Probiotics, useless supplements, and yeast overgrowths

Probiotics, useless supplements, and yeast overgrowths

Probiotics will not get rid of a yeast problem in the body and supplementing is also a waste of time. Anybody that recommends you add in nutrition to get rid of the root of your problem doesn’t understand the lymphatic system, and is wasting your time.

The Terran in your body such as yeast, fungus, worms, parasites, mucus, acids, protein plaques, microbes, virus etc. must get detoxed out of your body to get to the root. In order to change the environment in the body we must clean out the old. Supplementing with “pills” in a body with a backed up septic tank will do you know good. When the body fails to function in these areas such as digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination. Trying to fix the problem with an isolated pill none organic in its wholistic structure is only going to feed the body with just another foreign invader, creating more imbalance.

The body is designed to utilize wholistic chemistry so thinking a supplement created in a lab will do more then what a whole organic fresh, and ripe piece of fruit can’t do is thinking of nutritional fallacy and concept! Supplements suppress the function of the endocrine glands, and throw the body out of balance.

Probiotics are dead fermented chemistry not designed for the body. The body is designed to create a healthy gut bacteria form the foods we are designed to eat. When we detox the body, and turn on the endocrine glands everything goes back to balance. When we get back to nature, and simple eat the food are bodies are biologically designed to eat, the body will create healthy natural bacteria to fight of the microbe that cause obstructions naturally.

Probiotics, and fermented foods only aggravate and make candida symptoms worse. Candida thrives on fermentation anyways. Candida or (yeast) gets out of control in the body through fermentation. When you have weak adrenals then you most likely have blood sugar problems. When you’re not metabolizing sugars well and fermentation takes place, the fungal family comes in and dins on the fermentation.

Why give the body more fermentation if you may already have a sugar metabolism issues creating the yeast overgrowth in the first place?

The simpler we look out how the body is designed to function, the more we will understand that supplementing is just as useless as masking a symptom with a prescription drugs.

The best way to get rid of yeast overgrowth is to work on the adrenal glands with herbs. The herbs both clean and enhance. If you think you have a candida overgrowth you should also avoid or never eat starches in there processed form. Starches are fungal formers, and candida loves foods that create a lot of mold such as starch, and dairy products.

It’s very common for someone to crave bread and cheese that have fungal problems right? because the yeast thrive on these foods, because the fermentation process takes place very quickly with these kinds of foods.

The goal to get healthy and to create balance in the body is to hydrate/alkalize the body, and to get the kidneys filtering and everything will come into balance.

Fruits, berries, melons and herbs that promote detoxification is the best way to bring balance and alkalinity to the body. Yeast cannot thrive in an alkaline body, nether can any pathogen, and foreign invader.

There is only 2 sides of chemistry and that’s acid/ and alkaline. When you get on the alkaline side of chemistry and you detox the acids that are suppressing the lymphatic system, blocking the flow of energy and causing dis-ease then “nutritional” supplementation becomes a useless modality that was created by a mind that doesn’t understand the lymphatic system.

Its not what we add on that creates a healthy body, it’s what we eliminate that creates a thriving healthy body with balance. Detoxification is the best way to get to the root of he problem, and if we are stuck on supplementation with PILLS thinking piling “nutrition” in a septic tank is going to clean up the problem!? we have been fully mistaking by so called “health experts” that are thinking no different then a medical doctor that prescribes a drug to treat a symptom.

The best supplement you can give your body is creating kidney filtration to drain the septic tank, so that he body can go on to thrive in proper homeostasis, balance and alkalinity. Get on the alkaline side of chemistry, and stop putting acids in your body and you will never need a useless expensive supplement to mask a symptom and create an imbalance not aligned with nature and the natural chemistry of how the body is made to function.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 458
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