Seafood is a chemical toxin to the body

Seafood is a chemical toxin to the body

Humans being land “animals” are obsessed with eating animals from the sea. Humans should not eat any animals for one, because we have zero biological need, and have nothing to resemble a biological need for animals, and when you truly study the anatomy and physiology of humans, your conclusion when you think about this with common sense is not going to convince you that we need to eat animals because we are designed for them.

So why am I saying that sea animals is a chemical toxin to the body? Think about it! The ocean is a chemical bath of environmental toxicity. Radiation, Mercury, environmental toxicity, and a dumping ground of environmental waste. And the animals you eat from the water are literal sponges of absorbing these toxic waste, and your consuming them, and loads of them when you eat sushi!

Not only are you consuming heavy loads of mercury which is a lethal neurotoxin that damaged the central and autonomic nervous system when consumed, but your also creating carcinogenic cancer compounds when you eat them off of barbecues making them the most toxic “food” you can consume! This meat diet fad can be eliminated from your mind when you start thinking with common sense, and understanding they meat is a straight up carcinogen, sponges of environmental toxins, loaded with bacteria, salmonella, hormones and steroids and some with heavy loads of antibiotic drugs, which means these animals are loaded with synthetic sulfates, and these sulfates are extremely acidic, and a perfect fuel source for candida! “Anti candida diet lol”

Yes I’m aware you can eat “hormone free” fish and other meats, but still is it healthy to eat natural hormones, steroids and Neurotransmitters from animals? No it’s not because your endocrine glands make these hormones, and steroids naturally, and when you ingest them, it will overwork your glands causing them to become depended on them in order for you to feel normal! This is why for one people feel good on meat, and two why people feel terrible when they stop eating it. It’s like withdrawals from giving coffee and caffeine.

Fish is not a heath food or any other sea animal food. The ocean is toxic and also the heavy levels of radiation in the Pacific Ocean, it makes no sense to eat them in the name of “health” and to fuel your inferior ketogenic diet! You need to understand that these neurotoxins, and acids that are being absorbed in the seafood are becoming absorbed into your blood steam, then dumped into your lymphatic system for elimination, but overtime your skin gets clogged up, bowels and kidneys, and you don’t eliminate them, and you build up chemical toxin residues in the body, metals, and the outcome is not pretty when other toxins enter the body, and acid and mucus forming foods, they will attach to the mercury, and other heavy metals, and become dormant, and stagnant causing more irritants to your nervous system, and create an acid load that brakes down tissue, weakens your glands, which will in the end stop your body from getting utilization of calcium and minerals your body needs to function optimally and naturally.

There is tons of plastic being dumped into the ocean as well, and these chemicals are being absorbed into the tissues of the sea animal and you cannot cook them out, and eating them raw is like eating pure chemicals, and there is no way around that. The ocean is filthy so good luck finding a “healthy source” of seafood

Just do yourself a favor and avoid eating meat all together, avoid cooking your food all together, eat a diet of plant foods that nourish the body, and clean out the environmental toxins that get stored in your body, fuel your body with energetic foods that are astringent, and will clean your body and pull out these environmental toxins! It makes sense to comsume live foods that clean your body when you eliminate them, and do a good job off pulling out unwanted metals, and toxic residues that store up in the tissues and lymphatic system.

A diet rich in fruits, is the diet that is the most superior, and especially in a world today that’s so polluted and full of chemical irritants that contribute to life threatening health conditions. As hard as it is for domesticated humans to get their minds around foods that are designed for them being fruits, sorry to brake it to you but your a fruigivore, not a herbivore, omnivore, and defiantly not a carnivore!

Fruits clean and enhance the body, and the energetics of the fruit fuels the nervous system, and repair damaged bones, and animal foods especially fish high in mercury damage the bones, and this is why civilizations of high fish eating like the Eskimo’s have a high rate of osteoporosis.

The reason you would struggle with fruit, or a fruit diet, is because your body is so saturated with these chemical toxins, and metals, and the fruit is trying to pull them out of your body. Fruit creates a detox, and exposed problems you created from eating too much fish. It’s hard to benefit from the fruit until they have cleaned you out well enough to tolerate them.

Stop eating innocent sentient animals, they want to live and thrive just like you do, they are not healthy for you for one, and two they are not designed for your specifies ether. I don’t care what your argument is about “what humans have been doing for years” it doesn’t matter what humans have done, you don’t resemble a carnivore or omnivore or a herbivore in the slightest bit, but you do resemble a fruigivore primate, and regardless of what they eat in today’s world limiting their food options, and supply they eat a diet, or did eat a diet that mainly consisting of fresh ripe fruit! Humans are 99% Identical to a bonobo monkey not a bear, lion, or cow.

Don’t be mislead with “diets” and return back to a diet that is designed for you, and it’s plant based, not meat based, fats in meat cover up symptoms, because lipids are anti inflammatory, but not forever when the body becomes taxed with chemicals, carcinogens, cancer causing animal proteins, mercury and toxic chemical plastic that get absorbed into the tissue of the fish, which in return get absorbed into the tissues of your body creating systemic acidosis, and serious neurological dysfunctions.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 460
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