Sewage stagnation under the skin

Sewage stagnation under the skin

All skin problems is a matter of lymph stagnation and endocrine gland issues and lymph building up in the subcutaneous layers of the skin and this can be a result of low thyroid function and always a result of gi congestion and poor kidney filtration.

It’s all systemic my friends and it’s all caused by putting chemistry in the body that damages it. It’s ACIDS and neurotoxins in the body and eliminative organ weakness.

Your skin is the largest organ on your body and it’s like a kidney and lung meaning that it’s used to sweat toxins and lymph waste out of your body. Your kidneys are the body’s main channel for eliminating sewage stagnation out of the lymphatic system and if your kidneys are clogged up with calcium deposits, drug deposits and mucus then your skin will make up for the lack of kidney filtration via urination and when acids work there way out of the body the skin will try to pull them out and if the thyroid is down and you fail to sweat then lymph will settle and get trapped in the subcutaneous layers and cause rashes, acne, and all the silly labels attached to skin conditions.

Who cares what the skin condition is go after your sewer system and clean out the waste and that’s accomplished through the process of hydration and alkalinity and a diet based around electromagnetic energy such as fruits, berries and melons and of course eliminating acid ash foods that damage the kidneys such as your beans, grains, eggs, dairy and dead animal tissue and the cooking oils and processing of foods.

If your diet from cooked acid ash foods to a diet of raw living foods low in proteins and fats and heal the kidneys and adrenals and when the waste comes out and the skin breaths well and the thyroid produces enough heat through steroids and hormones and you fix metabolic rate you will sweat out toxins and you will heal your skin this way as well.

If you have skin problems you don’t want to put any chemistry on it or oils and just clean from within and a little trick to cleaning your skin is to adopt a diet high in mangoes.

Clean out the bowels with the fruit fibers and the astringent properties of the fruit and the head will drain and the acids will come out and dry skin, rashes, acne, and other skin related problems will be resolved. Go after the skin, bowels and kidneys and all systemic acidosis related problems will be addressed. Dry saunas, fruit juice feasting and herbs and enemas and colonics for the bowels, and dry fasting for the kidneys to get them filtering well and being consistent with a diet of fruit and raw living foods and time and consistency, patience and a positive attitude you can fix your skin naturally and when you clean the internal the external will be addressed and understand that skin problems may get worse through the process of regenerative detoxification before the issue gets resolved. Acids in blowback and acids out blowback but the blowback of acids coming out is far more of an accomplishment when you can achieve baby smooth skin down the road with hard work because masking and suppressing symptoms only creates more of a blowback down the road and when you take cortical steroids you crash the adrenals and when the adrenals go down the kidneys stop filtering and when you shut down the adrenals you can run into neurological problems when the adrenals stop producing Neurotransmitters, steroids and hormones and then you can fail to utilize sugar for sugar metabolism, and mineral utilization you run into more health-related problems outside of just skin conditions.

Skin problems are always a lymphatic problem and it’s related to systemic acidosis and Interstitial lymphatic constipation and if you drain the sewage that is oversaturated in the body you will have no skin related problem and if you do have skin problems you have sewer system problems and it was first caused by chemistry that has entered the body that is on the acid side of chemistry and alkaline chemistry and hydration protects cells and activates and encourages fluidity for waste elimination.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
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