Raw food vs the counter part cooked

Raw food vs the counter part cooked

Without question humans are fruigivores, and also every species put on this earth, including the human species is designed to eat raw foods, and at least 90% plant sources only. With that said when it comes to diet, why do human complicate things? Ideally the body functions at its best when it comes to digestion, hydration, and energy on fruit, but the goal to achieving optimal health, is to stop cooking your foods, because this is the most foreign thing you can do, when it comes to the law of nature, and when it comes to the natural chemistry of how food should be consumed.

When it comes to a regenerative detoxification you want to stick to a diet of just fruit in my opinion, and always do your best to maintain it as a lifestyle, but the goal if you can’t, is to not be dogmatic in your way of eating, and to just keep the diet 100% raw. When it comes to eating the worst thing in my opinion that humans have created when it comes to food consumption is cooking their foods, thinking that your going to increase in your health with cooking!? This may be the most ridiculous concept, and we wonder why the homosapien species is in trouble with their health?

What is cooking actually doing to your food? It’s destroying the fiber, it’s removing the living water, it’s depleting the nutrient bioavailability of the food, and this is why humans are so confused about what to eat! Just eat raw plant foods, and in my opinion fruit should be at least 80% of what you consume, if not 100% if you want to maintain a healthy body, and a healthy mind.

Most foods humans do cook are highly acidic foods, and highly mucus forming. When it comes to plant foods beans are the most unnatural food for humans to consume, and kidney beans can actually kill you, if you don’t cook them to death for several hours. Grains are highly acidic as well, hard to digest, are sticky gluey, and can be highly constipating. Cooked starchy foods leave behind residues, and feed microbs like parasites and fungus, and this will leave behind uric acid, and the end is damaging tissue and cells, and causing bodily dysfunction, and create Mucoid plaquing.

Meat and dairy are not foods at all, they are just dead animal tissue, and contribute to systemic acidosis, and we see this on recored. Humans are loosing their calcium, damaging joints, losing their vital eliminative organs, such as the kidneys, ending up on dialysis, loosing their colons, and having to poop in bags hooked up to them, and this is all because of the animal proteins, and rancid cooked animal fats. Dairy is highly mucus forming, makes tumors grow, and is only designed for infants, and that being specific to that species it comes from regarding the milk, and yet humans are eating and drinking dairy after they are weened from infancy, and from another species, and we are dumb founded in why humans are getting sick!? It’s not “old age” because we have babies born with freaking tumors humans!!! And its because we are eating all these foods that are not designed to be consumed, and are foreign to the human design.

When you turn form cooked to raw you improve your health, when you hydrate and alkalize with fruit, and you clean up your eliminative organs, and clean out your sewer system (lymphatic system) you get better, you increase your lifespan, and you can actually tap into your potential, and realize anxiety, depression, and feeling weak, and tired is because of the chemistry consumed, whether that’s food, drink, chemicals, and drugs.

Transition of the dead food, turn to nature, understand that fruit is the simple diet for humans, and the other raw plant sources are play foods, just understand that the foods that are the most alkaline are the fruits, and vegetables, so just keep it simple, and eat fruit, vegetables for a little balance if you desire, and some nuts and seeds a couple times a week as a lifestyle. When your in deep trouble, I would stick to a hydrating diet of fruit only, focus on the astringents in the fruits, herbs to accelerate healing, cleaning, and the enhancement of tissue, and even adopt a habit of fasting. When you heal your body, and get out of the trouble your in, I would maintain a diet high in fruit, and 100% raw, focus on the fruit, and stop killing your food thinking that it will help your body get healthy, because it’s insanity. It’s the cooked foods that are getting humans in trouble, and this is not just “raw is law” militant language here, it’s a fact! When humans get in bad shape, it’s the fruit and raw foods that get them out of trouble, not cooked foods.

If you don’t understand how to move the lymphatic system, how to hydrate and bring electromagnetic energy to the body, so it can clean itself, and heal itself, then you are simple brain washed, and need to relearn everything you have been taught, because beans and grains and animal foods are not getting humans out of wheel chairs, and dissolving tumors, and reversing all kinds of chronic degenerative conditions, but the fruit is, and when you have been on a raw food diet long enough, and have cleaned out your body well, and return to cooked foods, it’s not going to matter what the so called “experts” say, and the funded study’s say, because your body will tell you, that your dehydrated, fatigued, pain returning, irritability and fatigue, and at this point will it matter what mouths are regurgitating? Or will your body and common sense tell you how to eat, and whats what regarding foods, optimal health, mental stability, and spiritual awareness that brings you to a place of being one with nature, not a Babylon system of conditioning, telling you that you need to eat all this cooked omnivore food, and that a raw food diet is not sustainable lol!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 5 years ago
Views: 450
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