Reasons you should dry fast for 24 hours once a week

Reasons you should dry fast for 24 hours once a week

Spend a day of rest is the focus! Focus on resting the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical body. This is not only going to give you a time to build self discipline, but it’s going to help accelerate healing on a cellular level as well.

The body is designed to fast, and it does fast everyday, and has fasted everyday sense you were born. Why do we call the first meal of the day breakfast? Because your braking your fast, because your body was at rest. Most people fast from eating for at least 8-12 hours everyday, and if you practice natural hygiene you most likely already fast for at least 14-16 hours daily, because you stop eating when the sun goes down everyday, and don’t have breakfast until about 10-12pm.

If you put yourself in nature before all this agriculture, and you had to harvest and gather your food, you would probably naturally have to fast for 24 hours once a week. This is a good thing! You would probably naturally dry fast for 18-20 hours daily, and this is also a good thing, and probably a good reason why these indigenous tribes, and people don’t get the chronic degenerative health dis-eases that humans get in society in an industrialized world of artificial food, artificial light, and artificial stimulation of all kinds.

Give your body a rest from digestion and urinary discretion, this will allow the kidneys and bowels to rest, it will also give the body the energy to work on old damages that need to be healed, and it’s a good way to drain the lymphatic system of waste, and it’s the lymph system that you want to drain, because acids equal inflammation, and chemicals stagnant in the body, like environmental heavy metals are irritants to the brain, and nervous system. Dry fasting will allow the kidneys to filter them out better!

Fasting is apart of a spiritual connection to thyself! Every spiritual giant, and master has done it! Try it for yourself! Don’t put your focus on “detox” primarily when it comes to the physical body, allow your mind to be fully connected to the spiritual realm, and allow this time to better self on a mental, emotional and spiritual mind/body connection to letting it all go, and fully embracing the present moment in full relaxation and meditation.

It’s really not difficult to do a full fast, which is a dry fast. Dry fasting is no contact with water, ingestion of water, and ingestion of food for a period of time. If you start in the evening around 3pm you can eat all day, and I recommend a day of eating only fruit and veg raw, to fully hydrate the body to prepare it for complete rest. You just simple brake the fast at 3pm the next day, and have one big meal for dinner. If you do this once a week every week, you will reset your body (Acadian rhythm) and this will naturally overtime help you to naturally create a habit of fasting on an intermittent level for at least 16-18 hours daily, because you will not be as hungry all the time, and you will most likely not want to binge eat late in the evening, which is the worst thing you can do for your health, and for your weight loss goals.

24 hour dry fasting once a week will create better habits to honor your body. Your body wants to rest and repair, because it’s working overtime digestion all day long 7 days a week, and you wonder why you’re not making any progress? The body cant build and repair at the same time, and this is why healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level is a fasting experience, not an eating and drinking experience.

The fruit diet just allows the body to detox because of the living water and hydration your giving to your body, and fruit is so easily digestible, which means more energy for the body to heal and epair itself, but full body deep layers of healing is a complete fasting experience, and dry fasting in my experience is much more superior then water and juice fasting.

You can achieve this goal of 24 hour dry fasting one day out of the week, if you start intermittent dry fasting daily for 16-18 hours. You won’t even realize how easy it is. Just stop eating and drinking at 6pm until you brake your fast with your first meal at 10-12pm the next day. Your fasting all through the night, which of course counts! (You don’t have to be awake) and if you do this for several months and you also start the 24 hour dry fast mid day around 3pm, so 3pm-3pm, it will seem very easy to what your mind was telling you brining you doubts you would be able to do it. Ive been doing this for about 3 weeks now, and plan to dry fast for 24 hours a week as a maintenance tool for my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health as a lifestyle.

I truly think dry fasting is vital as long as you have hydrated your body for several months with the living foods, and you practice intermittent dry fasting everyday. Fasting and diet is a transition, not a rush, so take your time, and keep working at bettering your goals to getting healthy. If your dying then get on the dry fasting ASAP!, and if it was me I would only eat fruit if I’m going to eat anything and herbal botanicals!

You can loose stubborn fat around your waist, you can help your kidneys to filter your lymphatic system, you can clear your consciousness on a spiritual and emotional level, you can gain self discipline, you can honor your physical health by letting your body rest, and repair for at least 24 hours once a week, and you can overcome emotional eating habits, and eating late at night! It’s the best and most effective natural medicine you can give your body, other then the toxic chemical compounds that mask and suppress symptoms, and damage cells overtime, leading to systemic acidosis of the body, brain, and spirit.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
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