Overcome drug addiction on a living foods diet

Overcome drug addiction on a living foods diet

A living foods diet truly is the answer to anything that creates acidosis, in the body. Drug addiction is acidosis in the brain, and could be a contributing factor to having weak adrenal glands and a parathyroid weakness. Usually those that have a genetic weakness in their parathyroid suffer with depression, so it’s easy to turn to drugs to mask the pain and to deal with the emotional upsets that take place in life. Also a genic weakness in the adrenal glands usually in young people negatively affect their emotions, and self-esteem, and drugs is a way to escape to cover up these problems without getting to the underlined cause an issue, and that’s obstructions and acidosis that suppress the glands that have a lot to do with your emotional and spiritual body. Of course it’s unfortunate that children are not raised properly and are exposed to verbal and physical abuse as well as drug and alcohol addiction from their parents, and the end up adopting these habits as they get older to help cover up the pain that they’re dealing with themselves. But a lot of it has to do with systemic acidosis, and too much obstructions that are blocking the flow of energy in the body that negatively affect the brain, and so when the brain and the body is not utilizing and producing these hormones, it’s easy to find an artificial way to stimulate these hormones to produce these chemicals to get by in daily life. I’m talking about serotonin, dopamine, ceto choline, epinephrine, and any other brain chemical and receptor that hits the pleasure receptors the overall makes you feel good. So when you have a genetic weakness and inherit a backed-up lymphatic system, and you experiment with these drugs and alcohol at a young age, usually for those that have these genetic weaknesses end up falling in love with this curse, because it helps them to escape, and to get there fix to help them get by, and through the day, because their lacking these receptors naturally, so it’s tempting to seek an alternative route to boost them, with drugs that provide this quick fix.

We need to focus on getting healthy, and fixing our brains, so that we don’t try to mask and suppress the underline cause of why we so easily fall into drug addiction, and it’s because of acidosis, and not eating the foods were biologically designed to eat, and highly abusing stuff that we should never put in our bodies, such as caffeine, supplements of many kinds, and of course junk food that is filled with chemical toxins, that stimulate the brain like drugs would. We could fix the underlying cause and over, drug epidemic if we start eating healthy. If you fix the glands that are being suppressed by acidosis, that are contributing to depression and anxiety, Then you could easily overcome the desire to even want to do drugs, because you will be too busy experiencing the pleasures of life naturally in the conscious realm, and you will find joy and excitement and pleasure with the foods, because the foods do create this if they’re the right kind, because living food are electrical, full of energy, and helps the body produce these pleasure receptors naturally.

If you’re struggling with drug addiction I highly recommend you start getting off these drugs, and adopt a raw living foods diet high in fruit, and turn the nature and discover flower essences, and herbs that will help the body to replace and produce these chemical receptors that are lacking from drug abuse. What I did to overcome drug addiction, and to successfully wing off prescription drugs, was my daily green juice habit. 32 oz jar of green juice every morning help to produce these brain receptors that I depleted with drug use, and also helped to hydrate my body, and to help with anxiety, so that I could titrate slowly off the medications.

Adaptogen herbs are good for anxiety and help calm the nervous system that’s being suppressed by these chemical drugs. Flower essence extracts, also help to calm the nervous system, and help deal with anxiety while titrating

Off these drugs, that deplete the body of energy, and create obstructions that suppress the glands from producing these transmitters naturally. Post acute withdrawal syndrome is also a reality when you get off a lot of these prescription drugs that you have taken for many years of your life. But in my success I have found that transitioning off of a cooked food diet onto a raw living foods diet high in green juice, and taking adaptogen herbs and flower essence extracts, really helped me with the anxiety and the withdrawal process, but most of all the most success I’ve had is on a fruit based diet, and encouraging my kidneys to filter systemic stagnant acid waste from the body. Its acids that suppress the glands, so in order for them to reboot to produce these transmitters and receptors naturally, we have to remove the acids that are suppressing them, on top of the drug abuse that is also put wear and tear on them.

You cannot repair the glands properly, if you’re still eating cooked foods, because cooked food will artificially stimulate your body, and also suppress the ability to remove acids from the lymphatic system. If you want to successfully overcome drug addiction permanently, and never go back to them, you want to remove acidosis in the body and it’s going to take fruits, and vegetables in their raw living state along with herbs and flower essence extracts to accomplish this task long-term. If you eat raw living foods long enough you will completely lose the desire to do drugs, because you will then realize how they suck the energy out of your body, make you feel extremely anxious and depressed, and when you start feeling good on real food, you will be high on life instead.

Get on 100% raw living foods diet and make 80% of your intake coming from rich, raw fresh organic juicy fruits. Get herbs for your kidneys, endocrine glands, lymphatic system, GI tract and brain and nervous system., adopt a daily green juice habit, and take advantage of the flower essence extracts while you Wing off prescription drugs. If there opiate or stimulant drugs, what I would do if I was addicted to a prescription drugs, I would take advantage of the living foods, green Juice, herbs and flower essence during the process, until I successfully weaned off the drug enough to not relapse. After a while of adopting these healthy habits, you will lose the desire to want to abuse your body. You will start to experience detoxification when it comes to removing acids from the body, and you will want to get this over with, so that you never have to deal with the pain again. The beautiful thing about a fruit based diet is that it will help to restore function to the physical, emotional, spiritual, ego, and every aspect of bodily function, that suppresses you, and you can create the evolution of optimal potential that you could achieve when you remove the obstruction that block the flow of energy.

Herbs for the adrenal glands

Astragalus Root, Ashwagandha Root, Eleuthero Root (Siberian Ginseng), Hawthorn Berries, Kelp, Lobelia Leaf, Mullein Leaf, Parsley Leaf. and licorice root works great unless you have high blood pressure because it’s known to raise blood pressure.

Herbs for the brain and nervous system

Ginko Leaf, Goldenseal Leaf, Gotu Kola Herb, Schisandra Berries, Skullcap Herb.

Flower essence/and herbs for anxiety and depression

Lemon balm, passion flower, kava, valarian root, moonshine yaro, Gardenia Leaf & Flower, Rhodiola Root, Schizandra Berry, Chaste Tree Berry, Oat Straw, Rosemary Leaf, mucuna pruriens, mulunga, and California popy or there’s a wide range of those you can research online when it comes to herbs and flower essence that help with depression and anxiety.



Green juice recipe

  • 1/2 head of celery
  • 1 beat head
  • Thumb size ginger
  • Thumb size turmeric
  • 1 bunch parsley or cilantro
  • 1 bunch of dandelion greens or spinach.
  • 3 medium apples
  • Half a lemon with peel

32 oz jar of juice morning habit to overcome brain constipating drug addiction.

Just start adding in raw living foods today my friends, eat as much fruit as you can, eliminate cooked food, junk food, and any kind of irritant that makes it very difficult to get off drug addiction, start meditating, and replace positivity in your consciousness, and surround yourself around positive people that’ will uplift you, and encourage you to meet your potential in life, to be able to tap into the god consciousness that lives in you, that can help you mentally overcome any obstacle in your path that suppresses you, drags you down, it makes you a slave to society. Get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, allow your instincts to guide you, and always say you can, and you will, and I promise you my friend you will thrive!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 7 years ago
Views: 783
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