Regenerative detoxification

Regenerative detoxification

Ok understand that the body has 2 fluid based systems one feeds the cells in the body and the other one cleans the cells. Blood feeds the cells and the lymphatic system is there to clean the cells (metabolic waste).

Fork to mouth and how chemistry affects the cells in the body. If the chemistry is acid dominate then dehydration will occur. Acids create a cationic environment meaning damage and decay occur. This damages cells and damages the very system that is designed to clean the debris out of the body. When the lymphatic system gets congested energy pathways are blocked and eliminative organs are compromised.

Alkaline chemistry hydrates the body provides oxygen to cells and helps the body maintain homeostasis that protects the cells and aids in the body to eliminate properly.

Fruit is for humans a food designed for the human organism and a food in harmony with the cleaning process of lymph flow. The hydrating properties of fruit and the electromagnetic properties of the fruit allow lymph to move, and the eliminative organs to open the pathways of acids to escape out of the body. The kidneys/adrenals, bowels and skin are the organs that remove lymph and sewage waste that breaks down the body.

Herbs are conscious electromagnetic plants that target specific organs and glands, and enhance structure function to them. Herbs are all that is required to aid in the elimination process because that’s what healing is the elimination of acids and metabolic waste out of the body.

Dry fasting, juice fasting, water fasting is what’s going to encourage more energy to the body to heal because the body is not using energy on the process and break down of elimination waste regarding the kidneys and bowels. Dry fasting cleans the kidneys, and astringent fruit juice cleans the bowels and water fasting is also a solvent and allows the body all the energy on eliminating waste out of spaces of cells (interstitial spaces) because no nutrition or sugar has to be processed which means more energy on elimination of stagnant waste (old plaque, mucus and metabolitic waste/acids)

This is regenerative detoxification it’s less is more and it’s all about eliminating old stagnant waste. It’s not about nutrition and building and this is why when you open up the pathways of waste to come out the body strips down and gets skinny so the body can pull out toxins, acids, chemicals, metals and the like and it will strip you down to even pull waste out of the bones if it has to and this why detox is an art and a transition depending on what level of weakness and dysfunction you are dealing with (acute, sub/acute, chronic and degenerate)

It may be hard for you to focus on simplicity and trust the process of breaking down before the body can build up as well as dealing with the healing crisis that may take place but this is detox and you want to watch for waste coming out of the body such as sediment in your urine (kidney filtration) and the elimination of metals, mucus, biofilms, viral loads, sulfur and parasites, worms, protein plaques, and mucoid plaques, and even old blood clots and the like come out of the bowels. You might see skin issues occur while waste works it’s way out, and you may feel pain, fatigue and lethargy while waste escapes out of the body and you want to experience this if you are in fact dealing with chronic systemic health issues and this is how you know that you are detoxing and the doors are open.

Remember detoxification while you are still eating is an all fruit diet experience with herbal botanicals and then working up to liquids fasting and intermittent dry fasting. Cooked foods will not detoxify you and supplements and other modalities will do nothing for you if you don’t maintain a diet that moves lymph!! And that’s a fruit diet not a diet of cooked foods and even a diet of raw veggies.

Keep things simple fruit, herbs, fasting get your kidneys filtering and your bowels eliminating, and your skin sweating and just go, go, go and be consistent and disciplined and with time the body will regenerate with time when the sewage comes out and the body maintains hydration and alkalinity then you will create harmony within the body and you will heal the way nature intended without wasting time with modalities that cater to the suppression of symptoms that never address the cause!

The only 4 books you will ever need to read regarding true natural healing through the process of detoxification are these books and the many articles I’ve written on my detox website ??

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
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