruit diet if they’re still eating animals, and especially not understanding the digestive speeds, and how these foods can interact and cause excessive fermentation, which is exactly what feeds candida, not sugar LOL! In natural hygiene and regenerative detoxification you must understand proper food combining, and even though you may not be combining your fruit with your animal meats, it still takes several hours for meat to digest, and could only take 30 minutes to an hour to digest fruit meal, so putting fruit on top of meat, or putting meat on top of fruit, can cause these types of reactions that are counter productive to what your trying to accomplish on a high fruit diet.

The whole reason to adopt the high for your diet, is for one because you are a frugivore and two because the fruits are electromagnetic astringents, and also contain the most energy to move the lymphatic system, which is what you need to do in order to gain health and reverse chronic degeneration of the body. A better name for these conditions are systemic acidosis, and all the medical terminology is just basically terminology to prescribe drugs to suppress symptoms.

I definitely understand transition, but I also respect all life and sentient beings on this planet, and do not have much sympathy for those that are still eating animal foods who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I think that it’s much easier to switch over to a plant-based diet if you’re still eating some cooked food, and plus there are plenty of alternative options if you need them for short-term, regarding mock processed vegan alternatives which I don’t recommend for health whatsoever, but would recommend them to help somebody to avoid supporting the death and torture of an innocent animal, if they’re still very highly addicted to these foods, that contain these excitotoxins, that get people hooked like if they were on addictive drugs.

There’s just so many ways if you’re still eating cooked food, to use plants to create these kinds of dishes such as tacos, hamburgers, and even Pizza! I personally think even these processed vegan foods are better with a high fruit diet, then animal food, because they’re going to digest better than meat, dairy, and eggs would even in their whole form. However processed vegan food still leaves behind toxic residues and metabolic waste, and isn’t the best for digestion, and could also interact with a high fruit diet and cause fermentation, so the goal is to at least move to a high fruit diet, and if you eat cooked still, to adopt a whole foods plant-based diet low in fat, salt, and sugar.

In all reality to be 100% truthful here and not mislead you down a road of nowhere land, if your trying to reverse a chronic health element, I would recommend a 100% raw food diet, with the percentage of fruit at least 90% to 100%, so that you could heal and repair your kidneys, and move your lymphatic system to eliminate stored toxins, and dormant acids that have been constipated interstitially in tissues in your body for decades, and your going to need an aggressive fruit based diet and 100% raw, so that your body will heal itself, and even fasting to really kick it in gear to promote the body’s natural healing mechanism. In order for the body to heal and a productive and beneficial pace, you must remove all acid and mucus forming foods, and in order to do that your truly limited to just fruits, savory fruits, herbs and tender leafy greens in my opinion, because these are the mucusless foods, and you don’t want to create mucus when your trying to detox, because mucus blocks the flow of energy, and you want to remove the blockages so that you could detoxify and empty your septic tank, and that is the only true way to reverse, and cure a condition, instead of masking and suppressing it with other useless modalities.

Get rid of the meat and go 100% plant-based on a high fruit diet, because it makes no sense to adopt this lifestyle if you’re still contributing to the death and torture of animals, and also taxing your body with their acidic proteins, and the high mucus that forms in the body when consuming them. Please stop supporting the meat and dairy industry, because they are a big reason and why babies, kids, teenagers, adults, and the elderly are suffering all around the world, and we need to stop and end the consumption of eating these foods immediately, and I will never recommend them for transition in any way shape or form, because I love animals too much, and I hate the corruption and the killing that is going on in the name of so-called food that people think they need to eat, when in all reality there is absolutely zero need for any type of animal flesh when it comes to human consumption, and basically any consumption for any species on this planet other than a small select few. Most species that are put on this planet including the human species eat plant foods, and the majority are either herbivore or frugivore species, not omnivore and carnivore, but we don’t need to get on a rabbit trail regarding this, because there is no doubt that humans are far from omnivore and carnivore if you look into the anatomy and physiology, and the way that our digestive system and body is designed to assimilate and process food, and if it was animal food, then we wouldn’t have the degeneration that we are facing, that continues to grow only because of the increase and consumption of eating innocent animals. The karma is thick, and it’s just not worth adopting, when you could give back to this planet, by stopping the consumption and the supporting of these industries that are producing the death and torture to animals and calling it food!!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


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First published: 5 years ago
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