Real food is not a drug!

Real food is not a drug!

Unfortunately society has bread the concept that food is to stimulate taste buds for pleasure. What goes into the body effects the human organism. You must understand what food is, so that you don’t run into the possible repercussions regarding food humans designed to be eating today. Food is for nourishment, and it also is for pleasure, but true pleasure comes from the living foods, and they do not hurt the body and contribute to chronic degeneration. The food is only food for you, when its truly designed for your species. Instead of focusing on micro nutrients and especially protein, it would be more beneficial to put your focus on what food your species is designed for, because anything outside of your true design does not benefit your body, but contributes to and environment of dis-ease.

Food is not a drug, but yet humans have created food that has drug like effects, and are much more dangerous than a lot of drugs. Junk food is killing more people than drugs and alcohol combined. Food addiction is a serious epidemic in this world today, and it’s only getting worse, because people are investing their hard earned money on the food industry to create pleasure seaking food, rather than food that brings pleasure, and also nourishment.

It’s very dangerous to create a problem, with pleasure eating with “foods” that are not designed for you, and also have been known to contribute to chronic degeneration in the human body. You cannot escape the consequences, its only a matter of time, you will have to deal with the damage that you caused regarding the addiction you created by eating foods that are foreign to your anatomy, and create a parasitic, and acid environment in your body, that slowly breaks down cells, damages organs and glands, impairs the nervous system, creates unnecessary weight gain, leads to heart disease, diabetes, or any other medical termed condition. The fact that remains hear is that everything is just systemic acidosis, and over saturated lymphatic system, and not eliminating your waste properly.

We can make excuses all day and look at double blinded fda invested studies, but the facts are right in our faces regarding what’s happening with human bodies regarding their health, because of foods they continue to eat that are not designed for them. Humans are not designed to eat dormant foods that you have to cook, and they are certainly not designed to eat dead animal tissue. Cooked whole plant food is not contributing to chronic “diseases” like animal flesh is, but people are getting sick on whole food plant based diets, and do not regain their health on them, but we do not see this on whole, fresh, organic raw living foods and people are reversing help conditions they were told they could not fix, and there was no hope for them. The power of the living foods triumph over any other diet that society is creating, and most of these diets are contributing to more degeneration and health problems, because humans have gotten away from what food is, and what their designed to eat.

When you start nourishing your body, and you fix your health problems, and you fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination of your waste, you will then find a new appreciation for the raw living foods, because you will not need to rely on them like you would with cooked food that is more of a drug, and an addiction rather than gaining energy, vitality, and true health. What I’m trying to say is that you will not have to over eat to find satisfaction, and you can go long periods without even feeling hungry when you start to bring hydration, and alkalinity to your cells. If you get to this place, then you know that your truly gaining health, and you have removed the obstructions, the drug that is suppressing you.

Nature has created the most nourshing, cleansing and sweet tasting food that humans are designed for, and also are well pleased win consuming them when their picked ripe, fresh and organic in there natural state. It’s very easy to over indulge with over eating cooked food, because cooked food doesn’t really satiate, and satisfy, and that’s why humans are over eating on them, and their bodies are physically able to do so. When your on a fruit base diet, overtime it is very hard to over eat, because your getting tons of nutrition that your body can actually use that will hold you over, and sustain you for long periods of time. These are the facts, and it always makes me laugh regarding the confusion about a raw food diet, let alone a fruit based diet, when I hear people say “where do you get all your nutrition”? The question is are you getting any nutrition if your slamming cooked and denatured food down your throat that is highly processed and cooked, and this is why it’s very difficult to find satisfaction because of the lack of nutrition that your getting on a non raw food diet.

In all reality we shouldn’t be thinking about food all day long, and eating 3-4 meals a day and snacks in between, this over saturates the body from processing, puts too much strain on the digestive system, and it’s very hard for the body to detox and remove metabolic waste, and if you don’t remove metabolic waste, it will store in tissues, and brake them down contributing to inflammation which is acid stagnation. It’s best to just have one eating window in the evening, and to feast on nourshing living foods in a 2-3 hour eating window. If you clean your body well, you will notice that you have more energy when your fasting, versus eating all day long, and all night long. You want to overcome these addictions to junk food, because not only will you save time running into health problems, but you will also save much more money and the convenience of not eating during the day, and fasting for 21-23 hours a day will give you so much more time to do other things that do not revolve around killing your food by cooking it, and having to prepare meals from sun up to sundown. I personally have adopted this way of eating, and I look forward to true satisfaction of food, and have much more of an appreciation when I’m feasting in the evening. I have also noticed much more energy, when my body is not putting so much energy on digestion, which is making me more and more of the believer that we are eating way too much, and it’s just not necessary.

It’s much more than intelligent decision for you to learn how to adopt a lifestyle of eating for nourishment, rather than eating in the way that has been created for you to eat, because society is failing with their diet recommendations, and that’s why the world is sicker then ever before in history today in all of creation. We have access to an abundance of fruits and vegetables, but if humans refuse to invest in buying them, then they will run into their own demise of getting sicker and sicker. Food is fruit and vegetables, and anything outside of it is not food for man. Anything outside of fruits and vegetables, and can’t be eating raw and must be cooked, is considered more of a drug then a food, because of the way that the body recognizes it, and it’s not being recognized as food, but rather a stimulant. When you cook food you create a chemical reaction, and when anything is outside of what nature intended to be used for regarding consumption, the body will react to it the same way it will react to drugs on a smaller scale, or in other words it’s more of a slow kill to the body. If somebody were to measure the brain receptors scientifically with somebody that consumes cooked food versus somebody that eats raw fruits and vegetables, there’s a significant difference in activity, and I’m sure that these chemical reactions wouldn’t stimulate the brain receptors in the same way with eating raw, versus eating cooked, but regardless of a specific study, we can attest to this with honest observation when we eat cooked versus when we eat raw.

We could create a higher conscience humanity, if we learn to eat for nourishment, rather than pleasure to mask emotions, and to use denatured foods as a tool to numb and suppress, because this is the same behavior regarding a person that is addicted to drugs and alcohol.

If you understand what food is, then it will know longer harm the human anatomy. You will have to overcome your “food” drug addiction, if you want to feel healthy, and thrive with the time that you have on this planet you live on in a physical body. Food is not a drug, and real food are your fruits, berries, melons, and vegetables. If you refuse to adopt a diet that truly is design for you, then you will have to enjoy your suffering, from refusing to give up your addictions. The choice is yours, but understand that real food is not a drug, and because humans have turned food into a drug, they are suffering the consequence, and this could easily be avoided by returning to the diet your designed to eat, which is the best tasting food of course when it’s grown properly, and that is fruit hands down.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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